Sunday, January 05, 2025

Alert: Prioritizing Safety in Lakewood's and Central Jersey's Changing Landscape

Numerous episodes have been happening at the local restaurants, inappropiate language, inappropiate touching, the rest one can figure out.

Alert: Prioritizing Safety in Lakewood's Changing Landscape

Over the past few years, Lakewood has undergone significant changes—shifts that may not align with the original vision of Reb Ahron and Reb Shnuer, Z"L.

Some concerning incidents have occurred in various establishments. While we won’t delve into specifics at this time, it’s clear that vigilance is essential.

Our Recommendation:

Always ensure accompaniment for safety and guidance—whether as an individual or part of a group. Having someone alongside you provides protection, support, and peace of mind as you navigate these changes.

Stay safe and make mindful choices to uphold the integrity and spirit of our cherished community.

The Hashgocha says as long there aren't constant violations of kashrus and their fees to the Hashgocha are timely, that is our only responsibility.  

Important Kashrus Alert: Food Service Establishments in the Monsey Area

Important Kashrus Alert: Food Service Establishments in the Monsey Area

We have received numerous inquiries regarding kashrus standards in food service establishments throughout the Monsey area. This topic has been the subject of much discussion, and unfortunately, there has been significant activity from self-proclaimed "wannabes" in the kashrus field.

Currently, there are two overlapping organizations claiming to provide information and oversight, whose emblems are often displayed prominently. Additionally, CHAMA (Chevra Mivakshei HaKashrus) is another entity in the area, which also provides mashgichim for establishments.

Having been involved in the food service kashrus field for nearly 50 years, we have been fortunate to have Siyata Di’Shmaya in uncovering serious issues in numerous establishments. Based on our extensive experience, we must issue the following guidance:

Bottom Line:

As of Chanukah 5758, we cannot recommend relying on these organizations for kashrus certification. Instead, the reliability of a food service establishment often depends on the owner, manager, and mashgiach. If these individuals are known to be truly yir’ei shamayim (G-d-fearing), there may be more reason to trust the establishment. However, this requires careful discernment. Tjhese Organizations are actually a מכשיל את הרבים, ר"ל

To ensure your safety and adherence to proper kashrus:

  • Bring your own food whenever possible.
  • Avoid consuming vegetables from food service establishments that require bedikas toloyim (checking for insects), as this is often mishandled.

We urge the community to exercise caution and prioritize the highest standards of kashrus in all food-related decisions.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Update-2: Avoid the rush-Get your trees cut or branches trimmed. Glassman- Shomer Shabbos- insured

 Avoid the mad-rush, 
When everyone suddenly needs their trees cut/trimmed. 

This company just cut and trimmed the trees by the Forest/Carey BMG bais medrash-so it doesn't fall on the cars.

They cut/trimmed by Shain, he is very satisfied with the job.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Synopsis: Ninth Circuit Rules on Ministerial Exception in Kosher-Certification Dispute

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the ministerial exception applies to the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (OU) in a lawsuit filed by Yaakov Markel, a mashgiach (kosher supervisor). Markel alleged unpaid overtime and unmet promises of promotion and wage increases, arguing that the claims involved secular matters.

Circuit Judge Ryan D. Nelson, writing for the majority, affirmed the lower court's decision that the OU is a religious institution, and the role of a mashgiach qualifies as ministerial. The court held that the ministerial exception, grounded in the First Amendment, bars Markel’s claims, as his work was essential to OU’s religious mission of kosher certification. The court emphasized that delineating religious and secular decisions within religious institutions could lead to unconstitutional entanglement between church and state.

The ruling also extended the ministerial exception to protect individual defendants, such as Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz, from employment-related claims brought by ministerial employees. Circuit Judge Gabriel P. Sanchez concurred with the outcome but disagreed that the exception could apply to purely secular disputes.

The case underscores the constitutional principle that religious institutions’ decisions, even if appearing secular, are often intertwined with religious doctrine and are thus shielded from judicial interference under the ministerial exception. The decision is significant in defining the scope of the ministerial exception within religious organizations providing services for profit.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Update: The unfinished battle against the modern "Misyavinim" - They are ALL our fellow Jews R"L [The רבים ביד מעטים וכו' will triumph]

R' Yosef Fund was removed by Reb Shlomo Miller, Shlita (Bais Horah D'Lakewood) 
 from the Bais Horah Bais Din. KCL still keeps Yosef Fund with his wild Heteirim.

From an Email:

Rav Shimon Schwab spoke at a convention about "The unfinished battle against the modern "Misyavinim". We think there is another modern "Misyavnim" brewing ........

The Misyavnim are your Friedlanders, Eichtensteins, Lakewood Vaad,  
Agudah, Members of Mo'etezes, Garry Schaer, Avi Schnall, et al, a$$konim, Roshei Moisdois, Kehilas Chareidim, D'Lakewood, KCL, etc. 

מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו

Agudah's Avi Schnall officially confirmed that Agudah will always court the Democrats, because that's where the money is (just like Willie Sutton said).

The Misyavnim even refer to the חשמונאים as ולא תהיו כקורח ועדתו ר"ל

Chanukah-The unfinished battle against the "Misyav'nim" or Helenists-aka Open-Orthodoxy

Rav Shimon Schwab spoke at a convention about;
  "The unfinished battle against the modern "Misyavinim"or Helenists. AKA Open-Orthodoxy

 One of the most overlooked aspects of the Chanukah struggle and its miracles is the fact that the Chashmonaim defeated not only the Assyrian Greeks but their culture as well. 

Hellenists or Misyavnim were Jews who felt they can incorporate and adopt non-Jewish culture and values into their Judaism. 

The victory of Chanukah was the defeating of this misguided notion as well. 

Looking into our lives,would some of us be considered modern Misyavnim or Helenists? Have secular culture and /or values infiltrated into our Judaism? Would the Chashmonaim of old have waged a cultural war against some of our modern Orthodox Judaism Rabbonim of today?

We must defeat the modern day Modern-Orthodox mindset, they are worse then the Misyavnim or Hellenists.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Chanukah Recommended oils- with the NAOOA seal or the California Olive oil board seal

Recommended Olive oils for Chanukah- Also 100% California EVOO oils

"SGS" is also a reliable certification-found on Kirkland from Spain

 Check for Olive oil seal on @ each bottle.

As of June 15, 2024, the list is as follows:


Carlini Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Carlini Olive Oil

Simply Nature Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sicilian PDO Certified Val Di Mazara Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Botticelli Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Colavita Premium Selection Olive Oil

Colavita Premium Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Colavita Mediterranean Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Colavita 100% Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Premium World Selection

Colavita 100% Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Premium World Selection

Colavita Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Colavita Olive Oil

Filippo Berio

Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Olive Oil Delicato

Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Olive Oil Robusto

Filippo Berio 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Goya Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Goya Unico Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Goya Puro Olive Oil

Goya Light-Tasting Olive Oil


Iliada Extra Virgin Olive Oil

La Tourangelle

La Tourangelle Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

La Tourangelle Organic Smooth & Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil

La Tourangelle Organic Bright & Peppery Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Moresh Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Napa Valley Naturals

Napa Valley Naturals Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Olitalia Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Origin 846

Origin 846 Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Robust

Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil Smooth

Pompeian Spanish Bold Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pompeian Organic Smooth Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pompeian Organic Robust Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pompeian Mild-Tasting Olive Oil

Pompeian Rich-Tasting Olive Oil

Pompeian Early Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pompeian Light Tasting Olive Oil

Pompeian Made Easy - Drizzle

Pompeian Made Easy - Bake

Pompeian Made Easy - Fry

Pompeian Made Easy - Saute

Pompeian November Moon Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml

Pompeian Familia Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml

Pompeian Three Branches Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pompeian California Dream Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Pompeian 100% Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Primal Kitchen

Primal Kitchen Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Sprouts Farmers Market Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sprouts Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Italy

Sprouts Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Greece

Sprouts Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Spain

Sprouts Farmers Market Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Sclafani Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Star Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Star Original Olive Oil

Star Extra Light Tasting Olive Oil

Star Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Star Robust Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Terra Delyssa

Terra Delyssa Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Terra Delyssa Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Whole Foods

Whole Foods Market Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Italy

Whole Foods Market Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Seville

Whole Foods Market Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Greece

Whole Foods Market Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Portugal

Whole Foods Market Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Morocco

365 Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil

365 Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil

365 Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

365 Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Unfiltered

365 Mediterranean Blend Extra Virgin Olive Oil

365 Mediterranean Blend Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Organic


Zoe Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Zoe Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

UPDATE: A little knowledge in kashrus can be very dangerous! Due to infeststion, one may NOT use J&R produce at all!כסלו 5758

 UPDATE: THE ONLY BRAND THAT IS CONSISTENTLY FREE OF INFESTATION IS POS'TIV  & KOSHER GARDEN ( Blossom w/CRC Hisachdus only- without any other heimish hashgocha) Many heimishe hashgochas have an agenda against Pos'tiv product, therefore they prefer the infested brands.
This J&R infested product was found this week-כסלו 5785 has received an advisory from the Va’ad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway, which is guided by Rav Yosef Eisen, claims to be an expert in insect infestation. (Factually, he isn't an expert in infestation)
The Vaad advises that there is a report of very high infestation in fresh red cabbage. Small white insects can only be detected if the cabbage is opened on top of a light box. This is extremely tedious and impractical.

The following sources are acceptable to be used: Pos'tiv Cabbage, Romaine, lettuce and all other of their items

Red cabbage from whole heads may not be used until the end of August. END of article
Note: The bugs don't know when August ends, nor can they read "insect-free"

Sunday, December 15, 2024

DR. PEPPER SODA-Times have changed!- You heard right, we wouldn't drink it

After consulting with chemist expert, there are some serious Kashrus concerns.

(Even though it may be on sale)

DE JA VU- Another kosher certifier recently removed their Hashgocha as the Mashgiach was playing games

 What I don’t understand is why Tornopol allows this company to still be used in his establishments. He dropped and then bad mouthed them but still allows them to be used. Sounds like more to the story than..

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Excellent piece of history, the unlikely rescuer- Kidush hashem

I was born in Poland, where before the last war religious intolerance was not uncommon. In spite of my father's objection to my participation in anti-Semitic demonstrations in Warsaw, I often heaved stones at windows of stores owned by Jews. I had no qualms about my actions, and later it took months of hard-ship and persecution—and a Jew—to show me how to abide by the Biblical injunction: "Love thy neighbor as thyself." ־ When Hitler annexed Austria and war seemed imminent. I quit my job as instructor of a flying club in Lyons. France, and started for home. My plane developed engine trouble and 1 had to land at Vienna and stay there overnight to have it repaired.

The following morning, just as I stepped out of my hotel to buy a few souvenirs before checking out. A man who came running past the door bumped into me and sent me reeling. Out-raged, 1 grabbed him and was about to give him a piece of my mind when I saw that his face was white with fear. Panting heavily, he tried to wrench himself from my grip and said, "Gestapo—Gestapo!" I knew only a little German but understood he was running from the dreaded German secret police.

I rushed him into the lobby and upstairs to my room, pointed to the foot of my bed and motioned to him to lie down. I covered his slender, jackknifed body with artfully draped blankets so that the tousled bed looked empty. Then I pulled off my jacket, tie and collar so I could pretend I'd just got up if the Gestapo men came. In a few minutes they did. They examined my passport, returned it and shouted questions, to which I replied: Ich-ver-sht eh  es nicht—I don't understand it," a phrase I knew by heart, they left without searching the room.

As soon as they had gone I locked the door and lifted the blankets. The poor man let out a stream of rapid German. It was not necessary!> to understand a word to comprehend his gratitude.

I got out my flight chart and, by gesturing and drawing pictures on the margin of the map, explained that I had a plane and could take him out of Austria. He pointed to Warsaw, and his expressive hands asked: "Would you take me there'.'" I shook my head and made him understand that I had to land for fuel in Krakow. 1 drew pictures of police and prison bars to illustrate that he would be arrested upon arrival at any airport, and made it clear that we would land in some meadow just over the Polish border and he could get off". He nodded with satisfaction, and his narrow face and dark-brown eyes again conveyed deep thanks.

The customs and immigration men at the airport waved us through when I told them my friend wanted to see me off. My plane was warmed up and ready for flight. We quickly climbed into it and took off. We crossed Czechoslovakia and soon saw the thin ribbon of the Vistula River and the city of Krackow. Landing in a large field by a woods near a country railroad station. 1 showed my companion where we were on the map, gave him most of my money and wished him luck. He took my hand and looked at me wordlessly, then walked rapidly into the woods.

 When I arrived at the Krakow airport there was a detachment of police waiting beside the immigration inspector. One of the police said, "We have a warrant to search your plane—you have helped a man escape from Vienna."

"Go ahead and search. Incidentally, what was the man wanted for?"

"He was a Jew!"

They searched my plane, and of course had to let me go for lack of evidence.

The war came, and after Poland's short and bloody struggle against the Germans, in which I served as a fighter pilot in the Polish Air Force, I joined the thousands of my countrymen who wanted to carry on the fight for freedom. We crossed the border into Romania and were promptly caught and sent to concentration camps. I finally managed to escape and joined the French Air Force. After France collapsed I went to England and fought in the Battle of Britain. The following June I was wounded while on a fighter sweep across the English Channel, when the Luftwaffe hit us over Cologne. In those early offensive missions we were always outnumbered and outperformed by the Luftwaffe. and our only superiority was our morale.

 As we started for home I rammed an Me-109 and was hit by a piece of its sheared-off rail. 1 was half blinded with blood. My squadron covered my withdrawal across the Channel, but I was unconscious when my Spitfire crash-landed in England. (I learned later that my skull had been fractured, and that I was so near death that the head surgeon of the hospital to which I was taken believed it would be almost useless to operate on me.)

When I returned to consciousness. I gradually realized that a narrow face with large brown eyes was looking down at me. "Remember me? their owner said. "You saved my life in Vienna." He spoke with only a trace of German accent.

His words ended my confusion. I recalled this sensitive face and managed to say. "How did you find me?" 1 noticed his white smock. "Do you work here?"

"It's a long story." he replied. "Alter you dropped me off, I made my way to Warsaw, where an old friend aided me. Just before the war I escaped and reached safety in Scotland. When one of your Polish squadrons distinguished itself in the Battle of Britain. I thought you might be in it, so I wrote to the Air Ministry and found you were."

"How; did you know my name?"

"It was written on the margin of your map. I remembered it" His long fingers felt cool on my wrist "Yesterday I read the story in the newspapers about a Polish hero shooting down five enemy planes in one day and then crash-landing near this hospital. It said your condition was considered hopeless. I immediately asked the Royal Air Force at Edinburgh to fly me here."


"I thought that at last I could do something to show my gratitude. You see. I am a brain surgeon—I operated on you this morning."

Takeaway: Sometimes, a single act of kindness—performed without hesitation or expectation of reward—can ripple across time in ways we could never imagine. In saving another, we often discover the best parts of ourselves, and in our moment of need, that kindness can return to us a hundredfold.

Sunday, December 08, 2024

In Kashrus Hashgochas, What's worse- "Ignorance" or "apathy"?

  KCL say "We don't know & We don't care!  

(Re: How to run a successful Kashru$ Organization)

From a comment;

What’s the story with the Milchiger = Kosher? Corrupt Restaurant in Howell NJ behind Amazing Savings called Ottimo Cafe?
They have the KCL = Stands for Kosher? Corrupt?? Lousy no hashgocho? 

Do they have a mashgiach temidei, the one I saw who claimed to be the Mashgiach temedei looked like a Am Ha’aretz and a Shaygetz with a Pepsi Yamalka. When I spoke with the KCL, the guy who answered the phone realized I had a point, and I told him there are serious Kashruth violations in the KCL when a restaurant does not have hashgochoh temedis. He did not answer when I asked him how often does the KCL administrators make unannounced check ups at this establishment.

During the time I was there, one and a half hours,, no Jew/yid stepped foot in the kitchen and goor heimisher and chassidische yidden went there and ate. There was a large function in the back hall of this place. A simcha and who is asking questions? What a Shanda and scandel.

Who does bedikas Toylay’im at this establishment? Suggest people should be more vigilant when frequenting “Kosher” establishments who don’t have any standards for hashgochoh. May tghe KCl who I understand now, has no standards and is totally hefker.

Friday, December 06, 2024


The following article appeared in the past in an English Magazine  (reprinted with some clarification.)
Catering Standards Questioned? Invited to an affair under the supervision of a Lakewood's yeshiva [ KCL] established  “Hashgocha” , but which was being held in a non-kosher facility, we went into the kitchen to look around and to compare notes with the Mashgiach. we were not prepared for what we found.

More disappointing was it to learn that the “Rabbonim” who certified the  [KCL]  never visited any of their certified establishments. The affair under their certification which was being held in a non-kosher facility.
KASHRUS recently discovered a number of such organizations where the “Rabbonim themselves have never seen the operation which they certify, but instead rely totally on the head “Mashgiach or on their Kashrus Administrator to make all “halachic” decisions.

This letter, basically unchanged, was mailed to all of the “Rabbonim” in the Lakewood  KCL kashrus organization. As of our printing we have not received any reply.  

Dear Rabbi ........ BS”D

Tuesday, December 03, 2024 Web Design, IT, Marketing and SEO

Coaching Vs Therapists

Coaching vs. Therapy

A common misconception is that coaching is the same as therapy, when in fact they are quite different. Therapy is intended to help people recover from emotional or other psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety. Coaching, on the other hand, is intended to help normal, healthy individuals achieve personal goals such as increased happiness, weight loss, improved work-life balance. etc.

The table below shows a quick side-by-side comparison of coaching vs. therapy

Coaching and Therapy

Coaching Therapy
Client is emotionally and psychologically healthy Client is emotionally unwell and in needs healing
Focuses on the present and future Focuses on dealing with the past
Driven by goals and taking action Driven by unresolved issues and feelings
Works toward a higher level of functioning Works to achieve understanding and emotional healing
Results-based and focuses on exploring solutions Explores the root of problems and offers explanation
Asks, “Where would you like to be and how can you get there?” Asks, “How did that make you feel?”
Acts on information Absorbs information
Done over the phone, internet or in person Done in an office setting
Coach and client collaborate on solutions Therapist is the ‘expert’
Contact between sessions expected (accountability and wins) Contact between sessions for crisis and difficulties only

Update: Re: שלום בית issues: Lakewood "therapists & Mentors" are רודפים

Lakewood "Therapists & Mentors" just broke another family!!
Protect our children?

Don't push "Ritalin" on them like lollipops.
Ritalin? sure! so the School administrators can provide paying clients to their therapists.

Don't let Therapist [Terrorists](backed by Rabbonim) to break apart families. [Their success rate in at 99%]
Don't let the Rabbonim and therapists run for restraining orders against their husbands, who happens to be the father of her children.
She is throwing her children to the dogs. That's what revenge is.

Don't work in unison to support financially the therapists, by sending the parents, the children, etc. to therapy.

That's perhaps why children lost their respect for Rabbonim!

Don't allow the מקוה to break families. Terrorists & Rabbonim do it constantly R"L

מקוה schedules in WG are by pay-for-play? 
Get rid of the ones in charge, from the Rabbonim down. Get rid of the corruption in WG.
Don't play dumb.

Lakewood שלום בית-Therapists (terrorists) are not the solution, they are the root of the problem!

Advice on Responding to a Restraining Order

Unfortunately many women are receiving bad advice from therapists, attorneys and Pseudo Rabbonim who know nothing about Halachah. Their only interest is to pander their client and keep them satisfied. They will never advise their client to do the proper thing according to Halacha, when the client will not be happy with this advice. 
               The result has been a large increase in the issuance of RO’s to Yeshiva Leit. The proper response is to go to Bais Din and request that they commence proceedings to render the sender of the RO a מורדת. If the Bais Din sees that there is no justification for the RO and the issuer does not retract they will commence with the proceedings. The details of what Bais Din has to do are described in Even HaEzer Siman 77. 
As more women get declared a מורדת the reputation of the advisors will deteriorate since we can now quantify that they are giving bad advice and it is producing negative consequences to their clients.

A second benefit is that after the proceedings are finalized there are financial advantages such as no KESUBAH (see Siman 77 for more details)

A third benefit is after 12 months you can give a GET on your terms, and remarry according to most Poskim without a HETER MEIOH RABBONUM if she refuses to accept the GET (see Siman 77 for more details).

A fourth benefit is public relations “He left her because she was a מורדת sounds better than “she threw him out”.
I hope and encourage anyone who has received a RO to go forward with this advice and may הקב"ה give you ס"ד to end these issues with Shalom.

                                                                   Lakewood- שלום בית
Therapists terrorists are not the solution, but the root cause of the problem.