Thursday, July 20, 2023

Discover meat-free protein alternatives

 Discover meat-free protein alternatives

So before you throw a steak on the grill, think about incorporating more plant proteins in your diet. Many plant protein sources contain plenty of fiber, little fat and an array of vitamins and minerals — without the higher saturated fats found in many meats.

Getting enough protein through plant-based foods

The recommended daily amount of protein for an average sedentary adult is 0.8 gram (g) for every 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of body weight. So someone who weighs 165 pounds (75 kilograms) should get 60 g of protein a day.

Older adults should get slightly more protein — about 1 gram (g) of protein for every 2.2 pounds of body weight. In this case, a 165-pound person should get about 75 g of protein a day.

How does that translate into food sources? One 3-ounce serving of lean meat contains about 21 g of protein. Compare that with these plant proteins:

  • Beans, peas and lentils. A 1/2 cup serving provides about 7 to 10 g of protein. Use beans in chili, tacos, black bean burgers, salads, dips and spreads. Green soybeans (edamame) work well in rice dishes. And peas and lentils are great in soups.
  • Nuts and seeds. A 1-ounce handful provides around 3 to 7 g of protein. Reach for seeds or unsalted nuts instead of chips for a crunchy snack. Use soy nuts or slivered almonds as a salad garnish, or throw chopped nuts on your cereal.
  • Tofu. A 1/2 cup serving of tofu has 10 g of protein. Use it in stir-fry, add it to salads, or mix it into smoothies.
  • Hummus. A 1/3 cup serving of store-bought hummus has 6 g of protein and comes in versatile varieties like peanut butter or roasted red pepper.


  1. Welcome Dr. Yudel PHD.

  2. R' Yudel is a man of many hats!

    The Mishna says when someone knows a lot of Torah he is given a matonnah to know other chochmos even without being trained in them. On an even higher madraigah, that's how the rosh yeshiva R' Aron ztvkl was able to decipher architectural & engineering plans that the official mumchim were stumped on. Mayseh shehaya.

  3. a man of many hats

    R' Yidel in a kutchma - I'm so there!
