Now there is a new one, If you go to a Bai$-Din in Borough park (run by a Bobov-48) you'll always be coming back to them for more $ittings. Called a " ישיבת בית דין"
Even the P$ak is deliberately written in a manner that will make you come back time & again.
Didn't know that Yudel goes to Din Torahs In BP.
"You can check in any time you want but you can never leave"
The worst are the heimishe psychologists. The good ones are greedy fressers who refuse to take any kind of insurance. You are already paying out of pocket and then they start all the trickery to get you to keep coming. I was involved with getting help for two different people and was sickened how they operated.
go to Bais Din Vaad Hadayonim you wont have to keep coming back they will send the case straight to Arkous
My father told me that he when he was in medical school to become a pediatrician, every guy there who was becoming a shrink was modenna and seeing a psychologist himself.
But don't go to bais horah in monsey were sholomo Kuafman seats,
And look at this from the Monsey Bais din http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2014/07/was-siruv-justified-against-sefer-shaal.html
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Kaufman does the same ,with every divorce case that comes before him he sneaks in a clause in the Borirous agreement to Force the participants to return only to him for all matters that arise in the future and they are never allowed to go elsewhere for many many years!!! Pay huge amount now and than continue to pay! pay! pay !!! see: http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2014/06/rav-shlomo-zalman-kaufmans-contract-of.html
make a search on: rabbi shlomo zalman kaufman of flohrs bais din and you will understand this big big Sodom problem....
Money? power ? Both?
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Kaufman Is the Biggest problem in Monsey today .
He is a micharcher riv and it is clear that any couple that calls him up will most likely end up divorced and damaged with kids &live yesomim , he takes pleasure in breaking homes , his whole mitzeous is fights and battles !
Warning !Don't allow him in your life never ask him any Shaylah .
Rabbi Flohr is very aware of his for a while but is stuck ,at loss and his hands and feet are tied on this GRAVE(torty moshmah) matter.
STAY Away Far! and warn off all others. a disgrace GOLUS true Galus.
A BOIR Berushus Harabim.
What is the Heter for the American batei Din to Charge Exorbant fees ?
what Justification for $1500.00 per Hour fees for a 1 hour Sitting!!?
Why do we allow this ?
Schar Bitailah is only 10 dollar an Hour for each dayan !!!
Does any one know of a Heter?
Kaufman is indeed cruel and arrogant. I'm speaking from a different perspective--no secular court would have destroyed my relationship with my kids and left me in such terrible financial shape It's taken many years to somewhat repair what this heartless and wrong-minded man did to my family.
Do you mean Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Kaufman of Bais Horah Flohrs Kollel?
If yes its One Hundred percent true !
Positively Worst choice of a Bais din ...
The wisdom of using Rabbi Shlomo zalman Kaufman and his bais horah for domestic matters is similar to locking up a Bull in a china shop !
All that will remain is broken shards!
Do your own research ,dont rely on this post,and any one with influence please speak to Rabbi Chaim Flohr about this huge problem.
There is a old STORY of a corrupt rabbi who would administer din torahs in the past , he would be wearing tall boots and it was whispered that when he held court the litigants would stuff coins and money in his boots and he would then rule according to whichever boot seemed heaver !
Well, one day during his proceeding he felt that the boot on his right FOOT felt quite heavy , So he quickly resolved the case favoring the man on his right side.
Well, when he got home he took off his right boot poured out the contents and lo and behold it was just some smooth stones !
He muttered to himself " AH GONIF! Ach these days its such a Falsher Velt"!
This is NEBACH today !!
Watch "Dr Childress speaks to the child: 4-Grief Response" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/nvIJd4QpbZg
If you a parent of Bais Shifra Meriam being alienated by the flohr's WATCH...
(saw this at Kaufman site) powerful!!!
"Dr Childress speaks to the child: 4-Grief Response" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/nvIJd4QpbZg
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