Tuesday, July 04, 2023

The only Community that doesn't take any handouts from the Government, etc


The Only Community that Doesn't Take a Penny from "the Medinah" 

No SS, No Medicaid, No Medicare, No Health Insurance, 

No Fed Grants for Yeshivas..... 

Nada ..Gurnisht!

They don't apologize for not being doctors, lawyers or dentists!


  1. Lehavdil elef havdolos, R' Meir Stern shlita does not allow his Passaic yungerleit to take government welfare programs even though the yeshiva itself probably does take certain benefits. He holds it's nisht bakovoddik for bnei Torah, as yechidim, to go through the that shnorring process.

  2. Why do the ķids have to suffer. If the fathers in Kolel and there's no food stamps the kids go hungry. Shame on him tell him to lead by example why is he allowed to take government programs ah shanda.
