Tuesday, August 24, 2021

What is really bothering many individuals about what I publicize?

 When they are all "zocheh" to appear at the Bais-Din shel Maalah and they will  be asked,

Why did you consume these items and these items, etc?

Normally they would give a shrug with their shoulder, and say "But, I didn't know".

Now, I'm taking away from this "teretz".

Sure many will discount what I say, with various unsubstantiated reasons, 

but will the Bais-Din accept those empty reasons?

I'm sorry

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Mesorah teaches us the following;

Don't worry about who will be offended if you say the truth,

          Worry about who will  be misled, deceived and destroyed, If you don't. 

"Politically correct" has gradually become a synonym for hypocrisy and cowardice.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

According to Science:

The Bee is not able to fly, - the bee doesn't know- 

Science says; Everyone will die if they don't vaccinate. 

The Amish don't vaccinate, and they are healthy individuals in general.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Why is the BMG's KCL Mashgiach in StarBucks? see undated letter

BMG's KCL Mashgiach, found "only" one item in Starbucks that's not kosher!


Sunday, August 08, 2021

It's NOT kosher! Art Scroll's SHABBOS TABLE are Advertisements & on shabbos-

Call them at 1-800-637-6724- or write to them at YHisiger@mesorah.com  
to state you objection to the chilul shabbos.