Tuesday, November 28, 2023

An Email that we received

 Good morning. I understand many have issues with ...   .... and ... ....... Are you and others not aware of the many that have been sent for psychiatric evaluation by that Beis din. More to the point is who they send them too. I ask mechilah in advance if anything hits a sore point etc. 

I don't know your opinion on the Agudah or Torah Umesorah, but are you and others not aware of the dangers of some of their programs. The Kefirah that is now being taught in the chinuch system to children and being done through teachers Rabbaim etc. The two programs that have been set up over the last 5 years. The mashgiach program and now the DLI program which have been set up by dr. Shmuel Mandelman is extremely detrimental; yet it is louded by the masses as wonderful. He may be brilliant and smart but still loaded with sheker kefira and apikursis. None of the bedroom of yesteryear would have allowed what is being done today. Yet there is just silence and here and there whispers.

Please look into the man if you don't know about him. Mandelman gives or gave advise on a regular basis to the Beis din.

The damage that is being done by that man on a large scale will be in the masses. If the people don't wake up about him, Torah Umesorah and the Agudah soon; the next generation what everyone thinks will be more connected will end up being the exact opposite. Rachmana litzlan.

Yiddishkeit is becoming cultural, emotional, business etc. Rachmana litzlan. In my humble opinion None of the gedolim litvish, chassidish, or sephardic who was worth anything and stood for emes would allow or stay quiet the way the chinuch systems are turning.

Please do let me know your opinion and is there anything you think can be done on a larger scale to wake the masses up?

Bracha vhatzlocha.


  1. Sorry. But I think everyone will enjoy more specifics, this is basically a wild rant without any proof or explanation of the issues

  2. I have no idea what on earth you're talking about.
    I certainly don't know why the host of this blog posted your letter as it names people specifically and opens him to all sorts of slander liabilities.
    Lastly but just as important, your writing skills are so poor it makes a great case for more secular studies in the yeshiva system.

  3. Welcome to the new choolent. Agudath, Markin, Torah eemesoiru, Mandelman, old moietzes, new moietzes,.
    The topping of kefirsh and apikursis
    Give it just the right taam so we can eat it for toiamaihu
    The masses are all farchapt. B”H one anonymous poster chapt what’s going on so he copyrighted the new choolent recipe . And he was smart enough to send it to the right address so the world will wake up after the choolent shloof, and smell the coffee.
    Ah groiseh grooseh shkoiach.

  4. Maybe explain why it’s detrimental

  5. Someone here at 5:58 pm thinks it's all a big galechter. But there is a big choolent. And the Torah Ohn a Mesorah component of it is being manipulated by various parties like the roshei yeshiva who go against the daas of their own fathers who were the gedolei hador of the frierdik dor. And by Shmuel "Boom Boom" Bloom who installed his son in there to make all kinds of trouble including with the Seasons supermarkets bankruptcy fraud & putting TU's money in the Platinum ponzi scam. Next Boom Boom will probably shtup in there another nebichel patronage shteller for the eidim Lazar who despite all his protekzia can't seem to hold on to any of the chadorim where he's been pushed into helming.

    Banana Republic definition: any exploitative ruling class that functions poorly for its citizenry while disproportionately benefiting a corrupt elite group or individual

  6. Wonder why our good friend of 1:40 AM keeps on using Boom Boom when he means to say BloomBloom. His FF from Bloomies didn’t work out last night so he tried his back up Rebbbe- Rosh Hakolel.
    When that was too meager for him he begged with a post to please BOOM BOOM his FF so he can keep surfing for the rest of the night.

  7. As someone on the inside, I can safely say that TU is run by balebatim whose main drive is procuring more money for the organization to fund their efforts to procure more money.

  8. It was you guys “on the inside” in cahoots with Bloom who squandered TU’s money with the loathsome crooks of the Platinum Ponzi. It is forbidden by halacha to put tzedokah funds in a risky speculative investment even if it’s not a fraud m’ikarah. But it was still done after it was suggested by a TU Board member who himself was already a convicted felon before Platinum was even launched as a vehicle for the gang to line their own pockets. Meanwhile, get ready for the BIG FRESSING to commence tomorrow at the Agudah Convention which is just a revolving door from TU. The Pre-Keynote speaker is Mayer Gold. At least you “insiders” know how to promote your stooges. Mayer Gold is the name of the primary front man for what the mafia calls a bust out scheme, which was organized to take down Seasons. You “insiders” own this. It was strictly an Agudah-TU show where the $12+ million went into the pockets of a long list of you Agudah-TU machers who the Feds didn’t even learn all of your identities. One very telling anecdote is that Zvi Bloom’s shvogger was working around the corner from a Seasons branch which he was frequently ‘falling into’. When the shelves became bare of essen because the suppliers stopped getting paid, the shvogger suddenly lost HUNDREDS OF POUNDS! He must be starving nebich!

  9. As someone on the inside

    If that was true you not make such 'lo salaich Rachil' comments.

  10. The Mouse that roaredWed Nov 29, 04:46:00 PM 2023

    Shmuel Bloom was not so Boom Boom after all. Why did it take so many years for both National & local 5 Towns-Far Rockaway Agudos to figure out that his big fundraising prowess talk of bringing the mega donors on board is nothing more than talk? When he was given the kiss off they had him take his pet with him, R' Yankel Reisman of ARK & the joke so called 5 Towns "mehadrin" list infamy.

    That Bloom blustered away about supposedly rubbing shoulders with yeden millionaire for miles around is why Agudah arch-critic R' Feivy called him Boom Boom one day. And boy did the name stick! Bloom was in any case on R' Feivy's radar as he was the curator of Agudah's disastrous policy on protecting menuvolim which the Moetzes figured out the public backlash against Agudah won't stop until Bloom is removed from interfering.

  11. This author is dated
    This town has recently been conquered

  12. Its so nice that someone titled Paulie of the WC R' Feivy as in Reverend Fahvish...
