Tuesday, March 30, 2021

UPDATE: REFRESH Fruits of Brooklyn- They need some major changes in their quality of checking-

CRC put out an alert before Pesach that all romaine is much more infested that usual, including Andy Boy Hearts.

The ORB (Florida hashgocha) put out the CRC alert on the first day of Chol Hamoed, while giving a Pesach hashgocha to many hotel, many caterers, etc. without being aware that it's heavily infested.

Shocked? NO- the ORB is consistent. 

It is suggested that everyone should do a cursory check prior to use.

Rabbi Eisen of the 5 Towns Vaad is very much at fault, single handedly has brought down the quality of kashrus in the entire industry of infestation, etc.

Friday, March 26, 2021

CRC ALERT: Romaine heaviy infested- Therefore, Buy only the Positive or kosher Garden brands

March 25, 2021


Please be advised that in recent days we have been finding romaine lettuce to be more infested than usual.  In particular, we have been finding more thrips than would be expected. 

Accordingly, extra care and diligence should be used when preparing romaine lettuce for the Seder.  The “thrip cloth method” (https://www.crcweb.org/askcrc/Thripcloth.php)  remains effective, but the procedure may have to be repeated several times to remove all insects.  

An alternative method is to separate the leaves, soak them in soapy water, and then rub all parts of each leaf with a sponge or scrubber. The leaves can then be used as is.


The above concern is, because of the unusually high levels of infestation in romaine lettuce, we have just determined that the usual washing process has not been sufficient in some instances. 

Therefore, we recommend that the whole leaf romaine lettuce be rewashed by placing the leaves into soapy water and then rinsing each leaf front and back under running water. The chopped variety may be used as is, without additional washing.


Thursday, March 25, 2021

UPDATE: Shatnez Alert: Don't buy clothing from Lakewood Emporio stores, until it's checked by a Lab affiliated with the International testers

SUITS sold in EMPORIO- Lakewood has been found to contain Shatnez. Therefore, all of their suits must be re-checked by a qualified shatnez Lab.

Shatnez has been found in David Oliver suits sold at the Suite Shoppe.

All shoulder pads that have been put in by the right place may contain Shatnez and must be replaced.

GEFLOCHTENE SILVER ATOROS sold by Judaica Plaza have been found to contain linen within the Atorah.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Alert: A completly unreliable fraudlent Hashgocha on wigs, per Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Shlita, per Rav Eliyashev, Z"L & many others


ROCK SALMON-WHAT IS IT??? it's non-kosher canned salmon

From Wikipedia encyclopedia: Rock Salmon is the flesh of the dogfish, wolffish or catfish, also known as hass/huss. [Non-kosher, of course- Y.S.] Renamed by marketeers to make the fish more appealing to consumers. it is from the Shark family.
Note: Canned skinless and boneless Rock Salmon has the flesh texture an reddish color of late season canned salmon- Per US Fisheries Department the one way to differentiate the difference is by a simple sodium test. As canned Salmon has a few grains of salt put into the can prior to cooking the raw salmon in the can. Rock Salmon does not have any salt put in the can prior to cooking the raw Rock Salmon.

Therefore, flesh color of salmon is not reliable 

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

KAJ pulled the Hashgocha from Empire, due to serious issues- FYI- "only" Some Lakewood caterers refuse to use Empire's kashrus standards

Always ask caterer, "do you use Empire"?

FYI- ONLY SOME Lakewood caterers will not use the Empire poultry.

KCL is a  Lakewood political Organization, making a lot of money off of Kashrus.

KCL subscribes to PAY FOR PLAY.