Thursday, July 06, 2023

OU Kosher Alert Spring Valley Potato Blintzes

 JULY 5, 2023

Spring Valley
Potato Blintzes
MilMar Food Group, Goshen NY

We have recently been notified that some packages of Spring Valley Potato Blintzes contained cheese blintzes (non-Cholov Yisroel). This only applies to LOT# 1513MMR7831RE. This does not affect all packages in this lot, however, out of an abundance of caution, all packages from this lot have been removed from the shelf. If you have a package at home, please check it before preparing it to be sure it is potato and not cheese.  Corrective actions have been implemented.

1 comment:

  1. Did they Change the mashgiach ??
    Did they make Tikunim ? Like what ?
    Is this place really another Manalapan in denial ??
    Or did this place not kick out a certain Hashgacha with a blog.
