Tuesday, August 01, 2023

All clothing purchased in frum stores must be checked for Shatnez by a qualified testers affiliated with the International Shatnez testers Association



אב תשפ"ג

Shatnez Warning

Many instances of shatnez are found in garments produced and sold by Jewish-owned companies.

As an example, Fino Custom Clothiers is a Jewish-owned retail outlet that produces and sells men’s custom suits in New York and New Jersey, including Monsey and Lakewood. Over the past couple of weeks, laboratory results have verified that two of its suit styles (pictured below) have all been found to contain shatnez.

Obviously, one may not wear the pictured suits. Additionally, as with all Jewish-owned stores, all Fino Custom brand suits should be tested for shatnez before wearing.

These incidents underscore the severe problem of assuming that shatnez cannot occur in garments produced by Jewish-owned companies.

Please publicize!


ועד למשמרת שעטנז

Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez
64 Aspen Court, Lakewood
United States of America

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