Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Evergreen Pre-Checked veggies, etc., have been found to be infested, therefore do not rely on their pre-checked produce



  1. Its not just evergreen i personally have found aphids and thrips in so called pre checked lettuce and other veggies in local supermarkets that do their owm checking . A mshgiach who does checking in one of these supermarkets in the tri state area told me there is so much pressure from the owners just to get the stuff out on the shelves the stuff has to be washed quickly give a glance at the the shmata on the light box and the stuff has to be packed up nice with a lable stating it was checked no checking necessary its the biggest scam . The work load and the volume
    they have to put out on a daily basis is not possible to do a thorough amd meticulous job . Amd the head of the agency is supposed to be a mumcha in vege checkimg

    1. If said mashgiach had any balls, he would quit working there

    2. If the mashgiach is the owner and is doing what is not essentially approved by the hashgacha (vegivash looking at you ) then who cares

    3. Vegivash still doing hard to check items. Like mint leaves

  2. When you say ...any balls.... What exactly are you referring to ??
