Thursday, September 14, 2023

Alert: All Nori sheets used for Sushi are "all" infested with "copepods" [including the ones w/ hashgochas] The Volover is only checking for sea-horses, not copepds

Use rice-paper or soy sheets.


  1. לַיְּהוּדִ֕ים הָֽיְתָ֥ה אוֹרָ֖ה וְשִׂמְחָ֑ה וְשָׂשֹׂ֖ן וִיקָֽר. רבותי! הזדמנות לקידוש ד' ולהרעיש עולם, בסימן טוב ובמזל טוב. כל עם ישראל מברכים את הגאון הצדיק המוסר נפשו על קידוש השם (ולכאורה) הוא "מנהיג הדור הבא", היינו מוה"ר רבי מאיר בלוי שליט"א – אסיר עולם התורה.

    אשריך רבי מאיר שנתפסת במצות קידוש שם שמים, וזכית לקדש את שמו יתברך ברבים, וכעת מהשמים נותנים לך כח להשאר חזק ע"פ דרך התורה הק', בגאוה, בחוזק, ו"בעזות דקדושה" במעצר פתוח, עם הכובע והחליפה של החרדים לדבר ד', כי רואים את היראת שמים שלך על פניך, ולכן פטרו אותך מללבוש את הבגדים הצואים שלהם, שהם מסריחים, ומלא צואה וכו'….. חזק ואמץ! ואל תחת מפני איש!!! כי הגאולה קרובה מאוד, כי הגאולה קרובה מאוד, כי הגאולה קרובה מאוד, כי הגאולה קרובה מאוד מאוד מאוד.

    בפלג הירושלמי החליטו לצאת ביום חמישי למחאה אדירה בירושלים. כולם להגיע להפגנה החשובה תנו כבוד לתורה מכל החוגים והעדות, אשכנזים, ספרדים, דתיים, חסידים, תימנים, מתנגדים, חרדים, מסורתים, תנו כבוד לתורה והוקירו לומדיה. בואו להזדהות עם הבני תורה, והאברכים, ובני הישיבות עמלי התורה, שבזכותם אנחנו חיים כאן. ועל כל אלו שלא יוצאים למחות כבר כּתיב עליהם "וַיִּתְאַפַּק הָמָן". ודע: שלפי דעת "כל גדולי הדור" חייבים לצאת להפגין ולמחות נגד השמד. ועל כל אלו שלא מוחים כּתיב "וַיִּתְאַפַּק הָמָן". ויה"ר שבזכותך (רבי מאיר) נזכה בקרוב בסימן טוב ובמזל טוב, לקבל פני משיח צדקנו, ולבנין בית המקדש השלישי במהרה בימינו אמן ואמן

  2. Nu, where's the hotel with the non-Eisen hashgocho that is supposed to be announced Rosh Chodesh?

  3. Rav Bick Ztkl March 10, 2019 at 8:24 pm
    A woman asked Rav Bick Ztkl if her husband must bench Gomel as a tree fell on the spot where he normally parked his car?
    Rav Bick asked her if her husband bentchs Gomel every time she washes his pants as he usually is in them?!

  4. I lived in Boro Park in the 1980s

    This story has morphed from the original

    Someone called Rav Bick ztl excited that he had just missed being part of a major accident on the Belt Pkwy. He wanted to know if he should bentch Hagomel because had he not switched lanes when he did he would be in the hospital or worse.

    Rav Bick hoht em wryly ge'entfert that he once had a similar shayla. His rebbitzen hung his hoyzen to dry on a clothes line six storeys up. The hoyzen became dislodged & fell to the erd. If he would have still been wearing the hoyzen when they fell ....

  5. Miriam Jane from down the LaneSat Mar 18, 10:20:00 PM 2023

    Some gesheften have a way of shaping the rice so that it holds the fish & vegetables without the need for any kind of sheet.

    One gesheft came up with the creative idea to fill hollowed out cucumbers. This would also solve the kitniyos problem on Pesach.


    New shechita on page 3

  7. Anyone know anything about this shechita?
    Where is it being done? There isn't any new Shechita plants.

  8. Bobov Monsey has had a kehilla shechita for years. It may be these other Chassidussen are rubberstamping it

  9. I don’t know if it still exists but 15 or so years ago, Boyan & KAJ were shechting in the same place in NJ.

  10. Has new regime of Sachdis stopped allowing bugs in lettuce & other items? Where does the Lakewood Satmar Dayan stand in these inyanim? Can we eat things like cauliflower & lettuce from him at Aisle 9 takeout?

  11. The hashgachas say they DO check for Copepods.

    Just saying what they told me when I asked./

  12. If they claim to be checking for copepods, they don't know what copepods are at all.
    The Aidah and Rav Vayeh among other experts say one must soak every sheet of Nori, pull it completely apart and the check it. So, one is left with nothing that resembles a sheet of Nori.

    Are they lying or just gullible?, your choice.

  13. Breuer's-Boyaner shechita is or was in Linden, NJ. I don't think it was ever consistent. There was a batch here & there.


    In part 3 with Zev Brenner, Pesach hotel operator Heshy Goldstein, a Satmar Tuna Beigel, comes across like one of the TRRRUST US chevra that R' Yudel has presciently warned us about

  15. So basicly there isnt much we can eat no nori sheets amd romain which is best to stay away from all of them the aphids amd thrips sometines are stuck to tje lettuce and mashgichim are not checking piece by piece they only sample water on a sbmata. So basicly everyome should just eat israeli salad cucumbers tomatoes onion and oeppers amd not have extra forbidden protein in their salads

    1. It’s like saying : basically we all should keep away from ‘round’ T-bone steak , Bacon. Lobster etc and only eat brisket and rib steak.
      Yes. That what the Almoghty commanded us Jews

  16. I thought, after following this site for years and years, that the volver only checks for green worms.

  17. Guess under cooked fish also has copepads and is asur even with the best hashgacha

  18. I bought from a certain supermarket where there vaad they are under brags about their bodkim as being the best in the buisiness some herbs and romain lettuce and founf aphids mites and thrips in the samples i took out to test through a shmata check . I think its time to do sample checking on these supermarkets witth so called pre checked no washing necessary . Stores are making so much money off of this they rush the mashgichim to get product out excpcially before yom tov and charge the customer a velt of money for very little product

  19. What store? What Brand?

    We'll check it out

  20. Tue Sep 19, 02:45:00 PM 2023

    If you are checking the 'pre-checked' veggies again in your home why did you spend a velt with ghard earned money to buy the 'pre-checked' stuff ? Just buy the regular unchecked stuff, wash it and do the shmatteh test yourself. why waste all that hard earned money that could have gone to all the poor nitzruchim in your shchina ????

    I smell some aphids and thrips and mites in this story.

    1. I checked it again after noticing the stuff seemed extremely dry as if it wasnt even washed the only thing i coukd think of is that they put the wrong sticker on the checked and the non cheked veges . I comtacted the hashgacha they said they will look into it and get back to me . I am not expecting a call back any time soom

  21. Simana Choicha UtlulaTue Sep 19, 06:44:00 PM 2023

    A company under Shteinmetz is selling packaged leek, "no checking necessary".

    For a shgooche that doesn't check for bugs the above statement is making choizek of the public

  22. Er bashmekt "some aphids and thrips and mites in this story" because it's 'You Know Who' tzittering that there's a good chance that a Queens Vaad or OU supermarket is about to be exposed

    As per his preference for "nitzruchim", please direct your hard earned dollars to the small time Rebbelah who converts donations to "salary" so that 'You Know Who' can get the same FF as others who he hypocritically labels as shnorrers

  23. I heard from one masgiach of these stores that do pre checking he said its not his fault . The supermarkets owners and caterers are under alot of pressure in their mind they need to veggies checked for their 3 600 weddings they might have during the week and their shabbos jobs amd they oressure the mashgichim thay they need their herbs or what ever it is checked quickly . W e are talking about cases upon cases of romain lettice and all kind of herbs its a huge amount its not possible to check carefulluy unfortunately

  24. Wed Sep 20, 01:14:00 AM 2023

    Yudel will surly call you back with the 'good' news.

  25. How does the Volover allow Gefen pie filling with apparently real "blueberries" in the ingredients? Is there any explanation that R' Yudel agrees with?

    Unless the berries were freeze dried, how does anyone eliminate the 3 different minim of bugs that typically infest them?

  26. Maggots and Thrips and Scales Oh MyTue Sep 26, 09:37:00 AM 2023

    Zein zeen Burich Teitelbaum pashtus has an "explanation" for blueberries even if Yudel doesn't

    Ken zein when it's not baking season for chumetzdik matzos, the unsupervised Romanisher goytos might be harvesting a blueberry patch for Burich
