Monday, October 09, 2023



  1. Kahane was correct in most of his dayos. But there is at least 1% krumkeit. He was attacking R' Elchonon Hy"d for years. Someone else still alive who also long attacked REW finally admitted a few years ago that although his opposition to REW was due to another gadol having had taynos on REW, the other gadol may have been missing part of the picture. Kahane however never backed down. Kahane was a Modern Orthodox boy who attended Mirrer yeshiva because he happened to live nearby.

    1. The other person alive has never taken back his statement. He only drays here and there back and forth so he can look good.
      He does not base anything he says or preaches on genuine Torah’dik Mesorah.

  2. What good is an empty "We stand with Israel??" If you want to help then send money, make up with an enemy and do chessed

  3. Limud Hatorah is too burdensome in the 5 Towns?

    Yankel Bender didn't get this formula void of Torah from Mirrer yeshiva where he supposedly learned

    Our response should be, as Rabbi Yaakov Bender shlita stated in a gathering in the White Shul this evening, “imo anochi betzara.” We should refrain from trips, purchases, and excess eating. We should daven and say tehillim

    1. Another great statement to post in these serious times.
      Learning from Artscroll or Mesifta or Chumash and Rashi or mishnayos from legato etc all are considered learning just like the guy who, at his level, hire es through a chacon ish, RAE or a Reb Chaim.
      Cut out your criticism just for a bit.
      You may even feel better.

    2. False.
      & even that you attempt to claim is a churban


  5. There's been a major change here in the last few days. After Sleepy Joe Biden initially sent his hoiz Kapo Blinken out to be critical of Israel, they did a 180 degree about face to slam the terrorists & their Leftist supporters. Even Biden's puppet master Obama announced something previously unthinkable for him in calling for Hamas to be dismantled.

    What happened?

    I think the Obama-Biden symbiosis at first glance underestimated the public revulsion of the Arab barbarity that the Arabs themselves broadcast on Simchas Torah. The Rambam in the Yad says that even most plundering reshoyim deem killing women & children repugnant (as long as they are somewhat civilized). The Rogotchover is medayek in megilas Esther that this is the main reason why Achashverosh wanted to strangle Haman at the seudah. He had only agreed to kill all the men. Then he was tipped off that someone went behind his back to change the upmach. When he demanded to know who the bloodthirsty mechutzef is, Esther quickly pointed to Haman. While Obama is still a bigger rasha than even what the Rambam describes, he is smart enough to figure out that the public outrage at the Democrat establishment would be unsustainable.

    Now add to this that Bobby Kennedy / RFK Jr announced he is running for President as an Independent. Bobby is popular among enough Democrats and is pro-Israel that he poses a huge threat to Obama-Biden.

    While Obama is an evil, anti-Semitic snake, he is a practical one so he knew coming out "full stop" for Israel is the best chance for Biden and/or other establishment Democrats to survive the coming election.

  6. How come killing men is still less repugnant.

    The oldies of when there was some plausible weaker gender aren't long over??

  7. "when there was some plausible weaker gender aren't long over??"

    Is 2:12 pm really that clueless? Or is he / she a militant feminist?

  8. One of the several Fox News channels had the retired Intelligence official on tonight, US Marines Lt. Col. Hal Kempfer. He said the reason why Hezbollah hasn't dared open a 2nd front against Israel is the collective threats they have received from the United States & other countries. A second American carrier group is now steaming to the eastern Mediterranean. Hezbollah has been very clearly warned that all this firepower will be used to blast them back to the Stone Age. European countries whom Kempfer would not name have also directly threatened Hezbollah they will join the American attack. Pretty significant that even the spineless EUniks are finally standing up to the Arabs.

    And have you been following the "mainstream" networks like ABC News? Now that Biden & his puppet master Obumbum have (for selfish reasons) turned against the Arabs & their Socialist Democrat supporters, the Biden-Obumbum lapdogs who moonlight as the news presenters are exposing every gory detail of the Arab savagery & generating sympathy for the Yidden. The last time this happened was the 1950s.

  9. Thu Oct 12, 12:39:00 AM 2023

    Its YKW. who else could it be ?

  10. Aviation Week is reporting that the Shin Bet was aware as far back as a decade ago that Hamas terrorists were training to attack with motorized paragliders - in Malaysia.

    In case anyone has been wondering by the way how some of the rampaging terrorists seen in the videos are Shvartzas, these are migrants, Ethiopians, Sudanese & Smelly Somalis who unsuccessfully tried to make it on foot to live as shnorrers in Tel Aviv. When they couldn't make it past Egypt, Hamas allowed the Muslim ones to stay in Gaza. Most Muslim Shvartzas from those countries are savages & speak Arabic in any case, so they fit right in.

  11. Google deleted an entry yesterday at Dus Iz Nies blog & warned him that exposing Black Lives Matter as the Hamas supporters that they are is "hate speech"

  12. Continued tefillos & learning are more important than you realize

    Jane's Defense Intelligence warns that while Israel may be able to barely handle dual fronts against Hamas & Hezbollah, there is fear of West Bank Arabs acting up to take advantage of the chaos. Such a scenario of 3 fronts at once chalilah would require intervention by US troops. There is also fear of a 4th front from Iranian militias in Syria.

    Elsewhere, US House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul is warning that the Taliban is itching to join the attack on Israel and it's possible Iran could attempt to facilitate their passage to Lebanon or Syria. Newsweek has earlier reported that US weaponry abandoned by Biden in Afghanistan was provided by the Taliban to Hamas.


    Hamas has probably moved the hostages to Egypt or Lebanon
