Wednesday, March 27, 2019

ALERT- Rav Moshe Vaye does NOT certify any Israeli romain, etc. coming to the USA- "IT'S UNAUTHORIZED"

Any "Israeli" leafy product that has the Hashgocha or name of Rav Moshe Vaye on it, should not be used.

Kale is now one of the most pesticide-contaminated infested vegetables

Kale is now one of the most pesticide-contaminated infested vegetables

  • The Environmental Working Group, a watchdog group, publishes its "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" list annually.
  • Kale ranks the third "dirtiest" produce item.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

KCL at Gourmet Glatt

At Food service in Lakewood does not allow the following;

Fresh Flounder,
Kosher Garden,
Sun Dried Tomatoes, etc. 

But At Gourmet Glatt, they do allow them, WHY?

KCL says, "Gourmet Glatt customers aren't Makpid".

Butcher department shameful kashrus

Kovod n gelt iber altz

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Update: Hisachdus Harabonim Di"Lakewood alert re: Israeli carrots & Grapefruit

Hisachdus Harabonim Di"Lakewood alert re: Israeli carrots, Grapefruits.

Israeli carrots, Grapefruits were found in Williamsburg, Borough Park, Lakewood, Monsey, 5 Towns, NYC, etc.

Monday, March 04, 2019

Tzitzis warning!!
 Feb. 28, 2019 
Dear Friend,
 I have become aware that there are those who are wearing hemp ציצית on cotton and linen garments.
 One doing so, has not fulfilled his obligation of ציצית. He is actually transgressing the mitzvah of ציצית, by wearing a four cornered garment that requires ציצית, without wearing ציצית that fulfills his obligation. In addition, if he makes a ברכה on the ציצית, he is making a ברכה לבטלה!

The halacha is that only linen and woolen ציצית may be put on any type of garment to fulfill his obligation (excluding of course, woolen ציצית on a linen garment and vice versa which would be shatnez). In regard to other types of ציצית (which is called שאר מינים), they can only be used for the same type of garment, as cotton ציצית for a cotton garment, as stated in Shulchan Orach 9:2-3.

Although, hemp which is called קנבוס by Chazal, is closely related to linen, it is not linen and does not make shatnez with wool. Likewise, it is considered שאר מינים in regard to ציצית.

Therefore, hemp ציצית can only be used for a hemp garment; you can see this brought down in Mishna Berura 9:2.

If someone would want to use hemp ציצית for a hemp garment, he would have to first verify that the garment is actually of hemp, as stated in Hilchos shatnez. This may be very difficult to verify as it looks very very similar to linen. 

Please publicize!

Rabbi Moshe Bresler
Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Defining reliable Kashrus

A kashrus system with a so-so standard, you still have a
reliable kashrus,

A very high kashrus standard, with no kashrus system in place is "zero kashrus"

Friday, March 01, 2019

Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil EVOO 7 million dollar settlement class action suit

Deoleo USA Inc. has reportedly agreed to pay $7 million to settle a class action lawsuit alleging it made misrepresentations about Bertolli olive oil.
Deoleo USA Inc. has reportedly agreed to pay $7 million to settle a class action lawsuit alleging it made misrepresentations about Bertolli olive oil.
According to the Bertolli class action lawsuit, Deoleo misrepresented Bertolli olive oil as being “Imported from Italy” and that it qualified as “extra virgin” olive oil through the “best by” date.
Seven plaintiffs from Arkansas, California, Florida, New York, New Jersey and North Carolina allege claims for violations of deceptive practices laws in their states and assert claims for unjust enrichment.
In their motion supporting preliminary approval of the Bertolli olive oil class action settlement, the plaintiffs urge the judge to certify a nationwide Class of consumers, because Deoleo’s alleged misrepresentations affect consumers uniformly throughout the United States, and because the laws of all 50 states are substantively identical to the laws of at least one of the states represented by the plaintiffs. The judge had previously certified two Classes of California consumers.
The plaintiffs note that Deoleo has already removed the phrase “Imported from Italy” from its products and will not use similar phrasing unless the oil is entirely derived from olives grown and pressed in Italy.
Deoleo has also reportedly started bottling its “extra virgin” olive oil in dark green bottles to protect the product from light degradation. Further, the plaintiffs say that Deoleo agrees to stricter testing protocols during the bottling process, to shorten the “best by” period, and to disclose the date of harvest on every bottle of Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil to help ensure the product meets “extra virgin” standards at the time of sale and use.
Class Members of the proposed Bertolli settlement include anyone in the United States who purchased Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil since May 23, 2010 and anyone who purchased Bertolli olive oil labeled as “Imported from Italy” between May 23, 2010 and Dec. 31, 2015.
Under the terms of the proposed Bertolli olive oil settlement, each Class Member will be entitled to a cash refund of up to $7.25 per bottle purchased. No proof of purchase will be required for Class Members submitting a claim for up to five bottles.
Plaintiff Scott Koller initially filed the Bertolli olive oil class action lawsuit in May 2014. Bertolli repeatedly attempted to escape the litigation, but its motions to dismiss the Bertolli class action lawsuit were denied.
Koller asked a judge to grant Class certification to the Bertolli olive oil class action lawsuit in October 2015. In August 2017, the court certified two Classes of California consumers.
Top Class Actions will post updates to this class action settlement as they become available. For the latest updates, keep checking or sign up for our free newsletter. You can also receive notifications when this article is updated by using your free Top Class Actions account and clicking the green “Follow Article” button at the top of the post.
Koller is represented by Adam J. Gutride, Seth A. Safier and Kristen G. Simplicio of Gutride Safier LLP and by Hasan A. Zavareei and Jeffrey D. Kaliel of Tycko & Zavareei LLP.
The Bertolli Olive Oil Class Action Lawsuit is Scott Koller v. Med Foods Inc., et al., Case No. 3:14-cv-02400, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.