Thursday, October 21, 2021

BMG's KCL (Kosher Council of Lakewood) covering up on serving treif cheese to our "kinderlach" in our Moisdois!

A Lakewood Moisoid under the KCL served Non-Kosher Laubscher Cheese . 
Note: Laubscher cheese has no hashgocha at all, it's not an issue of non-cholov-yisroel-it's non-kosher!

It was used by a few of their moisdois, served to "Yidisher Kinderlach."

BMG's KCL tried doing a (diaper) cover-up with the following letter. They write "MAYBE" they served it- They are lying to you, (Again).


Monday, October 18, 2021

We filter our information for reliability.

 Filtering good information from uninformed opinions can help open your minds,

Don’t Let Data Smog Close Your Mind.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Alert: Evergreen & Newday Monsey, lost their infestation expert Reb Ari Green

 Evergreen & Newday Supermarkets do not have anymore the Hashgocha of Reb Ari Green for the insect cleaning department,  who is the

renowned expert in checking for infestation.

Therefore their all of checked  fruits and

vegetables can not be recommended 


Saturday, October 09, 2021

Re: Vaccines for Covid! Pfizer Scientists in Undercover Videos Say Natural Immunity Likely Better Than COVID-19 Vaccination!

Do not trust the latest video from Reb Chaim Re: vaccines, It's all Yankie Kanievsky videos not Reb Chaim.

A Rosh Yeshiva recently wanted to go into Reb Chaim with some of his Talmidim, as usual. He was made to pay $500.00 USD Baksish.

It's all Yankie- Reb Chaim and the Shulchan Oruch say "it's ossur to vaccinate".


Friday, October 08, 2021

Their Taurine is "now" synthetic- They pastuerize and bottle in non-kosher facilities!

Red-bull- only with kosher symbol on can. 
CRC Chicago still considers Red-Bull as "not-recommended"

The others are bottled in non-kashered treif facilities.
Cocaine test prompts Red Bull removal in Germany THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Six German states have told retailers to stop selling Red Bull Cola energy drinks after a test found a trace amount of cocaine. The bans started Friday after a sample test conducted by authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia state found 0.4 micrograms per liter in the drink. Five other states also banned it from shops amid concerns over possible narcotics law violations.Germany's Federal Institute for Risk Assessment said Monday that the cocaine level was too low to pose a health risk. It planned to produce a more detailed report Wednesday.Red Bull said its cola is "harmless and marketable in both the U.S. and Europe." It said similar coca leaf extracts are used worldwide as flavoring, and a test it commissioned itself found no cocaine traces.

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Update: Beware: Real Estate Prices in Lakewood area "exorbitant "? Who is causing it?

Real Estate agent$ are "agent$ of the $eller".

Therefore the agents feel justified in telling the sellers "I can get you x dollars" (an inflated un-justified sum). Agents are not willing to list houses at fair and reasonable prices, the agents refuse to present a buyers resonable offer, etc.  Hence "exorbitant inflation".

Solutions; Use a "Buyers agent" i.e. Nathan Mermelstein,Realtor etc. Use a "nisht fun unzereh" Real Estate agency.

Now there are what is called the "squad of 7", they work together in shafting the buyers by upping the prices. It's alleged that they even share part of the commission.

In Gateshead, only the Rav, approves the sale price, the buyer, etc.
Lakewood does not have an "Independent- Rav". They have many Rabbonim that must tow the line with ....... or else, no perks.

Rav Shach, Z"L, told me and others years ago there will be many serious problems in Lakewood, as "they" want to control everything, and not allow an Independent Ruv.

Monday, October 04, 2021

Body soaps that don't contain animal parts

 Avon- Oil bracing bar, antibacterial liquid soap, tranquil moments soap, relaxation foam soap, soothing bath soap and body oil, ultra moist foam bath.

Rokeach - kosher soap

Proctor & Gamble- Lava hand soap, kirk coconut bar, liquid safeguard, liquid ivory

Physician's surgeons- Aloe vera soap, baby skin soap, cocoa butter soap, oily skin soap, vitamin E soap,                                       dry skin soap.

Pears- Pears transparent soap.

Lever brothers- Lever 2000.

Kiss my face- Olive oil soap, lemon lime soap, almond cream soap, peach soap.

Johnson & Jonson- Baby bar soap.

Dial corp- Dial bar soap. tone bar soap, spirit bar soap, liquid dial pure & natural bar soap, mountain                        fresh bar soap.

Colgate Palmolive- Vel bar soap.

Clearly natural- Aloe vera, rainforest, vitamen E, Strawberry, Jasmine, wildflower, hollysuckle, unscented. 

Sunday, October 03, 2021

Brown eggs are much more susceptible to blood spots and other kashrus issues?

Cage free and Pennsylvania eggs, do have roosters, 
so their blood-spots are a serious issue.