Friday, February 16, 2024

Should Hashgochas enforce just Hashkofos or Kashrus as well? i.e. KCL

No imitation Bacon- just the real stuff

No imitation Crab & Shrimp- just the real stuff

No imitation butter (Margarine) at a Lakewood wedding.just the real treif butter

No Imitation dairy ice cream at Lakewood affairs.just real dairy stuff

No imitation non-kosher cheese just real treif cheese

No imitation "Manalapan-style kosher. KCL Recommended Manalapan chinese treif restaurant for 15 years

No imitation Mevushal wine-just real non-mevushal w/ goyim pourin & serving it out of the bottles

No imitation infestion- just fully infested

No imitation Non-Shomer Shabbos Mashgichim- even drunk mashgichim

No imitation kosher standards-just no kosher standards at all

No imitation kosher poultry and meat- Just from sources that don't meet the kashrus standards of  Hebrew National, R"L. 


If you pay KCL's service fee timely, everything is available in real life.

Only the demanding kosher consumer will decide on all kashrus standards.

A Non-Lakewood prominent Ruv at a KCL catered event said, 'll have a cup of water in a disposable cup, please.

That's correct he does not partake at KCL events.


  1. Is there actually documented cases like bacon, shrimp etc at KCL events? I live out of town how can I eat in the city that’s perceived to be one of the highest standards of yiddishkeit in the US…

  2. It takes one to know one.
    Wonder what the YS Kashrut looks like behind the scenes.

  3. 5:23 pm needs to grow up already

    1. Thanx for teaching the world at large how to grow up.
      I do have lolly pops for you (non KCL)

  4. I have yet to hear about one kashrus problem of the KCL.

    All we get here is innuendo and 'settled law', with no background, proof, or Halachic source.

    So far, the KCL is a great hechsher. Prove otherwise, or shut up.
