Tuesday, September 19, 2023

RE: Get refusers Agunas



  1. How much are 'yudel hadassim' this year ???

    1. Depends if it's menupetz leshmah

  2. Was it checked by the No Murkav Lab approved by RYK ??

  3. This video is a misleading and Apikorsis, He is not Tiv BiGitten and Kedushin.

    He's wrong on many levels. To say a few.

    We never ostracize in halacha to force a Get. Harchakos are not a cherem and they were stopped 400 years ago by the Marival because of this specific reason. Because the public, including this rabbi, doesn't know the difference between withholding small favors (the correct definition) and a cherem or public shame.

    It's forbidden to withhold an aliya. See maharik. It's considered shame and you're never allowed to shame.

    The 5 cases of the Mishna don't mention about a contagious diseases. The rabbi made it up.

  4. #2 additionally This video is misleading and Apikorsis, He is not Tiv BiGitten and Kedushin, because:

    A man could pursue sholom as long as he wants. No time limit.

    ...So says 36 of the gedolei haposkim that lived for the last 1000 years.

    See Rashba so often quoted by Rav Elyashiv ztl:
    אין אישה יוצא לרצונה...
    She doesn't leave whenever she wants.

    Halacha doesn't care about her or her feminist rabbis opinions or when you decide the marriage is over.

    Forcing a Get based on time limits of sholom will only invalidate the Get!

    This Rabbi isn't an expert in gittin. He should not be involved. Period. So says Kedushin 13a.

    1. Reb Moshe clearly paskened differently, and that is the accepted Pesak. He writes quite clearly that after eighteen months, shalom is no longer likely and therefore he is not pursuing shalom any more.

      We can talk in learning, but one gets the sense from your writing that you don't see such a story as a tragedy. When a woman cannot stand living with her husband, and he uses his Torah rights as a way to hurt her, the Halacha says she is Assur, but he is a snake, an evil person who uses the Torah to hurt people. The Torah never intended for a woman to be in jail, as the Rambam clearly writes. We may not be able to force him to give a get, but anyone who supports him and tries to find ways to sympathize with him, is a sick individual.

    2. Weird. Rabbi Zimmerman made it clear several times that woman are equally refusers. Why are you busy talking about the 'tragedy' of women and not the tragedy of men who are in the same situation?

      Shows how much h you really care.

  5. Thank you get mimcheh. Or maybe just a ORA sympathizer.

  6. There are lots of reasons to withhold an aliyah from all kinds of people in the population, which is done by rabbonim in their kehillos on a regular basis. It is usually not announced. So then why couldn't a get refuser, who when lechol hadeyos is doing an aveireh, be kept away from receiving aliyos without it being announced?

    I get suspicious when Rav Zimmerman gets attacked here especially because 'You Know Who', from the outer outer boro of NYC, who hates R' Yudel to no end, has used this site to attack many rabbonim he doesn't like. He has attacked Rav Zimmerman here as well over the years. We know the corrupt, selfish reason why he hates Rav Zimmerman, who he previously mocked, falsely, that Rav Zimmerman was "kicked out of Monsey". Let's just say that his hatred of Rav Zimmerman is much more corrupt than the immature reason for the recent cheap shot that he launched on Yudelstake against Dirshu.

  7. Acc.to a distinguished older Rabbi amu"sh in his region women vs men refusers is 6:1

  8. "Let's just say that his hatred of Rav Zimmerman is much more corrupt than the immature reason for the recent cheap shot that he launched on Yudelstake against Dirshu"

    It's because Rav Zimmerman fights against child molesters & noiafim which is a problem for yenner critic's mishpooche.

  9. "kicked out of Monsey".

    Just as true as your yesoimim balony.
    Here they kicked outthe yesoimim here they kicked out the Z.
    However, his interview was outstanding.

  10. Of course it's not true that anyone kicked Rav Z out.

    No surprise how even erev Yom Hakudoish that you now deny employing that slander against him, after you spent years shouting lahadam against what IS true how the Queens Vaad (beroisham your father's pal) threw the bones of 1000s of yesomim in the trash so they could make $millions reselling the kevorim to Russian freya & shkutzim

  11. The Dodelsons terrorized their son in law Weiss to divorce their daughter.

    This Aryeh Dodelson, threatened Yudel Shain who was protecting the Weiss fellow.

    Aaron Kotler decided to have the Schottensteins tell Artscroll, that if the Weiss son doesn't divorce the Dodelson girl the Weiss father will be fired from Artscroll. He was one of theie editors.


  12. When Handler from Mirrer Kollel went to Rav Elyashev with all the historical & photographic evidence of the Queens Vaad & their wealthy shutef Jacobson destroying the many kevorim, Jacobson had a rabbi he pays off issue a statement that Handler is a "roidef". This same rabbi had more than half his shul quit on him when he moved the new building way out of central Flatbush to accommodate no one but Jacobson. This rabbi has also been highly criticized for sometimes employing gangster like language that he picked up from Belsky. Note that participants in the shakedowns of Mendel Epstein & Belsky include Queens Vaad Av Beis Din Peretz Steinberg & Queens Vaad member Ephraim Bryks, shvogger of Queens Vaad member Paysach Krohn.

    1. Who says the evidence is true?
      Who says he ever went to REY?
      Who says that is not ‘Bubbeh mayseh numero Uno?
      But the comment was just fine for machras Yom Kippur to keep up the holy mitzvot.
      Do you believe in YK? Or is your repentance there just to get all that Muslim paradise which you can’t afford down here.

  13. what does thedodelson story have to do with a day after yom Kippur ????

  14. Dodelson has been spotted taking a time out in Israel. He may not come back depending on whether prosecutors hash out the Vanity Fair article on his financial wheeling-dealing.

  15. Some Schottensteins have gotten in trouble with authorities after the Weiss-Feinstein mishpocho were harassed


    David is not the only one in trouble either

  16. There goes the 'Numero Uno' denier, 'You Know Who', again, for the umpteenth time in total denial as if there aren't mountains of evidence on the destruction of the kivrei yesomim that were gathered for Rav Elyashev. When one of Rav Elyashev's top gabboyim wrote a letter on his behalf to blast the utterly corrupt Queens Vaad, they flew out to Israel in their feeble attempts to cover it up with a pack of lies. They came day after day for three days when Rav Elyashev finally threw them out for good because he caught them lying. A Flatbush magazine recorded the gantz masa umatan which has been posted to Yudelstake in previous years. ('You Know Who' of course claimed then that the magazine made it up) This is besides an expert witness genealogist who knew the cemeteries who was supposed to testify against the Queens Vaad ausvarfs at a special Tribunal of the NY Attorney General, but altz the millions of dollars of filthy profit $$ at stake, was mysteriously assassinated a few days earlier.

    'You Know Who' has even more personal negios to deny than most people realize. His fetter Georgie was in the same 1950s Torah Vodaas graduating class as Queens Vaad culprit Steinberg. Handler from the Mir has been telling everyone that Steinberg screamed a threat at him that he would have Italianishe Mafia knock him off too

  17. "just to get all that Muslim paradise which you can’t afford down here"

    Just goes to show what 'You Know Who' is all about, that he is purposely meramez on znus with that sick statement. All is not well with him in that outer outer boro of NYC.

  18. Tue Sep 26, 10:48:00 PM 2023

    If his name does not start with the letter J he is not part of the artscroll/Mesorah shas Schottenstein family.
    Its like this guy byrks, who every one knows from this site, being familty with the whole wide world if that scanner/scammer had it his way.

  19. to Anonymous on Thu Sep 21, 09:30:00 PM 2023

    your statement is a lie, you incorrectly stated
    "Reb Moshe clearly paskened differently, and that is the accepted Pesak. He writes quite clearly that after eighteen months, shalom is no longer likely and therefore he is not pursuing shalom any more."

    The fact is Reb Moshe never paskened such a thing about eighteen months, he said the opposite, this is a misquote and manipulation by the establishment apikores feminist Batei Din. Reb Moshe was talking about a case where the man wanted to give a Get and Reb Moshe told him to wait eighteen months to maybe save the marriage. So they take and misquote the eiteen months to save a marriage into eighteen months to break a marriage.

  20. to Anonymous on Thu Sep 21, 09:52:00 PM 2023

    your statement is a lie, you incorrectly stated
    "There are lots of reasons to withhold an aliyah from all kinds of people in the population, which is done by rabbonim in their kehillos on a regular basis. It is usually not announced. So then why couldn't a get refuser, who when lechol hadeyos is doing an aveireh, be kept away from receiving aliyos without it being announced?"

    I dont know where you get your information, but the Torah says otherwise. Firstly in accordance with the Torah there is no such thing as a "Get Refuser", a man Halachikly has a right to seek Sholom Bayis all his life. "Get Refuser" is a term created by the feminist reform apikores Get On Demand Movement. Secondly you are talking nonsense apikorsis, the Halacha is that by Maus Alai there is never a Chiyuv of Get. Your opinions and feelings dont matter, only Halacha matters. Everything you wrote is against Halacha and Hashkofa. If you are quoting alleged Halachik sources please post the verse and chapter, but you cant, because you make up and manipulate concepts as you please.

  21. I am Thu Sep 21, 9:52 PM and I find it interesting to say the least that I'm being attacked.

    While I am far from a feminist chalila and not otherwise a manipulator, you need to chill out about the term "get refuser". Perhaps I should have chosen a different shprach that the feminists have never used. As I'm sure you are well aware, there are men who in specific circumstances are doing an aveirah by not giving a get.

  22. has anyone heard or seen aryeh lately?
