Wednesday, July 25, 2018

UPDATE: Why are there Gezeiros against Milah? because of these Mohalim.

Reb Elchonon, Z"L in Kovetz Mamorim says  Why are there Gezeiros against Milah? Because of these Mohalim.

As soon BP Hatzolah Rabonim saw the Video, they immediatly Cancelled Krohn's speech.

No responsible Organization should allow him to speak.
No one should use him for a bris.

The professional of botched brissim

Thursday, July 19, 2018

KCL Mashgiach for Shabbos? [be safe, get your own mashgiach]

Relying on KCL policy - Policy="No Mashgiach needed for shabbos jobs- we call them drop offs". 
Don't be surprised-You may get dairy ice cream after fleishig meal!
You may have Bossur She'nisalem (also literally-it vanished out of the cholent, etc.)

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dairy in Meat oven, KCL permitts it-[that's why many don't eat at KCL establishments?] OH!

A KCL certified caterer at an affair tonight heated their dairy in the Meat oven, Senor Filipio was the only Mashgiach.

They called a KCL Poisek, and he found a "bi'di'eved" Heter.

At KCL caterers it's too common to serve dairy ice cream at a fleishig affair. Either there was no mashgiach, or he was drunk, or just a KCL mashgiach.

The Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva should make a "Takana", every affair or simcha must hire their own mashgiach as well. [The Roshei yeshiva hired mashgichim for their affairs. EB]

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

*Rabbi Weisner's "KCL" "kashers" Foremost Caterers

A Lakewood based Yeshiva was having a small affair. The Gvir wanted to use Foremost to cater the affair. The Yeshiva had Weisner's KCL handle the kashrus. Foremost then told his clients "Foremost is accepted by "Kosher Council of Lakewood". KCL says they only kashered 1 pot for noodles. [Only a little pregnant?] But in reality they Kashered Foremost Caterers.

As an asides: When Foremost caterers became certified by the Star-K, the Owner of Foremost decided for Business it pays to go through a conversion process (geirus) for his wife. Star-K's Rabbinic administrator when asked don't you have to now "toivel" the thousands of utensils of Foremost because there isn't any more a non-Jewish partner at Foremost? The Administrator responded "I don't recognize the conversion, so I don't require tevilas keilim.
When someone at Foremost was asked "why did you choose Star-K over OU, OK, Kof-K, etc?" The responded "even though Star-k was very tough e.g. seperate salt shakers, etc for dairy & meat, their leniencies on Shabbos & Yom-Tov was worth all the hardships".

Monday, July 16, 2018

Are AKO members hiding and covering serious kashrus issues?

Certain AKO members would not allow the kosher consumer's advocate to attend their conference for fear of "transparency".

What information are they hiding from the kosher consumer?

EMES not Sheker

Rav Aharon was the consummate kanai: He saw through the sham created by those who undermined Yiddishkeit in their pursuit to satisfy their desire to be like “everybody else." In their attempt to accommodate Orthodoxy to the liberal world of secular Judaism, they succeeded in watering down a number of the basic tenets of Judaism, creating on approach to religious observance that was neither.

The Rosh Yeshivah was relentless in exposing their charade and in warning the ignorant of the harm that could-and would- come as a result of an attempt to meld sheker, falsehood, with emes, truth.

Winston Churchill: "The truth is incontrovertable, Malice may attack it, Ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."


Reb Noson Wachtfogel OB"M described what "Emes" looks like:
An old, slow moving, hunched back,
with a cane in each hand,
every one poking fun at him etc.

"UBB'ER - ER - VET - UN'KUM'EN, - Tzum - Soif.
* * * * * * * * *
Hi Rabbi,
Because of your blog, I along with some of my friends are trying to be more careful in what we put in our mouths. We are in brooklyn. What meat & poultry brands do you recommend. Also I sometimes need to buy bet yosef because I have sephardic guests, can you recommend someplace? Much appreciated. Keep up the good work.
I must say I was bit skeptical about your accusations against agri as they do have the hashgocho of the OU & KAJ who are.... I met last week with a shochet who I know personally to be a yarei shomayim, he's been to AGRI & saw them in action & he told me it's a disaster. He said he even questioned some of the shochtim there & they admitted that they themselves won't eat the meat that they shechted by AGRI. I am no longer skeptical.

"MESORAH"- we must follow the Mesorah, we may not question Mesorah

The Chatam Sofer confronted the growing strength of the Reform movement. He was faced with those who demanded relatively minor modifications in religious observance, as well as those who were ready to abandon much more essential Jewish practices. His strategy in preserving the mesorah was a simple one: no compromise whatsoever. Borrowing a phrase from a specific halachic context, he asserted, “Chadash assur min haTorah; All that is new is prohibited.” He opposed modernization in all its forms.
The Chatam Sofer’s approach reflected his deep mistrust of the historical developments of his time that originated in non-Jewish sources. To him, all values had to stem from impeccably Jewish origins. Every deviation, no matter how slight, was to be vigorously opposed. Every proposed innovation, however innocuous it might seem, had idolatrous roots and would lead to serious transgressions.
For the Chatam Sofer, not one iota of mesorah could be sacrificed. He used to say, “Let one thousand of my opponents be lost, but let not one jot or tittle of Jewish custom be dislodged from its place,” and, “Anyone who questions our norms and customs is suspect [of heresy].”
Viewed this way, mesorah is so much more than a system of traditional practices that can be easily modified. Rather, mesorah is the exquisitely nuanced, intricately complex system through which the loftiest values of our religion can find expression.
Lately there have been others that learned in Yeshivish Yeshivas and were successful in the business world, yet they feel that anything and everything may be questioned from their prospective. Sorry to say, the Mesorah is handed down from generation to generation, and only those that are the carriers of the Mesorah may interpret "how does mesorah deal with this situation"?


        Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, 

        nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

To all maminim

There were 2 Jewish partners albeit, not religious that owned a popular kosher catering hall that was kosher certified by  a Religious Rabbi from the Metropolitan New York area. An individual called the certifying Rabbi on numerous occasions to voice his concerns about the caterer working on Shabbos for a Sunday affair, the owners have the keys of the kitchen and refrigerators / freezers etc.

After numerous call of kashrus concerns, the certifying Rabbi asked the caller “You see that I did not make any of the changes to alleviate your valid concerns, so why do you keep calling me”? The caller said sorry, I don’t have an answer to that question.

 A few weeks later, Si’yata di’shmaya has the caller be invited to a wedding where one of the names on the invitation was the same last name as that certifying Rabbi. So, he asked if anyone knows if this Rabbi is present at the wedding. Someone pointed to an elderly Rabbi in the back corner. So, he approached the Rabbi and introduced himself. The Rabbi asked, “do you have an answer to my question”? He said, yes, I do, can we sit down.

He told the Rabbi, you do appear to be considerably older than myself, Rabbi, excellent observation. Likely you’ll meet your maker after 120 before I will. Rabbi, correct again-what’s the point already? They will ask you, Rabbi how did you allow all these violations at the caterer that you certify? Normally you would shrug your shoulders and say, “I did not know”. That “excuse” you will not have, as I told you about them, that’s why I keep calling. You know what they will tell after 120? They’ll tell you very nicely where to go.

If you opt to ignore our kashrus alerts, issues, etc. you will not be able to feign "I didn't know".
I guess that why I keep bringing kashrus issues to everyone’s attention, now they will not be able to use the “excuse” after 120, I DID NOT KNOW.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

KCL criterea for Mashgichim for Shabbos / Yom Tov

The KCL arranged with an individual to find Shabbos / Yom Tov mashgichim.

The pay is a set amount, to the KCL shadchan. He could pay the Mashgichim as little as he wants "and keeps the rest". Brilliant!

So the KCL's shadchan is looking for mashgichim that are incapable, likes to drink, shomer Shabbos not a criteria, the more personal issues, misfit, the better- they are cheaper.

How DNA Testing Can Tell You What Type of Fish You’re Really Eating?
By analyzing a the DNA of fish sold across the country, researchers have found that roughly a third of U.S. seafood is mislabeled

A Lakewood Shabbos Bar Mitzvah

One family of the guests does not eat meat, so they made for them a small parve cholent.

At the day Seudah, that family was served the small Parve cholent, or so they thought. They saw meat in the cholent.

The host was beside himself.

They discovered that the waiters helped themselves to a breakfast of cholent. They realized that the small cholent was almost finished, so they scooped out from the large meat cholent to refill the parve cholent.

All under the watchful eyes of the Lakewood kashrus's Mashgiach, who went to daven with a minyan  and came back at 10:30 AM and had "bossur she'nisalem.

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Mashgiach is bombed, either drunk or druggie?

Our Simcha in Lakewood we thought was a disaster.

Friday night seudah, the mashgiach was already bombed.

Our friends said, take it easy, this is Lakewood's holy hashgocha mashgiach, Who else can they get for a Shabbos job? That's what they say.