Friday, August 11, 2023

Long-Term Use of Acid Reflux Medications Linked to Higher Dementia Risk

 One can use a Spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water twice a day and the reflux is gone.

No long-term issues.


  1. Choimetz ben Appel ZaftFri Aug 11, 07:30:00 PM 2023

    What's your source for the apple cider vinegar?


    Who did Klein's ice cream get into goyishe stores all over in areas with no Yidden when cholov Yisroel is so much more expensive to produce over cholov Akum?

  3. How did the listeria contamination happen? I hope they weren't taking shortcuts to save a few bucks. Does R' Yudel trrrust Klein's ice cream kashrus?


    The claim that apple cider vinegar can relieve heartburn — when stomach acid travels up your esophagus and causes burning pain — is particularly perplexing because, as Dr. Kalakota notes, apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid.

    "Consuming it just contributes to the acid in your stomach that's already causing issues," says Dr. Kalakota. "It can actually just worsen acid reflux."

    Most of the other supposed benefits are either unstudied or have been debunked

    Dr. Kalakota says the most important thing to know about apple cider vinegar is that it should never be consumed without first diluting it with water.

    That's because drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar can cause:

    Erosive dental disease
    Erosive esophageal disease

    "I've had several patients come in who couldn't swallow, and diagnostic endoscopy uncovered that the lining of their entire esophagus was completely raw," says Dr. Kalakota. "When I ask about their diet, I then find out they're taking apple cider vinegar shots every day."

    The highly acidic nature of apple cider vinegar is what leads to this damage. This quality is also what causes tooth erosion, which Dr. Kalakota notes is supported by case studies.

  5. If our Guru Reb Yudel posted that it works there no shayleh in everyones mind that it works.

    And you 9:46 are automaticly a Zakain Mameray.

  6. I've taken these for over 25 years and -- wait, what was I saying?
