Sunday, November 12, 2023

KASHRUS ALERT: Very confusing alert re: Gefen ChickPeas/Garbanzo Beans

1- It states on the bag, should be checked for infestation. A consumer would understand that when it was packed it was checked and was not infested at packing.

2- The notice says "THEY MAY NOT  BE USED", evidently it can't be checked by the consumer and it was infested at packing, so what was the purpose of the notice on the package, just a disclaimer of sort.

3- The Notice states only those two batch numbers, but the fact is that the later ones are also infested.

4-Therefore, that brand of product and or the Hashgocha are not reliable for infestation issues.


  1. Did Volover putting his son Burich in charge of some accounts? Heyos der shver have to take out Burich fin KJ Vaad this is a problem


    A fly falls into a cup of coffee from former Hungary Ambassador David Cornstein:

    The Italian breaks the cup, throws it out, walks off angrily. The German sterilizes the cup, makes fresh coffee. The Frenchman removes the fly, drinks the coffee. The Chinese eats the fly, throws out the coffee. The Russian drinks the coffee with the fly since there was no extra charge. The Israeli sells the coffee to the Frenchman, the fly to the Chinese, the cup to the Italian, then invents a device to prevent flies from falling into the coffee. The Palestinian blames the Israeli for the fly, protests such aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European Union to buy more coffee, uses the money to buy explosives, then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, Frenchman, Chinese, German and Russian are all trying to tell the Israeli to give his cup of coffee to the Palestinian so there will be peace.


    Ever since Philly took Zionism to the Charedi mainstream, I knew the Agudah Israel of America would eventually come around to being mishtatef with all non-Orthodox streams, even anti-Israel atheists who are tools of Hamas!

  4. Sekretaren line up behind SecularsMon Nov 13, 11:55:00 AM 2023

    Is Philly behind this latest bezunder weird idea to rally in Washington? Gedolim have never allowed participating in a rally like this. It was not even announced normally because they've got something to hide. The gedolim blasted them for WZO so if someone shows them the sneaky emails why should they hesitate to blast them again for following behind those who have no Torah values?

  5. The WZO was kashered by Rabbi Lerner and Young Israel with their Eretz Kodesh Organization.

    The actual kashering procedure was done by the Star-K (a talmid of Reb Ahron Kotler, whose yuhr zeit is this Wedensday) when the star=k was looking for a shabbos goy in order to give hashgochas on cholov akum, they brought in the Young Israel.

  6. Mon Nov 13, 09:21:00 AM 2023

    We need your phone number and address so that the 'nitzrachim' who came to rechov
    rashbam can now come to your door and you can 'boo-ah' them bimkoim Reb Chaim Zatza'l.

    Just suggesting this since you 'knew and know it all'.

    You'll be able to drop your commenting over here and cash in on some more and endless 'boo-ah's (not exactly like Reb Chaim Zatza'l.

  7. Mon Nov 13, 12:36:00 PM 2023

    This must be Lakewood/BMG criticism sinced no Aguda was mentioned.

    Thus you hate all equally. Knew that we can be dan you l'kaf Zechut.

  8. Chometz for Pesach Lerner was also the one who really "kashered" Agri. He was appointed guard dog to make sure to keep Yudel out during the infamous "3 hour tour" that should've been a Gilligan's Island episode. They knew if Yudel got to poke around then their whitewash gig is up!

  9. Help!! What are we going to do now??!!

    We baal habatim tried to secretly direct fellow Fressers to follow the apikorsim to D.C.. Ner Yisroel Baltimore & Philly agreed to aid us pull this off behind the backs of the rest of the Moetzes. But lo & behold they are starting to find out about it! And when it gets to Brisk & the Chassidishe we'll never hear the end of it!

  10. Rich Roberts was paying for the buses from Lakewood to DC. When the gedolim started blasting the Agudah the freebie disappeared from the internet. Was Roberts chozer? Or did he switch to stealth mode?

  11. He acted just like when schnall won.
    Things disappeared very quickly right here too.

  12. Someone's favorite Torah Vodaas musmach from the West Coast bavorned that he's not mixing in to tell the Agudah Fressers not to go to Washington because they need the exercise before they stuff themselves to the gills mit essen in 2 weeks from now at the Convention.

  13. A driving school that's supposed to be appropriate for yeshivishe girls & frauen is problematic. The 5 hour safety course is given late at night in a geferlich location. It's in a small crowded room in a run down house in a bad neighborhood. Because of the Biden imposed new reality with migrants and because the school will do anything to make a buck at yenem's expense, this was the make up of a recent class: one frum girl, one Mexican girl age 19 with her 3 year old son she brought because she's too karg & inconsiderate to hire a babysitter so the kid disrupts the whole time from no dinner & no toys, one scary looking Shvartza guy from the 'hood with corn row hair, a whole lot of low class Spic men who have been driving for years but the State forces back to driving school because they have too many tickets for speeding / reckless driving / driving while shikker. You don't even feel safe waiting for your daughter or veib outside altz the non-stop foot traffic of scummy Mexican men dreying zich a heen & a hare, plus the loiterers who keeping looking inside your car. Many migrants are infected with tuberculosis so it's not advisable to be around them.

  14. Agudah Kovod ZucherWed Nov 15, 09:37:00 AM 2023

    How dare some Moetzes members pull an 11th hour issur of the Washington rally! If WE baal habatim along with Philly & Ner Yisroel kept it quiet from them, then it's obviously none of their concern!

    Do you hear that R' Yeruchim, R' Malkiel, Rav Sorotzkin & Vayelepoler rosh yeshiva Rav Horowitz?

    It was fort a tiny consolation that R' Elya Brudny is straddling both sides of the fence. While he had to join the above (after the tzettel was released) so that he's not clobbered by Brisk, BMG and the Chassidussen, he added a marble mouthed cover up for Philly-Ner Yisroel that whoever is already there or even on the way should not turn around because they had good intentions & were listening to Daas Torah. In other words he's protecting Philly but creating the false impression that the rally was kosher until the apikorsim supposedly altered the program. He won't admit that it was treif lechatchila which exposes Philly-Ner Yisroel.

  15. Wed Nov 15, 07:00:00 AM 2023

    Just a biased individual. Another Hater.

  16. This seem to be trying to sit above the Musika concert Naasee. Will see how far he gets. especially if tries to take a bechina - even the Alef Bais track

  17. "Just a biased individual"

    For any comment that 'You Know Who' thinks R' Yudel agrees with the content, there is an automatic hechrach to attack it & it's mechaber because the name of the game is so that R' Yudel should not have a functioning website nor any credibility.

    I hereby give the unbiased, the "numero uno" Oihev Hispanics-Africans par excellence aka 'You Know Who' a brucha (boo-ha or boo-ah?) that his particular block in the "Metro area" of NYC's outer outer boro should fill up with unhoused non-citizens as they are called in the politically correct shprach

    He'll have a break from his customary musika while they serenade him Mexicano Mariachi style

  18. Deja Vu all over againWed Nov 15, 11:20:00 PM 2023

    R' Yeruchem & Rav Sorotzkin remember when the same Philly & Ner Yisroel made a huge mistake by sending their bochurim to an angry protest outside the White House against Lyndon Johnson who didn't care if the Arabs ended up shmettering the Yidden in '67 War. The place was full of pritzus & run by koifrim. You'd 'THINK' that those two yeshivos would have learned something before making fools out of themselves again 56 years later!

  19. Breath of Frishe LuftThu Nov 16, 03:31:00 PM 2023

    It's the first time in years that there are checks & balances at the Agudah so that the grubbeh baal habatim can't just do whatever they feel like doing that has no shaychus to daas Torah. Yasher koiach to the 4 roshei yeshiva for taking a stand!

  20. Pnay Hador kpnay haKelev reminds all of us of the perfect description of FF.

  21. According Rav Yitchok Sorotzkin, Shlita of the Moetzes, any one that relies on Lakewoods kosher council should have gone to the Rally, which was defined as worse than eating Chazer.

  22. You have to understand that the balleh batim also went to the Chumash shiur.
    They also talk the talk.
    But somehow the bosses don’t have their act together. No shame.
