Sunday, January 05, 2025

Alert: Prioritizing Safety in Lakewood's and Central Jersey's Changing Landscape

Numerous episodes have been happening at the local restaurants, inappropiate language, inappropiate touching, the rest one can figure out.

Alert: Prioritizing Safety in Lakewood's Changing Landscape

Over the past few years, Lakewood has undergone significant changes—shifts that may not align with the original vision of Reb Ahron and Reb Shnuer, Z"L.

Some concerning incidents have occurred in various establishments. While we won’t delve into specifics at this time, it’s clear that vigilance is essential.

Our Recommendation:

Always ensure accompaniment for safety and guidance—whether as an individual or part of a group. Having someone alongside you provides protection, support, and peace of mind as you navigate these changes.

Stay safe and make mindful choices to uphold the integrity and spirit of our cherished community.

The Hashgocha says as long there aren't constant violations of kashrus and their fees to the Hashgocha are timely, that is our only responsibility.  


  1. Can anyone please explain what this vague & cryptic message is about?

  2. Weinberger Bryks CoalitionMon Jan 06, 10:11:00 AM 2025

    Sounds like menuvolim working in kosher gesheften are “hitting on” women & girls. For a pair of Israeli menuvolim in 5 Towns the Vaad intervened to deal with it. A caterer under Rabbi Sommers had an Arab or Pakki worker that nothing was done about. Same thing with a gesheft under OK where the Sfardi owner was ignoring his own customers while being roidef the females. Sometimes the roidfim are not interested in romance, they are plain violent or intimidating. When this happened recently with a goy at a Queens Vaad pizza place intimidating & worse to young girls, the victims parents didn’t bother with the useless Queens Vaad, they instead got askonim with backup from Chaverim / Shomrim to confront it. Twelve years ago there was a “regular frum guy” like this who also uses gutter language managing a 5 Towns restaurant. The Vaad started making a move against him but then the restaurant suddenly was on the last leg of flopping & shut its doors for good. The beheimeh was then hired by a caterer to oversee kiddushim in the local shuls. As soon as the caterer found out the beheimeh’s history & that he was bullying females of all ages already on the very first Shabbos, including a pregnant woman, he immediately got rid of him without the need for any 5T Vaad intervention.

  3. Is this post directed at KCL Kashrus, Lakewood's car services, the Lakewood Township Committee, Therapists/Coaches, Downtown Lakewood, Adirei Hatorah, the supermarkets, BMG or all of the above? Asking for a friend..

  4. Yudel at his best regular self.

  5. what about stores very close to yeshiva that have woman. working on the cheshbon of yeshivaleit ????

  6. A City restaurant that was popular with the bummy SY shnit kept forcing on all the diners Mayseh Midyan loi aleinu. The SYs were importing belly dancers for birthday parties & other celebrations which the restaurant was completely fine with. When people complained to OK, the restaurant was made to sign a contract that if they do it again they will be in “big trouble” or some kind of inane, toothless warning along those lines. Because being serious about discipline is not good for OK profit Uber Alles, the restaurant signed the same galechter contract on several occasions while the OK held that each time the contract is broken is no biggie as they can simply draw up another impotent contract each time it’s not honored.

  7. Men aren’t allowed to work near Yeshiva. It might lead to strange ideas

  8. One of their restaurants has a menuvol married baal habos who makes sure his Israeli maydelah waitresses illegally working in NY are the attractive ones because he has designs on them. When one of them conceived his baby it took "a few bucks" to pay her off to keep it quiet

  9. Flatbush Fressers IncFri Jan 10, 01:41:00 AM 2025

    The Chilonim that were yoired to Brooklyn to, among other sick pursuits, zei voinen mit Shvartz shiksos, were shlepping their Shvartzos to the restaurants unter Kehilla & Gornisht, because fort zei darfen their Israeli fresserei shawarma. Chotsh in one of the locations where the mashgiach has yiras Shomayim, he gave heck to an avaryan who shamelessly waltzed in azoi and threatened him not to bring her back again because it's a geferlich hashpoah, bifrat for other Chilonim. Brave mashgiach because in Woke NY he could get in a lot of legal hot water for that. It's like when an Open Orthodox or Conservadox toyevenik was approached by a Ben Torah who yelled at him to stop making chilul Shem Shomayim befarhesya & either replace his flaming pink kippah with a normal one or not wear a yarmulkah at all (which this is the correct mehalech al pi Igros Moishe). The freak, while filming the Ben Torah, started his loud feminine whining & crying, running into a store to shrei that they should call 911. Mayor de Blasio asked in a press conference for the public to rat out the Ben Torah so he can be arrested. Boruch Hashem no one massered on him.

    1. This mehalech is also al pi Reb Moishe. Get arrested and sit in Jail making that great Kiddush HaShem - Yudel style. Didn't know Yudel is a Peleg guy.
