Monday, January 06, 2025

Alert: Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbonim, etc. all signed against Eretz Hakodesh-They are all interconnected- Eretz Hokodesh, Young Israel and Star-k

They are all interconnected- Eretz Hokodesh, Young Israel and Star-k




  2. is being connected to Israel - Or Artzainu HaKedosha - a good thing or a bad thing? Is it like not offering Water when one shows up for a meeting to antagonize the other parties at the meeting ?? or is it worse ?

  3. A rare complicated topic.With merit on both sides.Pesach Lerner & boys are sincere people who have accomplished well

  4. Chometz for Pesach LernerThu Jan 09, 10:54:00 AM 2025

    Oh yes, very “sincere”! You must mean that “3 hour tour” worthy of Gilligan’s Island where Lerner helped run the Rubashkin kashrus cover up & made sure that rabbonim looking for the truth were not allowed in. Or all the gangsterei against member shuls, especially the ones who tried to quit when they were tired of having gelt forced from them for org dues that provided them zero benefit. Or how the org President was allowed to run a de facto mafia faction with national Young Israel as cover. Gov Patterson shreyed against their sick corruption when he was State Senator. When R’ Feivy Mendlowitz exposed them they convinced Google to shut his blog down which he had to devote weeks to fighting back against. He found out in the process that Young Israel’s attorney is the biggest mumche in America in how to convince Google to shut down websites.

  5. And Lerner also has his 'Coalition for Jewish Values' in his shmad toolbox, headed by Yaakov Menken and Yoel Schonfeld.

    1. Explain.CJV has been pretty dormant
      but they were superb.
      Have CJV been involved in anything that wasn't good?!
      Skip personal slanders [hard for you as that is]& come with facts

  6. Oh the grouses zaddik Paulzy the West Coast Pope with his Raisonette.


  7. Dear Editor,

    I hope this note finds you well. I am writing to kindly request that you consider posting or printing the following letter in your wonderful news media. Your platform provides an invaluable service to our community, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share these thoughts with my fellow Lakewood residents.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Shaya Bassman
    Lakewood, NJ

    Reflecting on lessons from the recent fires in Los Angeles

    Dear Residents of Lakewood, NJ,

    I hope this message finds you well. I would like to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for the dedication and tireless efforts of our local elected officials. Their work on behalf of our community is invaluable, and I am grateful for all they do to ensure Lakewood remains a safe and vibrant place to live.

    The recent and ongoing fires in Los Angeles have been truly devastating. Families have lost their homes and all their belongings, schools have been destroyed, and precious Torah scrolls have been rescued under heartbreaking circumstances. These events are a powerful reminder of how quickly life can change and how important it is to be prepared.

    While I don’t want to sound alarmist, I do think it is worth reflecting on what lessons we might learn from this tragedy. Reports suggest that some challenges in Los Angeles, such as issues with water supply and other logistical hurdles, may have exacerbated the situation. These challenges prompt thoughtful questions about how well-prepared we are here in Lakewood for emergencies of this nature.

    Considerations for Our Community
    1. Community Preparedness:
    • Do we have a plan in place for fire emergencies?
    • Is there sufficient water infrastructure and other resources to address potential challenges?
    2. Individual Responsibility:
    • Take some time to review your homeowner’s insurance policies. Do you have adequate fire coverage?
    • If possible, itemize your possessions to ensure you are prepared in the unlikely event of a loss.
    • Think about whether you and your family have an emergency plan. Even small steps can make a difference.
    3. Engaging with Local Officials:
    • Consider reaching out to local representatives to better understand the community’s emergency response plans.
    • Open dialogue and transparency can help us all feel more confident and prepared.

    A Thoughtful Reminder

    By taking a little time to reflect and prepare, we can learn from the experiences of others and ensure we are better equipped as individuals and as a community. Of course, while we take these steps, we ultimately place our trust in Hashem, who guides and protects us.

    May Lakewood always be a place of safety and strength, and may we use opportunities like these to grow and improve thoughtfully and collaboratively.

    With warm regards,
    Shaya Bassman
    Lakewood, NJ

