Thursday, August 15, 2024

SBD and ALLE/MealMart et al staff signed a deceptive letter in order to protect their jobs R"L- The Israeli Rabanut in a letter declared it as NON-GLATT !

 This is addressing the unacceptable Shechitas in South America under the SBD Rabbis Hatchual and  Alle/MealMart under the Nirbater Rav. The Israeli Rabanut's letter considers this American Shechita in that plant as being not kosher. The concerns being Neveilos and Treifos.

Question- Any one signed on this obviously inaccurate letter intended to mislead the Tzibur,  Are they acceptable for any other shechita?

Ask your Rav.


  1. Is that actually the Nirbater's chasima at the bottom? And frankly I don't understand what he's saying. He's being moideh? Or what is he saying?

  2. he's saying he's in London

  3. Some one didn’t get enough Hashish.
    Some one else just hates the Bahtteh.
    That should say enough to comprehend this non-issue.

  4. I hope R' Yudel didn't get intimidated by the Nudnik with the Chofetz Chaim daily planner who cuts & pastes hilchos LH every time there is a giluy on some fraudster or other lowlife. The Chofetz Chaim ztl never intended to protect the ganovim hamazikim who pilfer $millions of Klal Yisroel's hard earned money & keep coming back for more while hiding behind new corporate names. One victim of Heshy Goldstein who came on Brenner's radio show was fleeced out of $54,000! There are elterreh Yidden who cannot physically clean the house & have nowhere to go for Pesach when animals like HG clean them out of their limited funds! The Nudnik wants to protect HG at the expense of the victims who were hit the hardest. Maybe the Nudnik is the hypocrite HG alein whose personal website flips you to a hilchos LH website that, conveniently for him, makes no mention of when the Chofetz Chaim is mechayev saying lashon horah to prevent more victims!

  5. Chronicles of a You Know WhatFri Aug 16, 11:39:00 AM 2024

    "this non-issue"

    Leave it to 'You Know Who' in NYC's outer outer boro to mach aveck & completely deny it. Nothing stands in front of protecting the brand when it's also under OU, sold in Queens Vaad gesheften AND especially when distributed by WEST SIDE KOSHER up in Da Bronx!

  6. Yeah! Haven't you been telling us that the OU has such good systems in place that far surpass the heimishe shgoochos? So why were they asleep at the wheel or maybe complicit with this Latino Meal Mart fiasco?

  7. Don't dear accuse the SBD OR MEALMART that their Rabonim are selling themselves cheap and feeding klal yisroel non-kosher. There is a lot of bakshish involved to the Rabonim and MealMart.

  8. They wrote those lies as soon as they finished the first 4 hours of production.

  9. So the Rabbanut says one thing, the local shochtim say something else, and you decided to believe one side, with no independent proof.
    If this place closes down, the shochatim will find other jobs, they will move to a different place, they are no less independent than the Rabbanut.

    This site makes me shudder. How little logic or Halachic knowledge is used to passel something. What happened to the Torah we learn?

  10. In the 45+ years that Reb Yudel Shain has been ringing the bell of kashrus alerts he was always proven to be correct, so you have no choice but to trust his Si'yatah Di' Shimayah in these areas.

  11. chas veshalom to be choishesh that reb yudel has epes a negiah?

  12. Its poshut a mazel zach that reb yudel doesnt have gantz kelal yisroel knocking on his door to hear his rayne daas torah!
