Monday, July 29, 2024

Rav Feldman Re: Manis Friedman- ALERT: coach Menachem does not screen properly his guests- DANGER FOR YAHADUS

Ask your Rav if this is Apikursos.


  1. Coach Menachem has a show which he advertises on TLS and other so called "heimesh" websites. He recently featured Manis. It's important for all to recognize that simply because someone is given a platform replete with extolling their virtues is not an endorsement of who they are or their credibility.


    Tzedek legal proceedings through Beth Din against Rabbi Manis Friedman:

    Rabbi Yossi Braun
    Dayan Crown Heights Beth Din

    Rabbi Moshe Gutnick
    Dayan Sydney Beth Din

    Dear Rabbis,

    Rabbi Manis Friedman, Emissary of global Chabad-Lubavitch, HQ in Crown Heights & prominent leader in this movement, posted YouTube clips regarding child sexual abuse

    1st clip, which he subsequently removed from YouTube, can be viewed at

    2nd clip at

    New recording at

    In the 1st clip & the new recording, Rabbi Friedman's profound ignorant & deeply offensive remarks convey complete distortion of Halacha

    While Rabbi Friedman says reasonable things in clip 2, shockingly, he completely ignores his previous offensive remarks

    That a prominent rabbi in Lubavitch makes such ignorant, offensive remarks does untold damage to the entire Jewish community, especially as he's considered enlightened & moderate. As a global leader he damages the reputation of the Jewish community & perpetuates negative perceptions many have of ultra-Orthodox, including Lubavitch

    Most concerning, he has direct, damaging impact on victims of child sexual abuse & their families. Some who haven't yet addressed their abuse will think twice to obtain justice alleviating pain & suffering. Some who already took measures will be self-critical. I can only pray Rabbi Friedman’s remarks don't cause victims additional trauma & extreme consequences

    An additional danger is Rabbi Friedman gives succor to elements in Lubavitch Melbourne responding abysmally to serious abuse in their institutions. They now can justify their approach by relying on Rabbi Friedman

    On behalf of Tzedek advocacy for victims of child sexual abuse in the Jewish community, I hereby launch a Din Torah against Rabbi Friedman in Crown Heights Beth Din & Sydney Beth Din, both Battei Din because (a) Crown Heights is HQ of Chabad-Lubavitch (b) Rabbi Friedman resides in the US, (c) Tzedek & many offended by Rabbi Friedman reside in Australia

    Purposes of this Din Torah include:

    a strong message such remarks won't be tolerated, especially by a leading figure; to ensure Rabbi Friedman retracts his offending remarks & makes a public, unreserved apology & by the Beth Din issuing a clear, unequivocal ruling, to educate Rabbi Friedman (& others) how to respond to child sexual abuse

    Rabbi Friedman steadfastly refuses to even refer to his offending comments, let alone retract or apologize. Therefore, Rabbi Friedman must be held to full account for obvious & yet untold damage he's done which many continue to suffer

    Sincerely & respectfully,

    Manny Waks


    Pittsburgh, PA – A former Rabbi and teacher at a Pittsburgh yeshiva has been fired after being named as the alleged perpetrator in several incidents of child molestation.

    According to The Jewish Chronicle, 26 year old Rabbi Nisson Friedman is being investigated by Pittsburgh police in connection with assaults on at least three boys. A family member who declined to be identified said that Rabbi Friedman was himself a child victim of sexual abuse.

    Rabbi Friedman, son of well known lecturer Rabbi Manis Friedman, had been a teacher at Yeshiva Boys School of Pittsburgh since 2014. He was suspended this past September after he was observed “touching a child inappropriately” in the school’s library.

    The yeshiva reported the incident to the authorities and informed parents that an investigation was underway.

    Detective Bryan Sellers of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Sex Assault Team commended the yeshiva for its handling of the case. Over time, reports of other incidents of alleged abuse by Rabbi Friedman have surfaced from parents in both Pittsburgh and other communities and Sellers said that he is “absolutely certain” that there are other victims who have yet to come forward.

    Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, principal of the yeshiva, noted that while Rabbi Friedman hails from a well known family in the Chabad community, the yeshiva had followed the same screening procedures on him that they did with all other prospective employees including running security checks with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

    In addition to his work at the yeshiva, Rabbi Friedman has worked at several summer camps in recent years.

    Sellers said that he believes that a warrant for Rabbi Friedman’s arrest is “inevitable.”

    CBS News reported that Rabbi Friedman is currently in the midst of a divorce and is currently living with family members in New York

  4. For some odd reason, too many of the molesters are from the 770 sect.

    1. “For some reason” - what came first the chicken or the egg - keeps your kids far away from that place

  5. What does Reb Eli - the non Lubab working in Crown Heights - say about all this ,Bro....

  6. Evidently, Manis Friedman alein also does a poor job screening:

    200,000+ subscribers tuned in to the several hours that old Manis engaged one infamous Andrew Clinton for his enlightenment


    Oh my! What has Manis Friedman been up to?

  8. From Manis's fake Ikkrei Emunah to Bunim's fake Yuchasin & now fake Shoiel (sheloi midaas) mit zein Swimply gesheft:

    Crooks post Santa Barbara man's backyard pool for rent on Swimply to pocket rental fee

    Swimply said fake listings are extremely rare, but NBC's I-Team found that may not be the case

    By Carolyn Johnson & Christine Roher • May 22, 2024

    Eric Thune & wife Katalin recently retired & put their Northern California home on the market. A week later, something odd happened.

    “I got a text from my pool guy saying, ‘Do you know there’s people at your pool?’” he said.

    Thune’s security camera spotted a family heading to his pool.

    “My mind was spinning. It was crazy. It’s a violation right? It’s your property. You don’t expect to hear people you don’t know are there”.

    Thune’s pool guy put the family on the phone. They told Thune they rented his pool through (Bunim Laskin's) Swimply, a site to rent private backyards by the hour.

    “He said, ‘Your pool is listed there.’ I said, ‘No it’s not. You’re trespassing. Leave or I'll call the police,’” said Thune.

    But sure enough, Thune’s pool was listed on Swimply. Apparently a crook posted Thune’s pool, snatching pictures of it from real estate sites to pocket the $46 an hour rental fee.

    “I’m shocked," said Thune. "How could somebody post a listing without verifying they own the property?”

    Good question. We asked Swimply that, too.

    The answer: the company does not confirm the person listing the property owns it.

    Swimply did say that once a listing posts, it’s not immediately searchable on its site. First, the company uses fraud detection to catch bogus listings, to remove in 24-48 hours.

    But that didn’t happen for Thune. Swimply didn’t remove his fake listing until he reached out to NBC.

    “They can talk ‘til the cows come home that they protect you, but don’t believe it,” said Thune.

    The NBC I-Team was curious about Swimply’s fraud detection, so we teamed up with our sister station in the Bay Area. Our producer listed a backyard pool for rent, but the property is owned by an NBC executive in the Bay Area.

    In turn, a Bay Area intern posted our producer’s Los Angeles rooftop patio for rent. She grabbed the image from real estate site Zillow.

    Both properties were listed AND immediately searchable on Swimply. The listings were there for weeks.

    “It’s appalling that they can take listings for properties or pools that they’ve never confirmed ownership” said Thune.

    We asked Swimply what happened. It said the company’s “extreme growth resulted in 'some' instances of fraud slipping through cracks.” It insists fake listings are “extremely uncommon,” and it's “committed to catching fraudsters.” To help do that, it said it added additional safeguards, like adding a button so users can easily flag suspicious activity.

    But even after this response from Swimply, our fake listings were still on its site, until we finally took them down.

    Thune says it’s a warning for all homeowners.

    “I just want people to know, especially if your home is for sale, you need to watch out,” he said.

  9. Lubavitch has it's problems but they are not the worst as far as molesters go. That title easily goes to Ner Yisroel Baltimore.

    The Long Beach cult gets the prize for covering up. Except for a pair of "pariahs" like Kushner, the entire Hanhala & body of alumni lawyered up to protect the murderer of the Weiss boy which police know for sure was an inside job.

    Vayelepol Flatbush has the most per capita of criminals bichlal in geneivos & much else between all those who were convicted & under investigation.

  10. Ner Yisroel is king in "get-refusers".

  11. This is also a kashrus issue as the backyard BBQs are going to be used during some of the gezeilos

    Homeowner finds strangers swimming in backyard after ex-tenant leases pool for $35 on (Bunim Laskin's) Swimply app

    Katherine Donlevy
    July 30, 2024

    A Canadian woman came home Sunday to find a family of strangers in her outdoor pool.

    “We arrived & there was a car in the parking spot,” Maryse Chaussé told Noovo Info.

    “There was a family swimming in the pool, with 3 cute little girls.”

    The family of 5 told the bewildered homeowner that they had rented the pool on Swimply — a mobile app to lease private pools by the hour.

    They paid $35 to take a dip in the suburban Montreal pool, but Chaussé wasn’t the one who put the listing on the market.

    In spite of this, the listing looked completely authentic: it showed various pictures of the pool & outer deck taken from different angles, as well as the outdoor grill.

    The description forbade parties but said loud music, smoking & alcohol were OK.

    Pets were also allowed, but the renters had to make sure they cleaned up any trace of the animals.

    Chaussé called police, but was told there was nothing they could do because the family had not been acting with criminal intent.

    According to Chaussé, the alleged perpetrator was a former tenant who moved out of the home in 2022.

    “Is this the first time she’s done this? I can’t say. We’re not always at home,” she said.

    A spokesperson for Swimply told The Post that the phony listing was removed as soon as Chaussé reported it, but could not say how it was able to get posted without confirmation

    “Swimply has a robust system in place to prevent, detect & respond to fraudulent activities. We partner with several best-in-class identity & fraud detection companies to ensure our platform maintains a high standard of safety to be trusted by our community,” the company said.

    “As with all marketplaces, bad actors 'sometimes' misuse our platform. When a fraudulent listing is flagged, we take immediate action.”

    Other than frustration that a scammer rented out her property, Chaussé had concerns the situation could've been worse.

    “The ladder was removed as I'd just done major cleaning in the pool & they put it back,” she said, adding she could have done a chemical treatment that morning that the family wouldn't have known about.

    The incident isn't the first time pool squatters used Swimply to rent out properties that don’t belong to them.

  12. The Baltimore institution was persona non grata for many years at the Agudah after their leader RYW was mevazeh the Steipler befarhesyah. R' Elya was also after them because the leader's son is a child molester who was even molesting incoming 9th graders in the dorm on Yeshiva Lane, in cooperation with other older bochurim molesters as a team. He escaped to Israel when he got on police radar. His brother was thrown out of the pulpit of a Moderner shul for pursuing a veibeleh. But the money hungrik Agudah readmitted the institution & it's leadership after R' Elya passed on because the alumni have big professional salaries.

    1. What’s the story with RYW and the steipler?

      The reason they brought in Rav Ahron Feldman was actually specifically because of all the scandals. The neubergers didn’t want anyone to claim baylus so they brought in an outsider.

  13. Baltimore the city that BreedsFri Aug 02, 05:42:00 PM 2024

    The Steipler Gaon ztl had taynos that how can a “yeshiva” have an official upmach mit der gantze gantzkeit with a goyishe university including shuttle buses transporting the bochurim away from the Beis Medrash. There is really no such thing afilu of a NIRC Beis Medrash bochur who learns full time. The man in charge, who was essentially a Slonimer Tuna Beigel, lashed out publicly against the gadol with a nasty choice of words.
