Thursday, June 02, 2022

ALERT! Carrots from Eretz Yisroel, e.g. DOROT- in Shop-Rite

 בס"ד,  שנת השמיטה תשפ"ב

הודעה מאת ועד השמיטה בראשות הגר"י אפרתי שליט"א
*אזהרה אל אחינו שומרי תורה ומצוות שבחוץ לארץ*
הגזר המיוצא כעת מארץ ישראל לחו"ל הוא יבול שביעית ובחשש ספיחין !!


Anonymous said...

Has been sold in Shop Rite for the whole year.

National Association for the Advancement of Insects said...

The OU deserves an award for the ultimate act they are now pulling off to enable achilas shrotzim.

Trader Joe's wild blueberries are OU certified. They are only partially dried, still abounding with moisture, which means the 3 insect species known to infest this fruit - scales, thrips & maggots - are still in berya status.

And the wild variety noch dem is the most infested of all!

Anonymous said...

Quoting the ancient standard for blueberries.

Old Fashion = Shomer Torah Umitzvos said...

Whenever the certifiers of infested stuff like Steinmetz & OU are called out on it, they give you some mumbo jumbo that they do things the "new" way.