Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Virgin Olive oil Adulterated- De Ja Vu

 An anti-fraud oper­a­tion led by Europol and Interpol in 57 coun­tries in 2016 uncov­ered more than 11,000 tons of coun­ter­feit goods, includ­ing large quan­ti­ties of oil, labeled as extra vir­gin,” which had been inten­tion­ally mis­la­beled or adul­ter­ated to appear gen­uine.

In 2018, a sim­i­lar inves­ti­ga­tion in 36 coun­tries on four con­ti­nents dis­man­tled entire net­works of coun­ter­feit goods pro­duc­tion. In that same year, another inter­na­tional oper­a­tion uncov­ered almost 10,000 tons of coun­ter­feit prod­ucts in 61 coun­tries, includ­ing a large vol­ume of olive oil.

According to the Italian gov­ern­ment, coun­ter­feit foods are smug­gled glob­ally by mod­i­fy­ing the orig­i­nal con­tents of food or by mar­ket­ing prod­ucts whose appear­ance closely resem­bles the authen­tic cer­ti­fied prod­ucts, with names and titles that might appear legit­i­mate.

 An anti-fraud oper­a­tion led by Europol and Interpol in 57 coun­tries in 2016 uncov­ered more than 11,000 tons of coun­ter­feit goods, includ­ing large quan­ti­ties of oil, labeled as ​“extra vir­gin,” which had been inten­tion­ally mis­la­beled or adul­ter­ated to appear gen­uine.

In 2018, a sim­i­lar inves­ti­ga­tion in 36 coun­tries on four con­ti­nents dis­man­tled entire net­works of coun­ter­feit goods pro­duc­tion. In that same year, another inter­na­tional oper­a­tion uncov­ered almost 10,000 tons of coun­ter­feit prod­ucts in 61 coun­tries, includ­ing a large vol­ume of olive oil.

According to the Italian gov­ern­ment, coun­ter­feit foods are smug­gled glob­ally by mod­i­fy­ing the orig­i­nal con­tents of food or by mar­ket­ing prod­ucts whose appear­ance closely resem­bles the authen­tic cer­ti­fied prod­ucts, with names and titles that might appear legit­i­mate.


Anonymous said...

There is counterfeiting of all sorts of items used by frum & non frum Jews and/or non Jews each and every day.
That does not mean you stop using the items. It means that when you find out that something is not genuine you stop using it.
If you go with the postulate that if it may be counterfeit then don't use it you may as well stop using and eating anything.

Shveig said...

Why is the 11:41 am "chuchem" trying to shlog up R' Yudel when there is nothing to shlog up?

Anonymous said...

It makes a difference especially for Pesach since it can be adulterated with soybean oil which is kitnios.

First reported elsewhere said...

Rabbi Feivy Mendlowitz commented a little while ago on his site that "the jury is still out" on whether Louis-Lazer Scheiner is all talk or will fundraise for bnei kollel way beyond ex-CEO Aaron Kotler.


Well, Lazer's sources of gelt derveil have been under heavy government scrutiny ...

Anonymous said...

Tue Mar 01, 09:43:00 PM 2022

NEVER ever saw such a TOELES comment.
Thank you for being mezakeh all of us with a solid resevation 'down there'.

Your Welcome.

Anonymous said...

There is a problem when non-kosher gelt is injected into yeshivos. There are halachos in Shulchan Aruch about it which those halachos sadly don't seem to get too much attention outside of Brisk.

E Kleinman said...

Yeah yeah "sure". Name me one yeshiva building anywhere that was financed from a donation of improper money!

TheYesOrthodoxJew said...

There is also a problem with non kosher speech and written word.
Ever heard of that one?

Or "rabbi" Mendlowitz knows better??

Anonymous said...

There is also definitely a problem with non kosher speech and written word from people with an evil agenda to protect all the reshoyim that the gedolei haposkim want us to be mefarsem on al pi Hatorah.

YesWeCanOrthodox CoverUp! sounds like a hybrid of an Obama slogan and an Agudah slogan.

Anonymous said...

Wed Mar 02, 03:01:00 PM 2022
And Bais Hatalmud..

Anonymous said...

the gedolei haposkim That Paulie decided are gedolim. All others get the grubeh nivul peh as their Kovod for not jumping when the Pope says jump...

Anonymous said...

Haynu hach! Beis Hatalmud was founded by R' Leib Malin ztl who was a shtik fun Brisk

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