Wednesday, August 21, 2024

OU Releases Kashrus Alert After Jelly Belly Changes Its Factory Process

 Mrs. Shain was always of the opinion that Jelly Belly is not for the Educated kosher consumer

due to the confectioners glaze which is a insect extraction.


  1. What else does Mrs. Shain hold? Does she have an opinion on kli eitz he'asuy lemalos?

  2. It's far from the only company using the shrotzim glaze.

  3. Did it lose the OU or not ??

  4. Already in the 1980s Rav Blumenkrantz wrote a krechst that he wishes that at least the heimishe shgooches should stop allowing that secretion of the lac bug that make the cordials nice & shiny.

  5. We put up huge resistance to the shgoochos back in the 80s because the insect spittle elongates the shelf life of the products. If we are afraid of losing a few customers that zicher overrides any kashrus concern! And if there is a substitute ingredient in 2024 that is kosher it has to be just as billigeh price as the lac because why should we lose a few cents revach?

  6. Everyone here is smarter than Reb Moishe!!
