Wednesday, October 02, 2024

BODEK INFESTED RECALL- do not confuse Hisachdus of Lakewood & Central Jersey with the Hisachdus of Brooklyn, NY.

Hisachdus CRC Brooklyn, still not make a recall.

Fish heads that are seldom infested they pay Mashgichim to check every head.

ALL Bodek vegetables that are heavily infested, they don't bother checking properly.

Is it all a matter of dollars???

For the past few weeks there has been heavy infestation on some BODEK fresh vegetables.

Therefore, return the product and ask for a full refund.

Some Heimish Certifiers are of the opinion that they don't do recalls.

Hisachdus of Central Jersey-732-804-1089

Sunday, September 29, 2024

DR. PEPPER SODA-Times have changed!- You heard right, we wouldn't drink it

After consulting with chemist expert, we do have some serious Kashrus concerns, so we can't at this time advise to use it. (Even though it may be on sale)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Update-2: Avoid the rush-Get your trees cut or branches trimmed for Succos. Glassman- Shomer Shabbos- insured

 Avoid the mad-rush, 
When everyone suddenly needs their trees cut/trimmed before Succos.

This company just cut and trimmed the trees by the Forest/Carey BMG bais medrash-so it doesn't fall on the cars.

They cut/trimmed by Shain, he is very satisfied with the job.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

According to Reb Moshe Feinstein, Z"L in Igres Moshe-ALL Cholov Stam / Cholov Akum =(besides Germany) is CHOLOV TREIFE! R'L- The consumer has nothing to rely on


RE: Cholov Stam-Cholov Akum is actually חלב טריף Per Reb Moshe, Z"L Rav Eliyashev Z"L and Rav Shmuel Wosner Z"L.

Rav Moshe Feinstein in Y"D 1, #20-21 [End of #21 ]states that these procedures make the cow a treifah [and one may not purchase from such a farmer]. Today with the farms in the USA keeping accurate records, all cholov akum (stam) is actually treif. (The procedured cows are 4-8%, shishim is 1.66+-%)
The European Hashgochas mistakenly believe that they don't have the problem because the Veterinarians say "in Europe we don't have those problems". The cold facts are that europe has the problem just as much as the USA.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Alert:UPDATE: Re: Sefe: חלב טריפה it may be actually a מכשול הרבים at best-לטהר השרץ בק"נ טעמים,ר"ל

If you drink milk from farms that did not remove the operated cows that are "Treif" your are a מזיד.
Currently in the USA, there is no חלב סתם it's all to be considered as חלב טריפה, per Reb Moshe Feinstein, Z"L

 , , נכתב רק לאינו יראי שמים, אינו בעל נפש -הספר חלב טריפה, כשמו כן
 הוא-טריף, במלא המובן

Alert; We have reviewed a number of facts presented in the Sefer and we found that they are not presented correctly. The incidence of Bloating and DA's are considerably higher than is being presented.

Therefore the incidence of טריפות is higher than presented and it still remains a serious issue. We have personally inspected many farms, small ones of under 100 cows to large ones up to 6000 head of cows

We personally spoke Reb Moshe Feinstein re: his Teshuva on Cholov Stam. We personally spoke to Rav Eliyashev and Rav Wosner re: the Veterinary procedures done to the cows which make them a Treifah.

In conclusion, The intention of the Sefer may have been very good, but the sad facts are that all cholov Stam, Akum, etc may actually have serious issues of Treifos that are not Botul, considerably more than the 1.6 %. It's ranges from 4% and above depending on the farm.

One can only consume the Cholov Yisroel with reliable Hashgochas according to the Psakim of Reb Moshe Feinstein, Rav Sholom Eliyashev, Rav Shmuel Wosner, etc. They disagree with the conclusions on the חלב טריפה book.

-יש לנו ה"מסורה" מהרב אלישב והרב וואזנר, ורק זה הקובעה ההלכה.

נ.ב.  והלל ושמאי היה להם ראיות חזקות, אבל חכמים קיבלו רק "המסורה" מהשני גרדיים משער האשפה

משנה ג

הִלֵּל אוֹמֵר: מְלא הִין מַיִם שְׁאוּבִין פּוֹסְלִין אֶת הַמִּקְוֶה;

אֶלָּא שֶׁאָדָם חַיָּב לוֹמַר בִּלְשׁוֹן רַבּוֹ.

וְשַׁמַּאי אוֹמֵר: תִּשְׁעָה קַבִּין.

וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים: לא כְּדִבְרֵי זֶה וְלא כְּדִבְרֵי זֶה,

אֶלָּא עַד שֶׁבָּאוּ שְׁנֵי גַרְדִּיִּים מִשַּׁעַר הָאַשְׁפּוֹת שֶׁבִּירוּשָׁלַיִם,

וְהֵעִידוּ מִשּׁוּם שְׁמַעְיָה וְאַבְטַלְיוֹן:

שְׁלשֶׁת לֻגִּין מַיִם שְׁאוּבִין פּוֹסְלִין אֶת הַמִּקְוֶה,

וְקִיְּמוּ חֲכָמִים אֶת דִּבְרֵיהֶם.


ברטנורא משנה ג   


גרדיים.  אורגים.  

משער האשפות.  הזכיר התנא שם אומנתן ושם שכונתן, לומר לך שלא ימנע אדם עצמו מבית המדרש. שאין לך אומנות פחותה מן הגרדי, שאין מעמידים הימנו לא מלך ולא כהן גדול, ואין שער בירושלים פחותה משער האשפות, והכריעו בעדותן לכל חכמי ישראל.


משנה ד

וְלָמָּה מַזְכִּירִין אֶת דִּבְרֵי שַׁמַּאי וְהִלֵּל לְבַטָּלָה?

לְלַמֵּד לַדּוֹרוֹת הַבָּאִים, שֶׁלֹּא יְהֵא אָדָם עוֹמֵד עַל דְּבָרָיו,

שֶׁהֲרֵי אֲבוֹת הָעוֹלָם לא עָמְדוּ עַל דִּבְרֵיהֶם.


ברטנורא משנה ד   

שלא יהא אדם עומד על דבריו.  שלא יהא סרבן לעמוד קיים בסברתו.  

אבות העולם. הלל ושמאי.

Friday, September 06, 2024

Shatnez Alert:

Sunday, September 01, 2024

The root cause of OTD- consuming Rabbi Hatchual's SBD Alle/mealmart S. America and the like.

Sourced from the Rambam, the Ohr Ha'chaiyim, Reb Akiva Eiger, The Chasam Sofer, Rav Zalman Sorotzkin's Oznayim LaTorah , etc. 

The NJ Tax Court is questioning the validity of the basis of some Tax-Exempt properties- OCTOBER 1ST IS THE CRITICAL DATE FOR TAX EXEMPTION!

Property Tax Challenge
Center Files Second Amicus Brief in Princeton Property Tax Exemption Case
Updated January 12, 2016
On January 5, 2016, the Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, denied Princeton University's motion to appeal of a ruling regarding the burden of proof in the Fields vs. Trustees of Princeton University property tax exemption case.  In December 2015, the Center for Non-Profits, represented by pro bono counsel Lowenstein Sandler LLP and joined by five other organizations, filed an amicus (friend of the court) brief in support of a motion filed by Princeton University in the challenge to its property tax exemption, a case now making its way through the courts that could have implications for many non-profits in New Jersey.
Although the Court granted the Center's request to join as friends of the court in the most recent filing, it more importantly denied the University’s motion to appeal, which means that the burden is still on the University to (re)prove its property tax exemption as the case goes to trial.
The University's most recent appeal was filed in response to Tax Court Judge Vito Bianco’s November 5, 2015, ruling that the University has the burden of re-proving its property tax exemption in response to the residents’ challenge, even if it has been deemed by the municipal tax assessor to be tax exempt.  The Center is deeply concerned that this standard, which appears to have little substantiation in existing case law, would make all non-profit property owners highly vulnerable to challenges from disgruntled residents that would be extremely costly and time consuming to defend, siphoning scarce resources away from their charitable programs. The Center was joined in this brief by the Alliance for the Betterment of Citizens with Disabilities; Eva’s Village; New Jersey Association of Community Providers; New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies; and Volunteers of America Delaware Valley.
In Fields v. Trustees of Princeton University, a case attracting national attention, four Princeton residents are seeking to revoke the entire property tax exemption of Princeton University based on a far-reaching set of grounds, including the University’s investments; the payment of patent royalties to some of its faculty pursuant to federal statute; and certain fee-based operations such as cafés.
Since 2001, New Jersey law has provided for a prorated property tax exemption structure under which a property owned by a charitable organization that is used for mixed purposes, both charitable and non-charitable, is only subject to tax on the non-charitable portion.  Yet the plaintiffs in the Princeton case are seeking to revoke the University’s property tax exemption in its entirety based on allegations surrounding some of the University’s properties, without regard to their proportion in relation to the University’s mission or other exempt functions.  Unlike many of the other property tax challenges across the nation, in this case the municipality is named as a co-defendant.
- See more at:

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Jerky beef and fish requires Bishul Yisroel.

 Jerky beef and fish requires Bishul Yisroel. For Sfardim,
requires Bais Yosef beef and Bais Yosef drying as well.

The non-Jew may not put it into the drier or turn it around in the dryer

  • Drying/Dehydration Temperature: Jerky is usually dried at temperatures between 160°F (71°C) and 175°F (79°C). The USDA recommends that the meat be heated to an internal temperature of 160°F before drying to ensure safety from pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli.

  • Dehydrator or Oven Temperature: Most recipes suggest setting your dehydrator or oven to around 165°F (74°C) for the entire drying process, though this can vary slightly depending on the recipe and the type of meat being used.

  • Wednesday, August 21, 2024

    OU Releases Kashrus Alert After Jelly Belly Changes Its Factory Process

     Mrs. Shain was always of the opinion that Jelly Belly is not for the Educated kosher consumer

    due to the confectioners glaze which is a insect extraction.

    Tuesday, August 20, 2024

    UK researchers leverage machine learning and DNA bar-coding to tackle honey fraud 

    Shabbos concern

    Beware of Shabbat! Pay Attention!

    Serious Concern of a Torah Prohibition in Using a Combi-Steamer Oven!

    1. A detailed inquiry revealed that using a combi-steamer oven on Shabbat involves a serious concern of a Torah prohibition (Biblical commandment) according to several major Halachic authorities.

    2. The oven, which operates with steam, continues to release steam during Shabbat even when the door is opened. This could lead to cooking or baking inside the oven or in its surroundings, which is forbidden on Shabbat.

    3. Opening the oven door during Shabbat causes a significant influx of cold air, which in turn activates the oven’s mechanism to generate more steam. This is a clear violation of the prohibition against igniting fire or increasing the temperature, which is forbidden on Shabbat.

    4. Even though the oven's heating system might be on a timer or controlled by a Shabbat mode, there remains a substantial risk of violating Shabbat inadvertently.

    Conclusion: The use of combi-steamer ovens on Shabbat should be completely avoided to prevent any violation of Torah prohibitions.

    Issued by: Rabbinic Committee for Shabbat Observance

    For further inquiries, please contact: [Phone Number and Name]


    Sunday, August 18, 2024

    UPDATE: Rabbi Hatchual's SBD "NON-GLATT"

     According to the latest from Israeli Rabbanut sources.

    The above-mentioned meat should not be considered as GLATT at this time, until the proper changes are made, including Cameras that are monitored online. 

    We will advise when the changes are in place.

    Thursday, August 15, 2024

    SBD and ALLE/MealMart et al staff signed a deceptive letter in order to protect their jobs R"L- The Israeli Rabanut in a letter declared it as NON-GLATT !

     This is addressing the unacceptable Shechitas in South America under the SBD Rabbis Hatchual and  Alle/MealMart under the Nirbater Rav. The Israeli Rabanut's letter considers this American Shechita in that plant as being not kosher. The concerns being Neveilos and Treifos.

    Question- Any one signed on this obviously inaccurate letter intended to mislead the Tzibur,  Are they acceptable for any other shechita?

    Ask your Rav.

    Wednesday, August 14, 2024

    Israeli Rabanut's letter re: concerns of cross contamination of their kosher meat with the non-Glatt SBD & MEALMART BEEF.

     26 Iyar 5784, Monday, 03/06/24

    To the Honorable Rabbinical Committee Members:

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlit"a Rabbi Yitzchak Ralbag Shlit"a Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weiss Shlit"a

    CEO Rabbi Yehuda Cohen y”u Legal Advisor Mr. Harel Goldberg y”u

    Subject: Plan for the "Les Feyder" Plant in Uruguay

    Due to the unique high speed of slaughter and inspection at the "Les Feyder" plant, which operates at approximately 120 to 140 animals per hour, a request has been made to establish a program that adheres to the stringent standards of rabbinical kosher supervision while accommodating this high speed.

    At the committee’s request, I have formulated two possible plans, with the second being preferred according to kosher standards:

    1. Approved speed up to 120 animals per hour.
    2. Five knife inspectors with the following roles:
      • Two slaughterers alternating, each slaughtering one animal per minute, including washing and preparing knives for the next slaughter.
      • Two simultaneous slaughterers.
      • One additional knife inspector to support and handle knives that need adjustments.
      • The inspectors must remain in the slaughter area throughout the entire process, except during factory breaks.
    3. Two internal inspectors checking alternately, each inspecting their designated color-coded animals.
    4. Two external inspectors working simultaneously, each focusing on their color-coded animals.
    5. The team leader will replace the external inspectors every 40 minutes.

    Important Note: This plan can only be executed if all team members adhere strictly to the outlined procedures. If not followed precisely, significant kosher issues could arise. Based on past experience, it has been proven that the speed of slaughter and inspection can reach up to 140 animals per hour in this plant.

    To avoid problems and ensure proper adherence to kosher standards, I suggest the plant operate with six slaughterers divided into two teams of three each. Each team should consist of two slaughterers and one knife inspector, with an additional inspector for marking and handling non-kosher or kosher animals.

    Additional Notes:

    1. There must be a supervisor present in the room where heads, tongues, and cheeks are processed, ensuring proper preparation and sealing of the boxes for transfer.
    2. Past infractions have shown that soaking and salting times were not adhered to properly. It is essential to ensure these processes meet the required durations.
    3. The water temperature for soaking must not drop below 7°C.
    4. Due to morning slaughter by American teams, the plant must prioritize the Rabanut’s kosher certification process, ensuring thorough cleaning before Rabanut kosher beef use. In order to avoid cross-contamination of the American beef with the Rabanut’s beef.
    5. The plant is equipped with security cameras; it is advised that the rabbinical team should have access to these cameras to monitor all workstations.
    6. The plant must send an official letter, signed by a notary, committing to work according to these guidelines in both slaughter and inspection processes.

    In prayer that no mishap will occur through us,


    Rabbi Avraham Buchbut Director of Meat Processing Plants and Butcheries


    Sunday, August 11, 2024


    Why was the KAJ / Breur's Kehila the accepted kashrus by all? (as long as Rav Posen was there)

    The "secret"?
    When Rav Breuer set up the KAJ  Hashgocha, he announced that he is setting it up without any "hidurim or chumras"
    only basic kashrus.
    The reason? he said was that otherwise you are left with only hidurim and chumras with no kashrus.

    No one can accuse the KAJ Kehila's shechita of chasidishe shechita!

    Rav Breuer, Z"L on Kashrus


    Background; Rav Dr. (Levy) Yosef Breuer, Z” L  when announcing his opening of the highly respected KAJ Kashrus, he stated, “I am opening a kashrus Organization that will adhere to “basic kashrus standards with no chumras and no hidurim.” 
    He said, “Eventually, you might be left with chumras & hidurim but no basic kashrus”. 

    Bnai-Torah / Yeshiva Leit is looking for quality products with a reliable kashrus standard with no chumras & hidurim.

    Friday, August 09, 2024

    Secrets from the World of Kashrut

     Secrets from the World of Kashrut 

    Important Kashrut Updates In preparation for the upcoming vacation period.

    From the desk of the renowned Kashrut expert, Rabbi Yochanan Reichman

    This time: Shabbat during a vacation

    Many people take vacations in hotels, guesthouses, cabins, and more, both in Israel and abroad during the vacation season, and it's clear as day that they seek to enjoy their rest in a proper manner, without compromising on Halacha, and certainly without stumbling, Heaven forbid.

    To clarify and explain this issue to the general public, who may not be fully aware of the complexities involved, I would like to briefly outline the problems and pitfalls that could, Heaven forbid, arise from not maintaining a proper kashrut system and to raise awareness and understanding of this important issue, both during weekdays and on Shabbat and holidays.

    Many vacationers enjoy holding a Shabbat meal outdoors, in the garden, on the grass, or in a forest or orchard amidst fruit trees, where a cool breeze blows, or at least having a fruit "Tish" after the meal on Friday night, or serving tea on Shabbat afternoon after the midday nap, even in hotels, guesthouses, and rented cabins in settlements and villages surrounded by grassy areas and more.

    A. Did you know that it is halachically forbidden on Shabbat to eat and drink in a place where plants grow or where seeds might fall and grow?

    I'll share an interesting anecdote from when I was in charge of kashrut at a hotel during the vacation season. Despite warning the hotel's food and beverage manager before Shabbat and explaining that the water in the Shabbat urns placed on the tables on the grass must boil before sunset, my warnings were ignored. When sunset arrived, I noticed that the water hadn't boiled, meaning it would be forbidden to use this water on Shabbat due to the prohibition of leaving it on a fire that was not properly prepared. I opened the urns' taps, spilling all the water onto the grass, and immediately realized, with God's help, that this was watering the grass on Shabbat. I quickly stopped, closed the taps, and brought a bucket to prevent the water from spilling onto the grass. Yes, it caused a mess and shouting, but a kashrut supervisor shouldn't be moved by that. Instead, they must firmly uphold the kashrut standards since hundreds of Jews rely on them, and they must do their job faithfully.

    Sometimes, handwashing stations are added in places where the water flows towards grassy or tree-filled areas, which must also be noted.

    On Shabbat:

    • Swinging in hammocks attached to trees.
    • Wanting to retrieve a ball that fell on a tree during a game.
    • Wanting to use a towel you hung on a tree.
    • Wearing a suit that is hanging on a tree.

    B. Did you know it is forbidden to use a tree on Shabbat? Therefore, anything placed or hung on a tree on Shabbat is forbidden to be used on Shabbat. It's important to note that if these items are connected to a nail attached to the tree, they can be used. (For example, a suit hanging on the tree with a watch or tissue in the pocket can have these items removed, though the suit itself is forbidden to be used.)

    Similarly, it is forbidden to smell fruits on a tree on Shabbat. And it is forbidden to pick up fruits that fell from a tree on Shabbat.

    After the meal, the announcement is made in the hotel dining room for the vacationers, "We are going for a walk with the renowned guide around the settlement, etc., where we will see... and hear... guaranteed enjoyment..." Many take off their Shabbat outerwear (streimel/hat, kapote) and go for a leisurely Shabbat walk.

    C. Did you know it is halachically forbidden to go for a walk on Shabbat without wearing at least one Shabbat garment? (It is not sufficient to wear a regular shirt and pants as on a weekday.)

    In general, it’s good to know: Preparations for Shabbat in hotels, guesthouses, cabins, and resorts are many and complex, and it is easy to stumble, Heaven forbid, in Shabbat desecration.

    For example:

    • Turning off the light in the room refrigerator.
    • Turning off the light in the wardrobe in the room.
    • Neutralizing the room's lighting and air conditioning sensors.
    • Covering electronic eyes in the bathrooms.
    • Disconnecting electric hand dryers.
    • Requesting a Shabbat key for the room.
    • There are places around the hotel where the light turns on when you pass by and turns off when you move away.
    • Some places require setting up an eruv chatzerot (enclosure) otherwise, it is forbidden to carry within the hotel itself from room to hallway or in the building's stairwell, etc.

    It takes a lot of divine assistance and extensive Torah knowledge to vacation according to Halacha. May we not stumble, Amen.

    For information and consultation: Phone: 052-7112543 WhatsApp: 054-7694615 Email:

    The SBD- ALLE / MEAL-MART -South American reports in English- It's worse that one can imagine- NON-GLATT (at best)

     SBD- Rabbi Hatchual, Shlita. & ALLE / MEAL MART – South America Shechita

    Appendix to the Les Feyder Report

    Kosher Certification Report-Slaughter Report

    During my visit this week to the Les Feyder plant in Montevideo, Uruguay, to supervise the slaughter performed by the rabbinical team, I observed that another team from the MealMart Company in New York, supervised by Rabbi Teitelbaum of Nirbarter and additionally overseen for SBD by Rabbi Asher Chatshuell from New York, was also conducting slaughter in the same plant. Rabbi Yosef Chatshuel from New York manages and supervises this on-site.

    Introduction: Because this plant slaughters 130 animals per hour and refuses to reduce this rate under any circumstances, the Israeli Rabbinate has imposed stringent conditions to maintain slaughter in this plant:

    1. Four slaughterers, three of whom must be in the slaughter room at all times.
    2. Two internal inspectors working simultaneously, each inspecting 65 animals per hour, which is considered reasonable.
    3. Two external inspectors working simultaneously, each inspecting 65 animals per hour, which is considered reasonable.

    Observations: Under the supervision of Rabbi Chatshuel, known as "SBD," the following was noted:

    1. Only two slaughterers: Kramer and Guttfarb.
    2. One internal inspector.
    3. One external inspector.
    4. One inspector for non-kosher animals standing opposite the slaughterers.
    5. One inspector for the esophagus.
    6. One inspector for the stomach (internal inspector).
    7. One inspector for stamping quarters.
    8. One inspector for cutting (ensuring the removal of the sciatic nerve and another blood vessel from the chest).
    9. Additionally, Rabbi Bloom, an elderly man in his 80s, occasionally comes down from the slaughter room to inspect knives.

    The slaughterers appear to be God-fearing and upright individuals. On the first day, I spoke with the slaughterer Guttfarb and asked how they managed such rapid slaughter and knife inspections, given their fatigue and without replacements. They slaughter 350 animals in three hours with only a 10-minute break.

    Guttfarb's Response: He admitted it was indeed challenging. He is new and doing an internship, aspiring to become a rabbi-approved slaughterer. He mentioned they inspect knives every two animals, to which I asked who permitted this since the ruling of the Rema applies to poultry, not large animals. After half an hour or 20 minutes of continuous slaughtering, the slaughterer is fatigued. How can he properly inspect knives immediately after slaughtering?

    Additional Observations:

    • On the second day, I witnessed the end of their slaughter and inspection process. I was at the plant from 4:00 AM to monitor our salting and packaging.
    • Rabbi Yosef Chatshuel spent considerable time near the external inspector. When I approached him, I pointed out the following:
      • With a slaughter rate of 130 animals per hour, how can the slaughterers and inspectors manage effectively, considering the required speed and accuracy?
      • The internal inspector checks 130 animals per hour alone, approximately one lung every 20 seconds, which is exhausting and raises questions about the thoroughness of the inspection.

    Chatshule's Responses:

    • There were once three slaughterers, but the third often left to rest.
    • Rabbi Bloom inspects knives every ten minutes, although this is impractical given his age and the frequency of slaughtering 26 animals every 10 minutes.


    • The internal inspector must check each animal properly, which is challenging at the rate of 130 animals per hour without adequate rest.
    • Inspection of knives every two animals instead of each one raises questions about the validity of the practice.
    • Rapid slaughter and knife inspections compromise the quality and thoroughness of the kosher certification process.

    Conclusion: We raised these issues to highlight the significant challenges and necessary improvements in the slaughter process at the Les Feyder plant under Rabbi Chatshuel's supervision. The report was drafted to address these concerns and ensure adherence to kosher certification standards.

    Signed: Avraham Chaim Inspector for the Israeli Chief Rabbinate