Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Don't ever allienate children from a parent


Anonymous said...

Prevention of questionable Gitten:

Mrs. N a resident of our mostly Charedei town wanted out of her marriage. She also wanted half of her husband's money. So....... She hires Cipora Winters shem reshayim yirkov. Gets a restraining order and throws her husband out of the house and rips the children from their parent r'l!

Mr. N hires Jeffrey Epstein shem reshayim yirkov. (I know Jeffery from my story and spoke with him since) Jeffrey, knowing that Mrs.N will lose everything if she wants a proper Torah mandated certificate of divorce aka Get and wanting to maintain his revenue stream rather than serving his paying client sits on his money laden hands and stalls the process. He hopes to break Mr. N's resolve.

If there is to be reform it will only happen when the Batei Din refuse to allow Cipora or any attorney who assures their client both a GET and the not halacahiclly sanctioned money by utilizing arkois recognition and certainly not a relationship with a the Bais Din.

Bezrath H' Nassah v'natzliach


Anonymous said...

Do you mean Mendel? Didn't Jeffrey get killed in prison? A different Jeffrey?

Paysach Krohny Watch said...

Nassau Supreme Court
Index Number: 0007686/2012


Anonymous said...

Seems like Avrohom has more issues then Mr & Mrs N. , Ciporah And Epstein put together.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous,

Your statement is accurate. I have issues with individuals who are porkei ol and are mchallel shem shamayim r'l. As you are afraid to sign your name or share your contact information, I have no way of knowing if you are born of a Jewish mother and Jewish or not. Even if I assume that you are Jewish, I don't know if you are Charedei. I am however more than happy to converse to ascertain if I can be of assistance in explaining my issues. I can be reached at (718)473-6383

Anonymous said...

Here is Jeffrey's bio:

If you or anyone you know needs assistance with divorce, I'm happy to help.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

As you are concerned about parental alienation, which I applaud your sentiment, I want to make your readers aware of another such man who is exposing rabbinic corruption in matters of gittin. please see:
His youtube channel is here:

Anonymous said...

Please don’t use him as a proof. His approach of lying and backhanded maneuvers and of course always with a smile makes others with a legitimate claim look bad. Many people feel he should have given a get already and not just the ORA feminists and the ppl they convince.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who protests against all Rabbanim shlita has no credibility.

Dr. Jay said...

Alla Hu Akbar

Anonymous said...

וחומר הדבר של ההולך לערכאות הרי מבואר בחו"מ סי' כ"ו שההולך לערכאות הרי זה נקרא רשע, וכאילו חירף וגידף והרים יד בתורת משה ר"ל, מלבד חילול ה' שיש בדבר ח"ו, ובוודאי לא ידעתם מחומר הדבר ועליכם להפסיק התביעות בערכאות תיכף ומיד,

ומה גם שיש כאן עוד עוון החמור של מסירה ר"ל, וכל המוסר ישראל ביד עובד כוכבים, בין בגופו בין ממונו, אין לו חלק לעולם הבא, ויורדים לגהינם ונידונין לדורי דורות וגופן כלה ונשמתן כלה, וגריעי מהמשומדים וכו' כמבואר בשו"ע חו"מ סי' שפ"ח ובש"ך שם.

Anonymous said...

True and regrettably believable story:

A fellow feigning to be enmeshed in a divorce battle phoned Rabbi Dovid Cohen of Gvul Yavetz asking for assistance.

Cohen, sans asking any details immediately began berating the fellow for being m'agen his wife calling him names and other epithets.

Our Rabbanim shlita are aware of Cohen's wayward behavior. I share this to warn the public as his behavior has and can lead to a GET musssa and mamzerim r'l.

May the oseh Sholom b'mromov be oseh Sholom aleinu v'al kol yisroel.

Unknown said...