Thursday, August 24, 2023

OU Re: party planners- for the past 5 years, When Reb Yudel Shain gives a Hashgocha at an affair with a party planner, he has them sign his contract.



  1. Better late than never?Thu Aug 24, 05:23:00 PM 2023

    If only Der Schreier would give a hoot about impeding treif elsewhere that he is in charge

    like the treif cover up at the Montefiore Hospital cafeteria

    & the treif cover up at Le Marais restaurant

    1. I just learned sooooo much positive knowledge from these old tall tale mayselach that not you go straight to ?????

    2. So the heiligeh arkoois denied the plaintive’s motion thus stating that the UO did not perjure themselves.
      There goes your heiligeh heter for accepting this fact as true even though if the arkoois says something it much much more true then any Bais din in the world
      At least your consistent with your Sedom logic.


    The OU perjuring themselves? What's this about?

    1. Ummm. Are you feeling well? 1.This is from 2007
      2. The judge dismissed the complaint.

  3. Schreier doubles as a long time Queens Vaad rabbi

  4. Cronies of the OU Kosher's Quacking CEO rabbi immediately jumped out of their holes to defend the brand.

    But the reason that the motion was dismissed is because the OU lucked out on a legal technicality. There is an arguably illogical law that a religious org is immune from all religious discrimination claims even when the avlos they do are not religiously motivated.

    One hothead is cursing that the exposers are going to the H / Gimmel place. It would be beneficial for him to learn sifrei Chofetz Chaim regarding one who covers up a michshol on the rabim.

    1. I couldn’t care less about the OU one way or another - but really, dude - 2007?

  5. Why does Yudel Shain get a “Reb”?

  6. He gets a REB because is is the master teacher of פרשת בלק.

  7. "It would be beneficial for him to learn sifrei Chofetz Chaim regarding one who covers up a michshol on the rabim"

    He learns sifrei Galochim instead. Vehamayvin yuvin.

  8. Haloi Anoichee mashgichechaFri Aug 25, 02:53:00 PM 2023

    פרשת בלק

    Someone intruding on the blog to bristle against everything said (even when he's not directly giving digs to his Numero Uno enemy R' Yudel) is gilgul of the pi ha'asson.

    R' Itzel Ponivitzher said the big limud from the asson is that a selfish beheimish creature can never behave like a mentch that cares about others.


  10. I once saw at a party they were setting up there was a frum party planner taking oit brand bew silverware dishes and other fancy platters to stuff on brand new just opened box i asked her what about toiveling the stuff she said theres no time for that i sold the stuff to my goyidh worker and will buy it back when i have the time to toivel it whag do u think about that ? Is it ok or not to do such a thing?

  11. Sat Aug 26, 11:33:00 PM 2023

    If your not goires the OU you cant anything even if the most heimish or even Yudel approved stuff. Faker.

  12. Ridiculous! Selling to a goy veiter requires tevilah. Some commenters here need to start with tzuras osiyos Alef Beis!

  13. Selling or gifting to a goy and then borrowing it from the goy does not require tevillah.
    I dont know tzuras osiyos but i remember until gimel and that is what says until gimel.
