Thursday, June 28, 2018

Q: Why Aren't There Any Ice Cubes In Poland? A: The Inventor Died And Took The Recipe With Him.

Why aren't there any kashrus standards by KCL?

The individual that had all of their kashrus standards, was niftar.

He left over a thick binder the "KCL's guide to kashrus".

We found the thick binder "guide".

Every page had just one symbol on it, $$$$$

but otherwise it was empty.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Seven principals for making a marriage work

With more than a million copies sold worldwide, 
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work has 

revolutionized the way we understand, repair, and strengthen marriages. 

John Gottman's unprecedented study of couples over a period of years has allowed him to observe the habits that can make—and break—a marriage.

Ask- what you can do for others?, not what others can do for you !

Ask- what you can do for others?

not what others can do for you !

Monday, June 25, 2018

KCL bulletin: They must have a secret method to check blackberries/raspberries for infestation

KCL posted signs re: a method where you may be able to check Raspberries and Blackberries for infestation.
Check with them for the method. No one else knows a method.,


Why U.S. Courts Can’t Rule On Halacha

Sunday, June 24, 2018

All Orange Juice must be filtered

 Only use the 100 + mesh bag filters.

The Eidah recommends an "80" mesh.
Do not use any filters with a higher number, i.e. 230 mesh-They don't work properly.

This is the only one at this time that is available, and only available at.

If any one else is interested in selling these filters?, please contact me for the info & source.

The correct size bag filters are available at
Shain 1140 Forest Av (cor Carey St.) 732-364-8046.
$10.00 @

KCL Standards in bedikas toloyim-in the dark you can't find insects, even if you are trained.

Observing a KCL Mashgiach washing "Leek" which is a "muchzuk bi'toloyim".

1- The fluorescent lights in that area are not working.

2- The isn't any light box for the mashgiach to use.

3- Note: A mashgiach is supposed to "check" the vegetables after the food service employee washed it according to the direction of the mashgiach. The Mashgiach was doing the actual washing, getting himself all wet. Oblivious to anything going on in the kitchen at the time-many kashrus issues may arise, fire went out, etc.

They give to mashgiach a case of celery to wash, a case of leek to wash, some boxes of strawberries to wash, etc and you have all year purim in the kitchen.
Welcome to the world of KCL kashrus. It's not only the
 vegetables that one should not consume, R"L.

GEVALD- The Lakewood Cheder hall is using Agri / Aarons/Rubashkin. [you don't eat it at home, why at the cheder?]

The Cheder Hall is using "again" the Agri-Aaron/Rubashkin beef& Poultry products.

The Lakewood Oilum was outraged that new Cheder hall on vassar Ave. is the only catering hall in Lakewood that was using Agri-Rubashkin beef & poultry.  They refused to eat there. 

Time to bring your sandwiches "Again"

 KCL is of the erroneous opinion that the Lakewood oilum is not makpid on yoshon or kashrus. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Lakewood's KCL catering kashrus standards questioned (again)

KCL-A Shabbos Drop-Off job,  does require a mashgiach (a $400.00+ savings to the Baal Simcha.

The KCL Caterer makes you use his waiters, (he makes a few hundred on that). The caterers waiters will make sure to take care for his boss-if the fire goes out or too high or too low, or the urn needs adjusting or water added. He'll also protect his bosses equipment that it doesn't get lost, etc.
As they say "yom-tov in der vochen".

What's about "bossur-she'nisalem"? among many other issues.

Who controls the caterer's hot-box? (who has the key to the locked hot box? you guessed it, the Goy)
and his other equipment?

and the "party planners" putting their items  in the warmer, oven etc.
All without a mashgiach, thanks KCL

Defining a "drop-off"-Any other reliable Hashgocha will only allow a "drop-off job" in a person's house, but not in a shul, hall, etc.

Alert: (Lakewood) Politically-correct kashrus is not for Bnei-Torah!

Background; Rav Dr. Isaac Breuer, Z” L , when announcing his opening of the highly respected KAJ Kashrus, he stated, “I am opening a kashrus Organization that will adhere to “basic kashrus standards with no chumras and no hidurim.” 
The reason is, he said, “Eventually, you might be left with chumras & hidurim but no basic kashrus”. 

Bnai-Torah / Yeshiva Leit is looking for quality products with a reliable kashrus standard with no chumras & hidurim.
An individual with potential and some knowledge in kashrus put out a Hashgacha info sheet at Lakewood weddings / simchas, which punctuates his "politically-correct" type of kashrus, but a lack of "basic knowledge".

We will try to highlight some of the issues.

1-NPGS Meyuchad is not an acceptable "Bais-Yosef".
Solomon's Bais Yosef & fishel's are true Bais Yosef.
He opted not to use the real Bais-Yosef-

2-Positive & Kosher Garden bi'hashgocha of Rav Vaye & R' Goldstein who are expert mumchim in infestation. Rav Katz is familiar with infestation, but not an expert per se.
Evidently the "mashgiach" is unaware of what constitutes an expert/Mumcha in infestation. Can one rely on all of the other items requiring "expertise in infestation".

3-Coca Cola with OU on the Cap or label is 100% for Bnei Torah. Did the mashgiach want to stick it to R' Gavriel Finkel,? (Rebetzin Kotler's uncle)

4- Beer Mayim, even with the Hashgocha is not a first choice for Bnei Torah.

5- USA Sprite is fully acceptable for Bnei Torah.

6- Did he really understand what is require for Bishul Yisroel?

7- Poultry- He did not use the NPGS Meyuchad brand. He should have used the most mehudar poultry brand -Birdsboro.

8- Baked items- He should have used the Mehudar bakery "Hershey's".

9-Fish- He is unaware that the "fish list" is inaccurate and not for Bnei Torah. He could have used Fishing Line's fish.

10- Wines- Could have been mehader and use Schwartz's, Armon, Carmel, etc.

11- No chumras, no hidurim, what about basic kashrus? Etc.

These fish mongers missed the boat. These fish mongers located in Lakewood and Monsey put out this "fish list" as you see they wrote in the wedding standard. Their knowledge about kashrus in general is very limited and not reliable. It's based on "if you say that worms in fish is
ossir, then everything you certify is acceptable as mehadrin products. If not you are not acceptable at all. That's a very twisted standard.

All of them are allowing herring which has worms. The Eidaha's fish worms were found, Revach's fish also. CRC, Hisachdus, Tartikuv, Volover are not makpid on worms in fish.

These fish mongers don't have any "Mesorah" and are just hockers, tummlers, but not to be relied upon.

They made big campaigns for Farm Fresh supermarket just because he carried the Eidah's products. How many people were deceived in kashrus and financially by the fish mongers to purchase at that store. check it out.

Besides White fish and salmon, etc. the whole issue of worms in fish is questionable. Most Certifiers are mattir the fish.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Sheitels / wigs contain Indian hair

באתי להציע בזה על גבי הכתב בס"ד, בירור דברים שעלה בידינו בעניין ה'הכשר' המדומה על מקור השערות המשמשות לפיאות נכריות, וידוע מה שכתב מרן פוסק הדור הגר"מ שטרנבוך שליט"א בתשובות והנהגות ח"ה סי' רס"ה אודות ההכשר שאין לסמוך עליו, ולאחרונה עורר על כך מרן שליט"א בקצרה בדרשת שבת הגדול שההכשר רפוי, והנה מתוך העיסוק בעניין, עלה בידינו ממצאים רבים – וכל הנכתב כאן מוקלט ומגובה במסמכים, [ובכל מקום שנכתב איזה עניין בשם אחרים, הכוונה שיש תחת ידינו הקלטה מזה, אלא שלא טרחנו לחזור ולכתוב כן בכל מקום], וכתבתי בקצרה, וגם ישנם כמה עניינים שלא הספקתי כעת לכתוב, אך באמת אין צורך בזה באריכות, כי הרואה יראה מיד מהו ערכו של הכשר כזה שהסוחרים עצמם שמקבלים הכשרות לועגים על ההכשר ואומרים שההכשר אינו מונע מהם מלייבא שער הודי, ואי"ה עוד חזון למועד להרחיב הדברים ולבארם עוד.
וזה החלי בע"ה, התמקדתי בעיקר בעשרה נושאים מורחבים, ובתוך כל נושא העניין מתפצל לכמה וכמה עניינים, וכאשר תחזינה עיניכם מישרים.
ובנותן טעם להקדים תחילה מה שאמר לי אחד הסוחרים מארה"ב המקבלים השגחה: "רבאי שלזינגר לא יודע בדיוק מה שקורה, מי שרוצה לחטוא בוודאי יכול לחטוא, אם זה היה בשר אני לא הייתי אוכל, אני סומך על הקב"ה, אני מסתמך גם על הגוי בסין שלא יכשיל אותי".
וזהו דוגמא אחת מיני אלף, ואידך זיל גמור.
א] יוצא ונכנס

KCL fleecing Agri / Aaron's, Rosenblatt, for $5,000.00 @ month

הפקרות בשחיטה באייווה

לכבוד הרב חיים
נו״נ בענינים שעל הפרק
לוחם מלחמת הקודש
חייב אני לשתף אותך במה שסיפר לי קרוב משפחה שעובד בהשחיטה של פרידמאן באיווה כבר כמה שנים
שהרב המכשיר שם זה הרב מרדכי וויסמנדעל בן של הגאון הרב מנחם מאיר שליט״א
אבל כנראה שהבן לא כל כך מקפיד ומהדר כמנהג האבא , ומרשה לעצמו להתנהג ולהנהיג בדרך חדשה.
וסיפר לי בן משפחתי על מנהג חדש
שבהשבועיים האחרוניים היה שם בבית השחיטה הרב המכשיר רק ליומיים בלבד
ביום שני וביום השלישי בכל שבוע אפילו ששוחטים כל השבוע
ובשאר הימים הם לא יודעים לאיפה הולך ואין לשאול שאלות של כשרות טריפות וכדו...
וצריך להעיר שגם ההכשרים האחרים שם
כמו האו יו, הרב מיללער מתפילה לדוד,ה קי סי אל מליקוועד,הרב סעגעל מליוובאיטש,ועוד סומכים ידם על ההכשר של הרב וויסמנדעל ולא מובן איך נותנים לדבר כזה לקרות
ויוכל כל אחד לשאול הרבנים האלו אפילו לדבר עם הרב הגאון מנחם מאיר ולשאול על כך
השם במערכת

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

ALERT: BMG is serving AGRI meat & Poultry in the yeshiva

ALERT: BMG is serving AGRI meat & Poultry in the yeshiva. (bishul yisroel bais yosef, of course)

On a similar situation Reb Moshe, Z"L said to tell the Rosh Yeshiva, such a product even if it's a "hefsid merubah" should not be served to Yeshiva Bochurim and Yungerleit.

Reb Moshe, Z"L sent a message to Reb Shnuer, Z"L not to use Empire poultry. "dus geht min nisht tzu yeshiva leit".

Alle poultry is actually an Empire product, and the oilum does not want it.

Gourmet Glatt Lakewood realizes that the Lakewood Oilum doesn't want Agri / Rubashkin products in spite of the Bakshish provided to KCL.