Tuesday, September 26, 2023

מאוד הזהר מ'הצבועים- be aware of the Secular Chareidim! Many have been outed already- The Orthodox clad, Atheists, have yet to be outed

 In general, The Secular Chareidim used to migrate to the Five Towns, but stayed in the closet.

Then some started migrating to Monsey and Lakewood etc, and coming out of the closet.

Lately many have migrated to Toms River, New Jersey. 

Be aware of the above.

The Orthodox Atheists, are still in the closet, they must be outed as well.


  1. Who are the zevooim ??? What are the signs and the little 'give-aways' of Zevooim ???

  2. Secular Haredim? Where?

  3. What a wholesale disgusting comment throwing all of Toms River under the bus.

  4. R’ Yudel did not throw “all” of Toms River. He said that many of the bums happen to be moving there. That’s not the same thing that ab accuses R’ Yudel of doing

    1. No, he indicated that many people living there are modern hareidim. That's not the same as a bum.

    2. Explain the difference

    3. How big is the difference? Long term

  5. There aint no zevooim. The aint no bus. And Toms River is Lakewood.
    The host is venting as things get out of his control.

  6. Do the secular charedim wear ties?

  7. Ties?, depending on the circumstances.

  8. I just love your ahavas Yisrael, and non judgmental acceptance of those with different views than your myopic one. Keep up the good work.


    1. Decry, where they are, &where they're going

      Appreciate,better than themselves, what are capable of

  9. Yeshivishe hashgoches?Sun Sep 10, 11:30:00 PM 2023

    What a farce! The minimum kashrus standard to join AKO is less than what it takes to be recommended by it's parent org cRc. I hope Fishbain doesn't start double rubberstamping the substandard hashgoches in this boat now that he's been exposed. The proper solution is to boot anyone not meeting cRc standards from AKO.

  10. AKO is a political org!

  11. AKO idea was the brain child of the Star-K, in order to have no transparency to the kosher consumer from the kosher certifiers.

    We wish AKO was only a political Organization, as there would be some accountability to the kosher consumer, which there is "zero".

  12. Sometimes the Zevuim are right under your doorstep. Or maybe just inside your own door.

  13. "have yet to be outed"

    al pi Gemara & Rashi in Yuma that fakers should be exposed

    But this Gemara & Rashi scares the daylights out of the Agudah Fressers who use all their might to cover up for all the fakers

  14. Must of met some 'colored guys' on yom kippur. What makes them zevuim ?

  15. Reb Yudel. Can you please post the Schach bug cleaning list from Rav Vaye ???

  16. They are fakers just like most of CONCERT attendees are just there for the free show -never opened a Jewish book. They do excel in Kinyan Musica.

  17. Reb Elya Svei, Z"L, would never had allowed Sholom Kamenetsky to be on the Moetzes, he had a veto power. In the Philly Yeshiva, he couldn't do anything to prevent him from becoming a R"M.

    Li'maaseh, the entire Moetzes is a "gelechter".

    It's only good for setting up speakers for the annual Agudah convention.

    Oh, and the Siyum Hashas.

    If the Gedoilim of the past generation would know what happened to Agudah.

  18. Another Jew lover. Letting his overloaded steam out on the Agudah.
    There is no where else to blow steam and then produce even more steam.

  19. Agudah Kovod ZucherWed Oct 04, 10:06:00 AM 2023

    "If the Gedoilim of the past generation would know"

    R' Chaim Brisker saw it coming, called the current Agudah the sekretaren pretending to be daas Torah & refused to join Agudah for this reason!

  20. You gotto love shvitzers who know what Reb Elya would have said or done.
    They’ll never say that about someone who’s still alive. They’ll get caught with their pants, full of tzoiah, down.

  21. 'You Know Who' is always complaining in the outer outer boro of NYC about "shvitzers". And as he often does he signs off with some more lushen "nekiyeh" at 11:34 am

  22. Even in R' Elya's days a bigger rosh yeshiva than them called the Moetzes the "college boys". A bunch of them were in college, including R' Elya for 6 months before he had charotah & dropped out. But that half year was enough that he couldn't get into Brisk & even almost couldn't get into BMG.

    Sholom K is however a whole new mussag of hanging out & lecturing at universities. Is that why in Garfinkel's constant barrage of Philly-obsessed letters to the Yated you never see a single mention of Sholom K?

  23. Let’s not forget Reb Chaim made his prediction pre Reb Elya too….

  24. R' Chaim was NOT speaking pre-Philly. He said "in a few doros"

  25. That a new angel and fits right into your agenda and iluyis that only you know what Reb Elya would have said.
    Sweet dreams.

  26. As usual, the wanna be Briskehs, steer everything in their predetermined direction. And this just mother perfect example. The real Briskehs just learn and huriveh they couldn’t care less about politics like our FF in so busy with.
