Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Reb Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz's vision and foresight of BMG's KCL- AKA Kehilas Chareidim - Lakewood- "The same bluff"

 KCL, said for 15 years, that the Manalapan kosher chinese express (treif) is recommended!! Now they will lie about it!  thanks KCL"

"Going off the derech is always caused by a lack of kashrus"

The author of the basic following article was the great gaon and tzaddik Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz OB”M, founder of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas.  Re: KCL;

And if I say: ‘I will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name’ then there is in my heart a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I weary myself to hold it in, but cannot. (Jeremiah 20:9)

I use the above prophetic words as a preface to my article concerning kashrus, because this article will not bring honor to me. On the contrary, I will be attacked with ridicule from many sides. But what can I do? A fire is burning within me and hopefully within thousands of Jews like me…A fire, which cannot be extinguished.

The Kashrus question has recently been discussed in the Yiddish press, but only one side of the question, viz. concerning unscrupulous purveyors & butchers who sell treifos or questionable products without a reliable hechsher or with a false one.

The religious press is silent about this problem, perhaps because of the honor of the Rabbis, or, perhaps, because of other …. reasons. The honor of the Rabbis is dear to me too. But, the honor of the Torah which is lying in the garbage, and the honor of the truth, which is trodden under foot, is dearer to me. Where there is Chilul-Hashem we do not impart honor to a Rabbi, I, therefore come forward with an accusation.

I Accuse!

I accuse many Rabbis, Kosher certifiers & their Rabbis, who grant hechsherim, who knowingly or otherwise, or out of neglect, permit insects & non-kosher meat & other allegedly kosher products to be processed & sold under their stamp of approval both wholesale & retail; the seller is an unscrupulous person with a Torah sanction.

I accuse!
Many Rabbis & Roshei Yeshiva, who although they themselves have no part in the hechsherim, nevertheless, know about them & still remain silent, at times may even be indirectly sanctioning them. There is a sort of mutual reciprocal agreement to keep quiet & sanction each other including their false hechsherim. Perhaps it’s because they wish to avoid Chilul-Hashem. They forget that where there is Chilul-hashem we do not impart honor to a Rabbi etc.

I accuse!
The very great Rabbis, Roshei Yeshiva, the leaders of our people, because of internal strife. These disputes are not for the sake of heaven; if one says something is prohibited the other must say it is permissible, if one says something is contaminated the other must say it is pure (vidu’y Erev Yom Kippur). It is impossible to bring order & reliability to the chaotic kashrus situation, especially & including the kashrus standards of infestation checking, meat and poultry.

I accuse!
The Rabbis, Roshei Yeshiva etc. because of whose negligence; the laws of chalav- akum have virtually been forgotten. I know that there were (not any more, due to chalav treifa) various heterim for this, but they apply only when it is i m p o s i b l e to obtain chalav-yisroel. In our situation, however, with a little concerned effort of the individuals, order could be brought to this chaos, and “if one can be good, why should he be bad?”

I accuse!
Our orthodoxy, for sleeping the sleep of Choni Ha’Maagil, who slept seventy years. They are completely unaware of what is happening around then and how our strongest ramparts are being smashed by our internal foes. They are unaware that all our holy traditions & takanos are being trampled underfoot, that our three thousand year old heritage has all but completely disappeared. Yet, Orthodoxy sleeps, but how much longer?

I accuse!
Our orthodoxy, do you know that all of the fortresses of Judaism, which have heretofore protected us from destruction, the only one left is kashrus, that other mitzvos are observed very laxly even in orthodox homes? And now kashrus too is being smashed!? Yet we sleep, but how much longer?

I accuse!
The very great Rabbis, Roshei Yeshiva, Rabei-im & Menhalim etc. don’t you see what has become of your youth? Don’t you know that Jewish children have become tramps, gamblers, gangsters, candidates for the electric chair, and all kinds of “ist’s” only because they have been raised on insects, neveilos & treifos R”L, yet you sleep, but how much longer?

Don’t you know that going to the mikvah every day to purify yourself will be to no avail? Not even all the waters in the world can help, with a sheretz-tamei (a carcass of a creeping thing), not in your hand, but inside of you! And when you daven every morning and evening, or when you learn your daily shiur or seder, don’t you know that the breath that emanates from your mouth is the breath of sin? Because it reeks of insects, neveilos & treifos!

Yet you sleep, but how much longer? When you wash your hands for bread, or when you make Kiddush on Shabbos, and your table is bedecked with all sorts of delicacies, and you say with each bite, “in honor of the Shabbos”, you are angering hashem when you break bread. Yet you sleep, but how much longer?

I know that you will reply, “ Jacob is small & poor”. But look what Jacob’s brother on East Broadway has accomplished, how he erected a fortress through the poor laborers, a fortress against Judaism, because he has united forces. Yet you sleep & do nothing, but how much longer?

Gentleman! Do a little soul searching and see how far you have strayed; remember that our parents have sacrificed their lives for Kiddush hashem; they allowed themselves to be burned in order to uphold our holy Torah, whereas you are not required to make any sacrifices; with but a handful you can save the situation and our youth, Yet you sleep, but how much longer?

Fellow Jews, have you no fear for the great and terrible Day of Judgment? In that day you will no longer be able to come up with excuses (I didn’t know) or with a shrug of the shoulder.
(R’ Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz Z”L)

And I ask you “how much longer?” And I say, “you sleepers, awaken from your slumber!”

 Thanks   KCL! For enlightening us to the world of kashrus through your eyes.
2.      Milchig ice-cream after fleishig meal? "oops" Sh-h-h, it's under  KCL. Thanks  
3.  Milchig Danishes at a fleishig (cholent) Kiddush? "oops!" Sh-h־h. it's under   KCL. Thanks  
4.      Jewish Waiters' michalelei Shabbos driving to & from jobs on Shabbos and no Mashgiach on jobs in houses, shuls & catering halls? Sh-h-h, it's under the   KCL, Thanks
5.  Caterers arange for their own mashgichiml (why not?) Sh-h-h-h, it's under   KCL Thanks
6.      Catering in a private house without a Mashgiach! "oops" Sh-h-h, it's under  KCL. Thanks
7.      Unplugging crock-pot on Shabbos & plugging in elsewhere? Sh-h-h. it's under  KCL, Thanks
8.      KCL-Giving a hashgocha to Foremost -A michalel Shabbos that married a shiksa, " nu-nu"! Thanks
9.      Kashrus Administrator of  KCL wanted to borrow crock-pots from one of their  KCL fleishig takeouts for his Bar Mitzvah. "sorry Rabbi, they are all rented out to private people for a Kiddush in their homes".
10.   KCL crock-pots b-e-i-n-g  u-s-e-d by p-r-i-v-a־t-e people? "nu־nu", sh-h-h, it's under   KCL, Thanks
11. The acceptability of hangouts & the pritzus of  KCL bar stools etc? (a shiksa volt zich ge-shemt), (Lakewood, unfortunately, experienced the inevitable from relationships that originated there.) Sh-h-h. it ‘s under   KCL, Thanks
12.  Attempted to impose the pritzus   KCL bar-stools in a Restaurant not under   KCL, The manager's wife rightfully threw them out for even suggesting such pritzus, Thanks
13.  Sub-station and other hangouts is ruining our youth! Sh-h-h. it's under the   KCL, Thanks
14.   The RITA'S Freeze bar Piritzous acceptability? Thanks
17.   KCL’s Administrator can remain on all programs as long as all of the income is properly laundered.
18.  A caterer in a non-kosher facility puts their boiling hot pots on treif grease. & allowing cooking on stove next to treif pots cooking, "nisht azoi ge-ferlich ", Sh-h-h-h, it's under   KCL, Thanks 

19.  All hours and after hours allowing goyim access to the kashrus seals & tape, even keeping some rolls in their cars. Sh-h-h-. it's  KCL. Thanks
20. After hours allowing goyim access to items that require seals, sh-h-h, it's   KCL, Thanks
21.  Ignoring the facts that the same knife is being used by the bakery to cut the parve & dairy cakes, & that some of the cake decorations aren't kosher , sh-h-h. it's   KCL. Thanks
22.  Chikys & others - Bossur sheh’nisalem, only goi’yim
23.  R' Shraga Feivel Mendelowitz Z"L, writes - I ACCUSE the very great Rabbis. Roshei Yeshiva, Rabei-im
24.  J Accuse etc. don't you see what has become of your youth? Don’t you know that Jewish children have become tramps, gamblers, gangsters, candidates for the electric chair, etc only because they have been raised on neveilos & treifos R"I..." stabbing in West Gate! Attributable to  KCL

25.  Fellow Jews, have you no fear for the great and terrible Day of Judgment? In that day you will no longer be able to come up with excuses (e.g. "oh! 1 didn't know") or with a   "s-h-r-u-g of the shoulder".

Monday, April 15, 2024

SBD-Sephardic Bais Din hashgocha on meat is not for Sfardim- SBD veal is not for ashenazim either, SHOULD KASHER UTENSILS IF USED

 Of course, unless you use KCL Hashgochas for Meat & Poultry, then SBD is not any worse, I.E. JERUSALEM GLATT


All Botei Dinim that alienate children from a father is done ONLY to "force a get", which of course is therefore an invalid get.

Always put in the arbitration agreement "the Bais Din may not alienate the children from a parent". (Per Reb Shlomo Miller and Reb Elya Ber Wachtfogel)

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Kashrus of Mezuzahs- OU kosher and Stamp- 2024 OU Passover Guides available by Shain- 1140 Forest Ave, corner Carey St-opposite Forest Bais Medrash

 The Orthodox Union (OU) is addressing a significant concern in the kosher community: the kashrut of mezuzahs. Partnering with the Jerusalem-based STAMP, they aim to ensure the authenticity and halachic compliance of mezuzahs, often found lacking due to the rapid increase in demand and insufficient oversight in the industry.

STAMP, supported by the Mayberg Foundation, enforces a rigorous quality-assurance process, including multiple inspections and AI scanning, to certify mezuzahs as kosher lechatchila (fully kosher). This initiative, not for profit but for community service, introduces OU-certified mezuzahs, complete with tamper-proof packaging and detailed certificates.

This effort seeks to educate consumers and ensure the availability of unquestionably kosher mezuzahs, enhancing the spiritual integrity of Jewish homes. For more information, visit ou.org/mezuzah and thestamproject.org.

To learn more about OU mezuzos and to view a list of vendors who sell them, visit https://ou.org/mezuzah

To learn more about STAMP, visit www.thestamproject.org.CONTACT: Rabbi Ezra Sarna, director of Halacha Initiatives, Orthodox Union, (443) 285-9128, sarnae@ou.org.