Thursday, March 07, 2024

DE JA VU- Kehilas Chareidim Lakewood aka KCL's new Rabbis rulings

 At a recent Shabbos event the caterer  realized on Shabbos that they were running short on Shnitzel and some other dishes.

The caterer's employee took his set of keys to the commissary, and fried fresh shnitzel on Shabbos, and what ever else was required.


  1. You can throw into story that it was Perdue. That would really make headlines.

  2. There's no chance this is emmes. No worker would ever be so desperate to make sure there's enough chicken that they would do this during the week, let alone shabbos. You need to be careful about what you post here because you violate more issurei dioraisah with blatant motzei shem rah than if someone would actually eat tarfus bishogeg. In addition, if you even mention a name of the caterer or hashgocha that you're alleging, without basis or real facts, you run the risk of a serious defamation and libel lawsuit.
    One more note- Putting up a picture of Rav Thumim ZL who passed away tragically in an accident 30 years ago, to promote and push your agenda, is an affront to his neshama. You need to be very careful about anything you say about a niftar and dont forget about hurting an almonah or yesomim.

    1. #1 there’s plenty of possibility that the goy went to cook on shabbos.

      #2 that’s Rav Shulem Thumim who’s picture is on kcl site ( )

  3. Sure there was a KCL Mashgiach on the job, he may have been high, or sleeping on the job, standard KCL Mashgiach.

    We don't think that this is the first or last time that this happens on these Shabbos jobs, immagine on a multi day yom tov or a 3 day one.

  4. Does KCL hire mashgiachim with Yechee yarmulkas like the Queens Vaad does?

  5. The KCL does hire only mashgichim with Tumim tee shirt or sweat shirt.

  6. So your saying that Rabbi Thumim - the employee - took the keys and made shnitzel on Shabbos. Otherwise why would you put his photo to support your headline.
    Is this another of your moitzee shem rah mitzvos with a bigger kiyum if the rabbi is already nisht doo ??

  7. Someones brain is nisht dooTue Mar 26, 03:27:00 PM 2024

    R' Yudel wrote that the catering employee - not the KCL employee - fried the shnitzel. But leave it to the soinim to put words in R' Yudel's mouth that were never uttered. This routine of you haters is getting old.

  8. The kcl Rabbis say they accept full responsibility on the schnitzel frying on Shabbos.

    They also say, don't think this is the first time it happened, but next time they'll be more careful not to get caught.

  9. Babies it's past your bedtime!

  10. Do any of you figure out why גיהנום is 6o times larger than גן עדן?

    For the Massive מזרח וואנט that's needed.

  11. Tue Mar 26, 03:27:00 PM 2024

    According to yudel, KCL employee and caterers employee are one and the same.
