Monday, July 29, 2019

Courts are questioning validity of settlement provissions

July 29, 2019

Non-Kosher Provisions in FLSA Settlements in the Second Circuit

I came across a short court order a few days ago that admonished settling parties in an FLSA suit for including an impermissible provision in the settlement.  Vasquez v. T&W Rest., Inc., 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 121129 (S.D.N.Y. July 19, 2019).  In the opinion, Magistrate Judge Pitman reminded the parties that “provision[s] prohibiting the re-employment of plaintiff . . . are not permissible in an FLSA settlement.” 

There are many district court opinions within the Second Circuit which have disallowed certain provisions in FLSA settlements.  One might call these frowned-upon provisions a “greatest hits of various provisions that have been struck down or questioned by various courts” in the Second Circuit—Judge Pauley from Olano v. Designs by RJR, Ltd., 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 166279, at *7 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 6, 2017).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Imagine a Shabbos spirit without, Yated, Hamodia, Mishpacha, Der yid, Ami, etc

After much thought and contemplating we finally did it. We did not buy any of the frum weeklies , newspapers or magazines etc. It was a shabbos with no Yated Ne"eman or Hamodia no Mishpacha, Bina or Ami magazine not even the new issue o Zman or occasional other Jewish newspaper. Its not about the money or the $25 saved rather it was just spending shabbos like it used to be when there was only one paper.

Oneg & Schtark cheeses are not recomended

There are two so called kosher cheeses that are made by Oneg Foods. The  packaging is deceptively similar .
Schtark Mozzarella is called Cholov Yisroel and Oneg Kosher Gourmet' Mozzarella Cheese is Cholov akum, hence Cholov Treif.

Therefore it's best not to use any one of them.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Alert: Donuts and gluten-free deserts / cakes require Bishul Yisroel- Sfardim take heed

Note: Donuts are "cooked" not baked.

All Gluten-free cakes / deserts should be aware that it's to be considered "Bishul"/ cooked, not "Afia" / baked and it would require Bishul Yisroel.

Donuts per se are considered "Oileh-al-shulchan-mi'luchim" aka affairs, etc.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cherries, fresh, canned, pie filling etc. may be infested

Kosher Advisory Gefen Sour Cherries

July 15, 2019 from the OU:

Gefen Hungarian Sour Cherries, Gefen, Bayonne NJ:
The Orthodox Union certifies Gefen Hungarian Sour Cherries as an OU P product. Some cherries from a particular batch were found to have tolayim. This product is being withdrawn from the marketplace.

The previous item can be cited with the URL:

Alert: Numerous canned cherries, fresh cherries were found to be infested.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Why You Should Sponsor a Podcast for Your Shul or Yeshiva?

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Kashrus alert-Fish Grill Lakewood / Howell

Fish Grill Lakewood / Howell is serving leafy vegetables, the

Fish grill took this Hashgocha because;

They don't require checking for infestation.

FG can use fresh market produce, with no checking.

Even KCL wouldn't allow that@ 

Fress- insect protein;

Hashgocha does "NOT" allow a properly trained mashgiach to check for infestation.

Monday, July 08, 2019

Another reason WHY- MARVID IS SO CHEAP. Tyson & Perdue are even cheaper. .

Belz & KCL approve of Marvid chicken-

זרקו שוחט בגלל עופות לא שחוטות

Kashrus cost money, cut your kashrus and your chicken is cheap.

הרב המכשיר המרכזי של 'התאחדות הרנבים' של סאטמאר הרב הלל ווייינבערגער פיטר שוחט בשבוע שעבר בגלל שבשרשרת השחיטה עבר עוף לא שחוט

מתברר כי ממהרים מאוד להספיק מה שיותר וככה מתפספסים עופות לא שחוטות והציבור לא יודע כי הוא אכל עופות לא שחוטות בהכשר של סאטמאר

במשחטה התפתחו האשמות בין השוחטים לעובדים מי אשם במצב הזה, העובדים הגויים אומרים כי דוחפים אותם לעבוד מהר ולהספיק יותר ולכן יכול לקרות דברים כאלו

וכמובן לזה קוראים 'גלאט כשר'!!!

Marvid has some serious issues. This was found a few times recently. Some hashgochas are therefore not allowing the Marvid poultry. Belz still allows it.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Beware: Treif again:

Man Posing As Chareidi Selling Treif Meat In Antwerp, Liverpool, Manchester, Monsey, Los Angeles, Flatbush, 
It happened, therefore it can happen again
this is the core of what we have to say. 
It can happen, and it can happen everywhere.”

Treif de ja vu- 

It happened in our time, in  Monsey, Los Angeles, Flatbush, Passaic, Antwerp, Hungary, Austria, etc.  Can it happen in Lakewood? With Lakewood's KCL type of hashgocha-YES!

Lakewood kashrus report available

הלם באירופה - במשחטת עופות המשרתת קהילות בהונגריה ואוסטריה התגלה כי מנהל המפעל זייף את סימון הכשרות שפג תוקפו, והוא חשוד שצירף לחבילות אלו טריפות ונבלות, בכך הכשיל יהודים שומרי כשרות. באנטוורפן ציוה הרב לכל הציבור שקנה מהם להכשיר את הכלים