Friday, February 14, 2020

UPDATE: Reb Shlomo Zalman said-Re: Star-K & Intermarriage

 "The rest-of-the Story"
The Star-K couldn't fathom that it will be public knowledge that Reb Shlomo Zalman, Z"L is pointing his entire hand at the Star-K for the high rate of Intermarriage R"L in our generation, so they resorted to their professionalism in other areas.
The Star-K changed everything on these pages in the Halichos Shlomo (by Reb Shlomo Zalman, Z"L)to a different topic altogether, then they got Hershey Friedman to sponsor a new Edition of this cheilik of Halichos Shlomo, without the 2 pages about the Star-K being faulted with the intermarriage. This was done without the knowledge of the mishpacha. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Alert: Unauthorized + Tartikuv Hashgocha

Infestation issues!

Tartikuv Beis Din has 2 different English logos.
One logo was advertised in the Hamodia last week. It said that if that logo or the hebrew logo are different, they don't take responsibilty.

The Logo on all varities of the Galil's
Turkish Berries are therefore not authorized.

Or one logo is used when there was a masgiach at the production, and the logo on the Galil Turkish Delights are used when there was no mashgiach at the production and they relied on their in house information.
Yes, it's confusing to say the least. They said they will publish a Re-call, we didn't see any re-calls published.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Yeshivas VS Colleges /Universities

Yeshivas should not become Colleges or Universities 

Colleges / Universities across the world are the incubators of all of the following;

Socialisms - Liberalism - Anti -Semitism - Terrorism - Hate - Democrats, etc.

Saturday, February 08, 2020

ALERT! Due to the dangerous virus, avoid prouct from China

BTW- It's a common practice including by Heimish distributors to re-pack Chinese goods in Canada and put on PRODUCT OF CANADA