Sunday, September 29, 2024

DR. PEPPER SODA-Times have changed!- You heard right, we wouldn't drink it

After consulting with chemist expert, we do have some serious Kashrus concerns, so we can't at this time advise to use it. (Even though it may be on sale)


Dokter Pfeffer said...

Dairy? Or even worse?

Flawed Article said...

There are plenty of valid points here too but for a za hot potato topic that gets emotional & even a question of pikuach nefesh for many people, Mishpacha Mag have to very careful what they write

There is no validity given whatsoever to the critics of mosdos who indeed have corrupt admins dipping in the cookie jar to live it up or inept admins squandering money. Of course the Agudah / TU are in total denial (for multiple reasons). But the sad reality is that such a thing sometimes exists.

Rabbi Gutman of Vaad Hadayanim should not have made a blanket statement that the mosdos are private, non-public institutions. This only applies to parents who try to weasel out of tuition by improperly invoking takonas Ben Gamla. Otherwise, the blanket statement azoy flies in the face of all the gedolei haposkim who caution that yeshivos are public institutions where adminis-traitors can't just shut down enrollment whenever they selfishly feel like it. The gedolim have said so pointedly, which the worst offenders like Yeshiva of Spring Valley still obnoxiously insist that no they are private orgs who are not accountable to anyone. Rabbi Gutman should not be giving any ammunition to the azei ponim.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Pepper? we are talking about flavor extractions from non-kosher animals.

Anonymous said...

3days before Yom Hadin and “we” still could not ‘resist’ mitzvah-bashing another moisad hatorah.

Anonymous said...

Bash Away said...

No apologies to Sep 29, 11:05 PM in his myopia. Even Pinny Lipschutz who is often from the first to protect 'the brand', allowed Rabbi Cheely Spira to give a spanking in the Yated to moisdos like YSV. This was after some gedolim told them to navigate around the Agudah cover up shita, to davka expose the guilty mosdos. The gedolim told R' Cheely that besides all the geferlich gratuitous tzaar to the mishpochos, the children as young as 4 have enough daas to know when they are rejected by yeshivos which the hurt fun dem can later cause them to go off the Derech chalila. And there are poel yotzos worse than just quietly going off. The piece mentioned that even though Yoshke's rebbi did not purposely spurn him after he did teshuva, Yoshke misunderstood and walked away for good, leading his future supporters to start a movement that shed more Yiddishe blut than anyone else in history. So when a yeshiva is surely rejecting someone on purpose - who hasn't even done any wrong - and are really mean & achzoriyusdik about it when doing so, just because, like the biggest villains on the darga of YSV, where do you think that leads to ?

Old MacDonald said...

"extractions from non-kosher animals" means treifa cows? Or a min temeah?

Anonymous said...

like civet, etc

Anonymous said...

Sounds as the Star K and CRC - Chicago (And the OU) know nothing about ingredients.
Only Our Haadasim dealer who asked a random mimcheh What and where a certain ingredient comes from and got a answer that it 'may' come from some non kosher product. He hopefully tried to find out from the supervising org. But they won't answer him - as most Kosher org won't give him the time of day OR a Drink of water (Which he wouldn't drink anyway). Thus the above
Shtikel taireh.
Just another day at Yudels.

Playing Fast and Loose mit kashrus said...

Oh cut it out, 3:17 pm who knows from the inside how Genack & the gang have the Belskys of this world to make up "heterim" as they go along. This is far from the worst example but one day the OU suddenly started marking Worcestershire sauce as "pareve" despite the fish ingredient.

Anonymous said...

Dr Pepper is certified kosher by OK Kosher

Anonymous said...

Regarding dr pepper if one insists on drinking soda which i stopped drinking years ago one should by beer mayim or another heimish brand to ensure the highest standard of kashrus

Anonymous said...

Yudel makes up issurim which do not exist just like R Genack makes up hetairim as he goes on
Yudel has stuff every other day which no reliable and accepted poskim follow.
He had a blog where he can control his blog but otherwise he known as a out of touch wannabe.

Put up or Shut up said...

"Yudel makes up issurim which do not exist ... has stuff every other day which no reliable and accepted poskim follow"

Name one example? Oh you can't? Then stop lying!

Anonymous said...

RIZM among others allows "extractions from non-kosher animals" otherwise known as gelatin from cows that weren't even shechted.