Sunday, August 18, 2024

UPDATE: Rabbi Hatchual's SBD "NON-GLATT"

 According to the latest from Israeli Rabbanut sources.

The above-mentioned meat should not be considered as GLATT at this time, until the proper changes are made, including Cameras that are monitored online. 

We will advise when the changes are in place.


  1. Why should one trust Alle meal mart that the north american meat is truly glatt?

    Are all of their kashrus decissions by looking at the bottom line numbers?

    Hey, where is the OU on all of this?

    Are there some under the table nikur going on?

    We are in deep trouble, to say the least.

  2. Where's Jacobovits?

  3. Relax all people!
    Alle has a great hashgacha, there's nothing wrong there at all!!!
    Yudel has a self-made-up problem with South American beef and is unwilling to give up.
    It is true that there was a problem with South American beef way back a couple of years ago and it was rectified but assuming that no one wants to come in contact with Yudel to share the info he still claims the problem exists.

  4. The Israeli Rabanut put an updated letter the week of Shavous of this year, that SBD and ALLE Mealmart South American beef is not Glatt (at best).

    You can download it on Yudels site.

    There is another detailed report from Rev Avraham, Chaim that considers worse than just Non-Glatt. Also can be downloaded on Yudels site.

  5. Jacobovits is a big part of the problem not the solution.

  6. There was a big investigation by the rabanit of how many animal are being shechted under so few mashgichim there was a letter that came out this is not yudels saying its the rabanut

  7. @ Sun Jun 23, 1:34 PM

    Dem vus fregt vegen Jacobovits is a jokester. There was a Satmar yingerman who came on to Yudelstake for years to tummel that Jacobovits is destroying what was vee amul a gevaldig shgooche

  8. Fiddler on the RoofSun Jun 23, 08:07:00 PM 2024

    Veisstoiss that the South American Rubashkin chazirei known as "Tevya's" or a hundred other aliases is not even in the fixable category!

  9. Where is the Rabbanut letter?

  10. The Rabbunt letter is on yudel site by the other articles of ALLe & SBD.

  11. i always wondered why a frock has a slit it’s that when they come up to shomaim they can get spanked for all the kashrus transgressions they oversaw ! ‏יש דין ויש דיין

  12. KJ franks sold in Costco North NJ have 4 shooches: R’ Getzel Berkovitz, OU, OH Halal & SBD! Pic available

  13. Beef, NO
    Poultry, yes with Halal of course.

  14. The Arab Halal mashgichim won’t feel uncomfortable working a Satmar facility

  15. The SBD-Satmar Aroni weenies have any production stage in Postville?

  16. Yes, that's another reason many don't touch the Ahroni meat.

  17. If anyone's counting reasons, Spiegel also figures into that KJ hotdog equation

  18. I was wondering why a caterer owned by Kiryas Yoel Aharonim, with a mostly Satmar Aharonim customer base, is using Solomon's fleish only, not from KJ Vaad!

  19. The Rebbe Shlit'a made that tahkooneh l'maan HaShoolem.

  20. Is it just not flat ? Or is it ‘Basar Basar’ ??
