Thursday, August 22, 2024

Jerky beef and fish requires Bishul Yisroel.

 Jerky beef and fish requires Bishul Yisroel. For Sfardim,
requires Bais Yosef beef and Bais Yosef drying as well.

The non-Jew may not put it into the drier or turn it around in the dryer

  • Drying/Dehydration Temperature: Jerky is usually dried at temperatures between 160°F (71°C) and 175°F (79°C). The USDA recommends that the meat be heated to an internal temperature of 160°F before drying to ensure safety from pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli.

  • Dehydrator or Oven Temperature: Most recipes suggest setting your dehydrator or oven to around 165°F (74°C) for the entire drying process, though this can vary slightly depending on the recipe and the type of meat being used.


    1. That's assuming that drying is cooking, which not a simple as the Rabbi makes you think.
      Fish is also nor so simple since fish is eaten raw i.e. sushi, etc.
      Thus, without explanation, this post is defiantly not binding.

      1. How about eggs - we make mayo dressings ice cream all with raw eggs - time to end the bishul problem with eggs

    2. Despite the Belsky "heter" on worms of any kind, doctors advise not eating raw sushi because of danger from parasites. Who says therefore that raw fish is an "achila" l'halacha?

      1. With such sevarahs your defitaly right.

      2. The entire world eats raw fish in sushi and otherwise. No “doctors” that I have ever heard of say not to. Lhalacha it should definitely be considered a davar hanechal chai


    4. It;'s an achila Gassah, ainoi ru'ui- li'kelev

    5. Chuchem fin der Mah NishtanaThu Aug 22, 06:11:00 PM 2024

      Hey 'genius' in the first comment, 165 degrees Farenheit is not exactly room temperature!

    6. When I make jerkey at home I put it at 115-120. After it’s completely dried then the temp is raised to kill bacteria. Jerkey made at 160-175 has a cooked flavor.
      I wonder if heating it after it’s completely dry counts as bishul. Doesn’t affect the meat. (Besides the fat)

    7. 115F-120F is bishul bi'shabbos. All reccomended jerky recipes are at 155F+.Tgere is bidhul after bishul. Sfardim would not be able to use after it was done 1/3.

      1. If you use fire or a toldeh of fire.
        Getting stuff hot, rven 212 or beyond, without fire or it’s toldah in NOT bishul.
        On the other hand, bishul through kavush or meliach is bishul for Kashrus but may not be bishul for shabbos.
        Thus, study the rules before you post.

    8. No one eats raw fish. If one wraps it in rice, nori, sauces, etc and a sliver of raw fish = no one eats raw fish.

    9. if one wraps a non-kosher pill in a tissue, he can swallow it that way. Sushi raw fish wrapped in a layer of rice, and a lining of Nori, you call that eating raw fish?

      1. You nothing about sushi
        The true sushi lovers eat raw tuna, salmon and yellow tail alone with no other garbage on it

      2. why does it need to be wrapped and swallowed?Is that how sushi is ever eaten?- acc to your svera I should be able to eat treif fish sushi.

    10. Sushi is a Japanese dish consisting of small balls or rolls of vinegar-flavored cold cooked rice served with a garnish of raw fish, vegetables.
      Sashimi is just raw fish.

    11. Maybe in Japan the fish is just a garnish. Not in this country. The "garnish" is the ikar. Tuna or Salmon. Avocado or Cucumbers etc.
