Sunday, September 01, 2024

The root cause of OTD- consuming Rabbi Hatchual's SBD Alle/mealmart S. America and the like.

Sourced from the Rambam, the Ohr Ha'chaiyim, Reb Akiva Eiger, The Chasam Sofer, Rav Zalman Sorotzkin's Oznayim LaTorah , etc. 


  1. Well that is a step up from blaming the length of women's wigs.

  2. Aruch Hashulchan learns this is the reason why Bnei Ashkenaz hold like Tosfos to stop someone else’s kids from eating treif

  3. Stop. Please stop. It’s just crazy to say stuff like this.

  4. Maam, you just can't deny the facts by living in dreams. Treif is the ingredient for OTD plus other issues, wake up and smell the coffee.

  5. Lets rephrase the above:

    Even "kosher" can and will take you OTD if its not according to my pesakim and my PNP Rabanim and not to my liking.

  6. There are plenty baal teshuvos who ate outright treif and are today giant Talmiday Chachamim and Leaders of Klal Ysroel. I guess that is "OTD of the not frim Derech"

  7. There are so many sources for the fact that consuming treif causes one to become a heritic and then OTD. every OTD is also a heretic.

    1. Another ridiculous statement. ‘Every one’ - really? How do you know?

  8. Just so silly. To be a ‘kofer’ you have to work hard. Most of these kids are ma’aminim. Stop. Just ignorant.

  9. I know many people who are unfortunately OTD (On their Derech) It has nothing to do with eating treif. It has to do with many factors, including abuse by religious authorities, family members, friends, bullies etc. To merely paint it with " treife food causes OTD" is misguided, incorrect and wrong. I challenge you to find a written source that backs this up. stating that " R Chaim Kanievsky told me" doesn't hold water. You're more than welcome to continue your mission of trying to get more people to watch what they eat, but by writing that YOU know what causes people to go off the derech is hurtful and abhorrent to the families who have this challenge . Your statement is equivalent to someone stating that sweet potato fries is THE cause of cancer and coming late to seder is THE cause of car accidents . You picked one thing in the torah that YOU decided is yeharog vi Al Yaavor and you ran with it, irrelevant of who you knock over in the process.

    1. Wed Sep 04, 12:18:01 PM 2024
      We don't need guys like you here denying what Reb Yudel ,who Reb Shneur appointed as the kosher guru in all of Lakewood and then extended to all Jewish communities, that e knows kashrus and all other Jewish topics better then anyone else including established gedolim and poskim.
      Go home. Go back to where you came from and don't post your 'apkusus' here.

  10. Bro, you go home. Your writing is that of an uneducated 9th grader. R’Yudel is indeed an expert in Kashrus but for some strange reason has decided to blame OTD on Kashrus issues. I like him and really wish he wouldn’t. It cheapens his otherwise very effective work on behalf of the klal.

  11. Reb Shlomo Zalman Aurebach, Z"L told Reb Yudel, that bishul akum and kulos in wine issues in America cause the intermarriage in Paris.
    he stated further that anyone that meticulous in all kashrus issues at home and when not at home, will never have to deal with an OTD child.

  12. So indeed Reb Yudel is on solid ground with his source.

  13. "I challenge you to find a written source that backs this up"

    While there are at least remozim in Rishonim if not indications lehedya, yener Aruch Hashulchan I referenced a couple days ago brings the Pri Chodosh who is very explicit that treif makes kids go off the derech.

    It's sad that R' Yudel has to get fartaynad earfuls from these skeptical am haaratzim

  14. Which Lutkeh Rov ? Our Local Rabbi Sorotzkin ?????

  15. The blog author says it's a fact that unintentional eating of treif leads to OTD.
    When asked to substantiate, he cites sources.
    However the sources he cites are nothing more than opinions. Those who are skeptical are asking to see data that shows a causal relationship.
    If anyone has that data, I'd suggest that they not only post it here, but send it to a peer reviewed journal and then to the Nobel Prize committee, because a Nobel prize awaits anyone who can demonstrate the scientific validity of this finding.

  16. In the last day the NY Post Editorial Board mocked the Nobel Prize Committee as preferring to award anteh-Semitten. Otherwise, there was no issue by Lake Carsaljo on Shabbos until Agri fleish was strong armed into Lakewood to be politically rubber stamped by KCL. Crunch that data!

  17. Agri had to pay heavy "bak'shish" to KCL in order to get it into Lakewood. Rabbi Weisner gets the bulk of it and Rabbi Spitz gets a smaller percentage.

  18. Lets 'esplane' it to yu all. If you don't follow Reb Yudel you are automatically OTD. Now it all makes sense. The are so many Rabonim, poskim, Gedolim and Roshay Yeshivos/Kollelim OTD. Unless you were chosen By Reb Yudel for your akewered opinion to fit his.

  19. The ones that consume non-kosher food will usually become Democrats, Leftists, Apikursim, etc.

  20. Therefore, the Aguda echelon are eating non-kosher, being fed by Ezra Friedlander.

    1. It may be non kosher but it’s brisk which overrides everything and anything.

  21. Yoy forgot Avi Schnall who must be consuming them subs big time, so he is a big democrat.
