Wednesday, October 04, 2023

ALERT: Brown eggs have a lot of blood spots- 50% are with blood spots



  1. This is such alter nayess that it's grown a full length beard. Why did the OU fort take certification money for so many brown eggs containing blut? Is it because their "Birdman" Loike is a za Linker? He's been saying out loud for years in his Far Left Modern Orthodox circles that you don't have to shter zich from consuming bloody eggs.

  2. Well Yudel
    Maybe agrees with him. Yudel only said that are a lot of blood spots. He didn’t say anything about not eating them and/ or kashring keilim.
    Thus if want lots af blood spotted eggs but the brown ones.

  3. How does Avrrromie Rrreit hire a Modern Ortho vee Loike as head of chinuch at Camp Yoreh Deah?

  4. "Don't worry" as the OU has got it all figured out.

    Loike is to the fowl what Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel is to the cattle.

    Even if Loike erupts a scandal as great as Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel it will be "deja vu" all over again.

    Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel got caught eating at an event with non-Orthodox hashgacha & personally training Conservative clergy koifrim to shecht. To head off public outrage, Genack pretended he was demoting the Dokter Rabbiner to put him under a new head of shechita who is a Charedisher from Manchester, UK. Genack simply waited until the commotion died down. There was no demotion & no Charedisher.

    Genack has the back of the Dokter Rabbiner, of Loike, and of any other "Progressive" who deviates from halacha, catering to full blown & de facto Open Orthodox.

    1. Who ever knew the the OU poppper ( yesh goirsin eye popper but it’s factually incorrect)
      Is such terrorist activist who has personal opinions about everyone. Ultra orthodox, Orthodox, modern orthodox closed orthodox, partially ajar orthodox, open orthodox just to name a few.
      One has to suspect that knowing the open orthodox in such detail he must be part of them - closet open orthodoxy.
      Wait until the closet door open then the real Yenta terrorist is uncovered.

  5. Maybe it’s you not Avrumy.
    You have a grudge on the guy. Just say: I hate him. Then he can join your special “Jew lovers club”.
