Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Update: Alert: "All" French Vodkas have a wine issue and may not be used, including Grey Goose- We posted this in 2021-

Rabbi Usher Eckstein has been certifying Schick caterers among other caterers and allowed
"Grey-Goose" at all of their affairs, even though "Grey-Goose" is not on the CRC approved list, but it's on the Star-K's list - That's good enough for Rav Ekstein, Skver, Hisachdus CRC.

The OU, Kof-K, OK, CRC, AKO discovered some 2 years ago that the Star-K Hashgocha is a "Fraud", to put it mildly, but the Heimish accept the Star-K, we are not surprised.

We banned all French Vodka for over 10 years already due to wine issues.

Rav Padwa, banned all french Vodka because of wine issues for a few years already.

It does not appear on the CRC's liquor list as recommended or approved.

Note: The Star-K APPROVES Grey Goose Vodka, because Kashrus issues is not a concern by them. They also approve Red-Bull drinks while the CRC does not approve it. 

Note: Reb Usher Eckstein Belzer  Dayan- discovered America- 

Interesting-he saw it on a whatsap, so he put out an alert.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Ma’aseh Shehaya – Once Upon A Time A Cautionary Kashrus Chronicle

(Dear Readers: Although at the end of last week’s article I stated that I would delve deeper into the meaning of the Chasam Sofer’s novel description of the events of Asara B’Teves, and how it is relevant to unfortunate events occurring all around us, I beg the readers’ indulgence to wait another week for that, as an event took place last week which highlights the importance of reading these columns in Chadash and attending the lectures that are sometimes shamelessly promoted therein.)

Way back when, when we were first getting to know each other, I wrote a series of articles entitled “Just What Are Mehadrin Standards?” We discussed that there are different standards for different Hechsheirim, much as there are different standards for different qualities of anything we deal with, e.g., washing machines, tape recorders, cars, elevators — the point being that even if we can point to a bottom-line seeming similarity (at the end of the day — It’s kosher, isn’t it? It gets the clothes clean, doesn’t it? It plays music, doesn’t it? It gets you from point A to point B, doesn’t it? It moves you up and down, doesn’t it?), there are, nevertheless, distinctions in dependability; in ability to work under less-than-ideal circumstances; in durability; in extra features which ensure a safer, more confident experience. And so surely we should understand that different Hechsheirim offer different standards to confront practical problems which inevitably arise in the real world, especially given the sophistication and intricate reality of the food industry and the complex halachic issues that have to be dealt with. We concluded by making the point that as most laymen (and Talmidei chachamim) are not up to the task of researching the standards of the plethora of kashrus organizations, and equally not up to the task of doing the necessary halachic research (and making halachic decisions) to determine just what those standards should be, every person must have a rav, or some expert in the field to be guided by, no less than we are guided by our doctors, our car mechanics, and our Consumer Reports. To be continued:

בבא קמא נב.-כד רגיז רעיא על ענא עביד לנגדא סמותא- רש"י כך כשהמקום נפרע משונאי ישראל ממנה להן פרנסים שאינן מהוגנים-הפוך בה דכולה בה!

         The word Askan/ Shtadlan, the title public servant, has referred to a person characterized by selfless love for the Jewish people who sacrifices himself for the public good. We grew up hearing stories of people ran across Europe meeting with kings and governments in an effort to avert terrible decrees against the Jewish people. All this was done at their own personal peril and their own expense. The early klal workers in this country wanted nothing more than to spread chinuch and literally were moser nefesh for that ideal.   

        Every good thing can be abused. This includes public service and community service when a trust of the people with interests other than those of the public they represent. If that happens, the people who suffer the most are all of us, all of klal yisroel, because the true askanim / shtadlanim-and there many out in there in the  trenches helping others lesheim shomayim will have lost the goodwill of the public due to the indiscretions and selflessness of the abusers.

         There is a tremendous pitfall in askanus, a pitfall associated with all positions of power, especially those that are based on trust. In other words, the second an askan begins to think that it’s about me not about the cause; he is doomed to failure, because when there is a conflict between the “me” and the “cause”, the “me” is going to win and the “cause” is going to lose. That means that the little guy is going to lose.

         The problem is that some Askanim become so swept up with their roles and their deeds even good deeds, that they often have a hard time separating themselves from the cause. They begin to think of themselves as the cause in itself.

         If askanim want to retain the goodwill of the people and continue to help them; they must understand a few points. Firstly, it’s not about me. It’s about helping people. Secondly, an Askan is there to fill a need or a void. He’s not there to create a need and then becomes a knight in shining armor who will fix it. Don’t create a need or an organization that’s unnecessary or has already been created by someone else. If you do that, you’re not an Askan, but rather opportunist and a copycat to boot.

         In addition, it goes without saying that if a person’s public service will in anyway benefit his own private business, mossad or interest, that person is not an Askan, but rather an opportunist utilizing the public to further his financial or organizational goals.

         One particular form of askanus is that which exists in relationship between politicians and public servants. This is especially so when individuals with personal agendas and financial interests try to become liaisons between the frum community and politicians, taking advantage of the naiveté of so many in our tzibur.

         These words should not be taken as an indictment on askanus. On the contrary, it is because we feel that altruistic public services are such an integral component of preserving the welfare of our communities and ensuring the flourishing of yidishkeit  that we must weed and out and separate the true askanim / shtadlanim, the true public servants, who selflessly give of themselves and their time for the public with little thought for recognition and remuneration, from the charlatans and  opportunist who sully the ideal of askanus and sully the name of our  communities in an unforgettable, unforgivable  way.

         As a prominent Rebebetzin "in the know" said "I never saw an (ex)askan, without full pockets".

 Based on an article by R' A. Birenbaum

Thursday, December 21, 2023

UPDATE: Alert: Shatnez issues- The new HIS place clothing store at Evergreen South Lakewood-

Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky, Z"L said it's אסור to use Kreitman for Shatnez testing, he's not to be relied upon at all.

Send us an Email (
What stores are using Kreitman.

NOTE: Their Bais Din Shatnez, told us themselves that they do not have a clue in the practical aspect of Shatnez.
They have proven themselves to be a Fraud. We tried teaching them, they refused to learn the basics. 

All of the HIS place clothing from the South Lakewood store requires re-checking for Shatnez as they are using unqualified testers.

The HIS Place statements that the Shatnez was removed, is  NOT RELIABLE, but must be checked by qualified testers.

Therefore, Only use the Shatnez Testers that are certified by the International Shatnez testers Association.

Alert: Philadelphia Shatnez lab clothing needs re-testing

The Kreitman affiliated shatnez personnel are NOT QUALIFIED and are being מכשיל את הרבים

2nd Update: Shatnez testing-who should I use?

There isn't any ביטול בשעטנז anymore, because it's a דבר שיש לו מתירין-(the Kreitman group and Lee Ave, are מתיר everything)

I eat anything with a "K", I read ingredients list, then I decide if it's kosher enough, I use non- Glatt, any kosher symbol, I use $25.00 Mezuzahs, ד' מינים, חינוך,tefilin $250.00, we aren't into yoshon or infestation, there are many heteirim, etc.

Then the following Shatnez testers are for you;

Kreitmans- Monsey & Lakewood- 

Shatnez Maven, Shatnez specialists, Cleaning Station River Ave-Cleaners in SeaGull Mall-etc.

The following clothing stores are NOT for you;



His Place "South Side".

If you are one that has a different standard in Kashrus, then buy your clothing anyplace provided it's then checked by a qualified shatnez lab. make sure the store will allow you to return it, if it's not feasible to remove the Shatnez. 

Get your Shatnez clothing at EMPORIO- with a Non-Shatnez label attached- Emporio has professional "Bouncers" in food establishments "if you question the fraud Shatnez system

ALERT: The Kreitman Shatnez checker [and their fraudulent Bais-Din] are totally unqualified, all of his checked clothing must be re-checked by a qualified shatnez mumcha!


Wednesday, December 06, 2023

NZ Government administrator who leaked data showing a one-in-four DEATH rate for some COVID jab batches ARRESTED

 According to reports, the man in question was taken into custody by law enforcement for "accessing computers for deceptive purposes." This is rich, considering the New Zealand government's hiding of said data in the first place is the true deception.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

An Email that we received

 Good morning. I understand many have issues with ...   .... and ... ....... Are you and others not aware of the many that have been sent for psychiatric evaluation by that Beis din. More to the point is who they send them too. I ask mechilah in advance if anything hits a sore point etc. 

I don't know your opinion on the Agudah or Torah Umesorah, but are you and others not aware of the dangers of some of their programs. The Kefirah that is now being taught in the chinuch system to children and being done through teachers Rabbaim etc. The two programs that have been set up over the last 5 years. The mashgiach program and now the DLI program which have been set up by dr. Shmuel Mandelman is extremely detrimental; yet it is louded by the masses as wonderful. He may be brilliant and smart but still loaded with sheker kefira and apikursis. None of the bedroom of yesteryear would have allowed what is being done today. Yet there is just silence and here and there whispers.

Please look into the man if you don't know about him. Mandelman gives or gave advise on a regular basis to the Beis din.

The damage that is being done by that man on a large scale will be in the masses. If the people don't wake up about him, Torah Umesorah and the Agudah soon; the next generation what everyone thinks will be more connected will end up being the exact opposite. Rachmana litzlan.

Yiddishkeit is becoming cultural, emotional, business etc. Rachmana litzlan. In my humble opinion None of the gedolim litvish, chassidish, or sephardic who was worth anything and stood for emes would allow or stay quiet the way the chinuch systems are turning.

Please do let me know your opinion and is there anything you think can be done on a larger scale to wake the masses up?

Bracha vhatzlocha.

Friday, November 17, 2023

An Anonymous Letter to Agudas Yisroel of America

 How the Agudah & the Moetzes Have Lost Touch With Their Followers:

 The following anonymous letter has been circulating:

Dear Agudas Yisroel of America.

I write to you as someone who considers himself an “Agudah Yid” even if I may be a few years behind in my membership dues! I grew up in a household where the Agudah and the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah reigned supreme. But it seems to be that we have reached a crossroads and that Agudah needs to make a decision. Fast.

It is no secret that Ultra Orthodoxy today is divided into several groups.

There are the Chassidim. Many major groups of Chassidim were anti Agudah from the start and the ones who weren’t don’t seem to be too eager to join right now. They are largely insular and prefer the leadership of their own rebbes. No Rebbe of a major Chasidus is part of Agudah. And so Agudah does not represent them nor should they attempt to.

There is “Lakewood” and the people under their influence. (Full disclosure, I live in Lakewood) The Lakewood yeshiva community is a right-leaning community. This means practically that the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim will sign bans against 24/6 (and Megillas Esther), will take strong positions against all new technology, always rule stringently in areas of women’s modesty, and – well, you get my point. Similar to the Chassidim, they are insular and do not have much interest in the outside world. To date, there is no major support, respect, or interest in Agudah from the Lakewood yeshiva community.

Then there are the others. These are the Ultra-Orthodox Jews from Brooklyn to Passaic to Monsey and from the tens of smaller communities across the country. They have a bona-fide yeshiva education but also look outward. They may have gone to college, or they may not have, but they certainly see value in a broader education and worldview. They also see themselves as part of a larger Jewish world, at home and abroad. They do not “support” the non-religious, but they are pained by the fact that so many Jews do not live a life of Torah. It seems to me that this is Agudas Yisroel’s constituency. To be fair, I think this was the dominant (non-Chassidic) view of Ultra Orthodoxy in American since World War 2, and it is the Lakewood Yeshiva crowd that has slowly moved in a new direction.

You may not want that or like that, but those are the facts. The core followers of the Agudah are the non-Chassidism, non-Lakewood communities.

And yet, your Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah is filled with people who are often at odds with your core constituency. No one is questioning the greatness of any member of the Moetzes (obviously), and there are legitimate positions on many issues, but members of an organization need and deserve to have a rabbinical board that share basic values and approaches with them. Why should the Lakewood yeshiva world have such a strong voice in the Moetzes of Agudah when the Lakewood yeshiva world is not even part of Agudah?

Now I know what you will tell me: “we listen to our Gedolim and accept their words even if we disagree”. But you and I both know that is false. To date there is no member of the Modern Orthodox world on your Moetzes despite there being many great Talmidei Chachamim among them. There is no member of Chabad on your board either. Clearly, there needs to be a baseline “hashkafah” that a Gadol has to have in order to be considered for the Moetzes. And so again, why is the Moetzes made up of so many members who are so at odds with the people who look to Agudah for guidance?

The rally in Washington D.C. this week is a perfect example of the problem. I am not concerned with the merits of either side; I simply want to take a look at the disconnect here.

Many Ultra-Orthodox communities across the country were eager to participate in this historic, and what they saw as vital, rally. And what was the position of the Agudah? First, they sent out a timid email with what appeared to be reluctant support for the rally. To an outsider it seemed that the Moetzes did not want to support the rally at all, but realized that opposing it would not sit well with their constituents and so they did not come out against it. Their weak email created a vacuum to allow the mess that was to follow.

The evening before the event a letter comes out signed by 4 member of the Moetzes (a 5th joined later) saying that it is assur to go to the rally. Never mind the cruelty of the November surprise, but to our point, the views of this Moetzes are simply worlds apart from the people who would be Agudah members. Even before the letter came out there were almost no buses from Lakewood going to the event. In in 5 Towns, you were embarrassed to not be attending the rally and in Lakewood no one even knew about it! Many Rabbonim from outside of Lakewood supported and joined the rally; are they not “chared lidvar Hashem”?

There is a terrible divide between the ideology of the voice coming out of Agudah and the people who are its loyal adherents. This is leading to nothing less than the destruction of Agudah. Consider the fact that most people would struggle to find some positive communal initiative that Agudah has implemented for Klal Yisroel over the past few years. They are clearly handicapped by the many voices in the Moetzes and so they take the path of least resistance and do nothing. While their counterpart at the OU are engaged in community changing Torah projects and initiatives, Agudah is making grand conventions. With their AllDaf app OU is teaching millions of Yidden Shas, while the Agudah is making millions off of Yiden with a Siyum HaShas.

(Caveat – We are talking here about Agudah as a voice and guidance for Torah Jewry in America. There are a lot of projects that Agudah is involved in, such as lobbying, legal/political initiatives that are invaluable.)

The Lakewood yeshiva world has adopted very different views then many of us. These are of course legitimate views, just as the Gedolim purporting them are tremendous people. If the Agudah wants to appeal to these voiced and embrace the Rabbonim who speak for them- fine. Let us know and we will wish you well, and probably start a new organization to speak for us. I should warn you, however, that most of the “yeshivsh” Rosh Yeshivas want nothing to do with Agudah and most of their followers have nothing but ridicule for you.

But if you want to continue to be the voice for what is still the mainstream Ultra-Orthodox in the country, it is time that real change comes to your institution. Those changes might be in who is allowed to be on the Moetzes, or maybe what types of questions need the Moetzes approval, or maybe who gets to have veto power, I don’t know. But I do know that you are currently in dangerous waters. You are being dominated by voices who are diametrically opposed to the deepest convictions of the only people who still support you. That situation cannot last.

Posted by Dusiznies at 11:00AM 

Anonymous said...

Very well said' in a condensed article.November 17, 2023 at 12:31PM

Sunday, November 12, 2023

KASHRUS ALERT: Very confusing alert re: Gefen ChickPeas/Garbanzo Beans

1- It states on the bag, should be checked for infestation. A consumer would understand that when it was packed it was checked and was not infested at packing.

2- The notice says "THEY MAY NOT  BE USED", evidently it can't be checked by the consumer and it was infested at packing, so what was the purpose of the notice on the package, just a disclaimer of sort.

3- The Notice states only those two batch numbers, but the fact is that the later ones are also infested.

4-Therefore, that brand of product and or the Hashgocha are not reliable for infestation issues.

Whole wheat flour- seperating Challah

                                          KEMACH FOOD PRODUCTS CORP.

9920 Farragut Road           Brooklyn, NY 11236-2302           (718) 272-5655          (718) 272-6226 Fax


                                                                                      ** PUBLIC ALERT ** 




Here are some important bullet points taken from this Psak (halachic ruling) from our Rav Hamachshir, Harav Nusson N. Horowitz regarding the laws pertaining to being “Mafrish Challah” (Separating Challah) when using Kemach Whole Wheat Flour.


A special Thank You to Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Young for all the time and energy he put into researching the calculations and measurements that were used in this Psak.


    When in the process of milling whole wheat flour, the bran is removed from the flour and then mixed back, the halacha (in Shulchan Aruch) states that it no longer is counted towards the shiur (measurement) needed to be mafrish challah. Most manufactured whole wheat flour, and specifically Kemach Whole Wheat Flour is manufactured that way.

    Based on this Halacha one must factor that (l’chumrah) up to 27% of the Kemach Whole Wheat Flour might be bran that was mixed back in.

    It is important to note that this must be relied on only as a chumrah (stringency) and not a Kullah (leniency), i.e. one may not make a Brocho on hafrashas challah without factoring in the extra 27%. However, when taking challah on smaller amounts of flour upon which a brocho is anyway not said, the 27% is not a determining factor if hafroshas challah is needed at all.

    PRACTICAL MEASUREMENTS (adding 27% by weight and proportionately by volume)

o When measuring by weight we need to multiply by 1.37. For example, ones Rov holds that one should make the brocho on hafroshas challah only if the amount of white flour in the dough is at least 5 pounds. Multiplying 5 by 1.37 comes to 6.85. Accordingly, the amount of Kemach Whole Wheat Flour one needs to use in order to make a brocho would be almost 7 lbs. (More precisely, 6.85 lbs. which is 6 lbs. and 13.6 oz.).

o When measuring by volume we need to multiply by 1.52. For example, ones Rov holds that one should make the brocho on hafroshas challah only if the amount of white flour in the dough is at least 18 cups (for less than 18 cups but at least 9 cups one should take challah but without a brocho). Multiplying 18 by 1.52 comes to about 27.5. Accordingly, the amount of Kemach Whole Wheat Flour one needs to use in order to make a brocho would be 27.5 cups.

o However, if as stated above, one uses less than 18 cups but at least 9 cups (e.g. 10 cups of flour), one should not multiply by 1.52. Instead in this case he should take challah from the 10-cup dough, but without a brocho.

Please note that all of the above is only applicable to Kemach Whole Wheat Flour. (Other companies might not remove and mix back in the bran, and/or might have different percentages).

אם ראית דור שצרות רבות באות עליו - צא ובדוק בדייני ישראל. שכל פורענות שבאה לעולם לא באה אלא בשביל דייני ישראל, שבת קל"ט - א

תלמוד בבלי מסכת שבת דף קלט עמוד א
תניא, רבי יוסי בן אלישע אומר
 אם ראית דור שצרות רבות באות עליו - צא ובדוק בדייני ישראל. שכל פורענות שבאה לעולם לא באה אלא בשביל דייני ישראל,

שנאמר שמעו נא זאת ראשי בית יעקב וקציני בית ישראל המתעבים משפט ואת כל הישרה יעקשו בנה ציון בדמים וירושלים בעולה ראשיה בשחד ישפטו וכהניה במחיר יורו ונביאיה בכסף יקסמו ועל ה' ישענו וגו' רשעים הן, אלא שתלו בטחונם במי שאמר והיה העולם. 

לפיכך מביא הקדוש ברוך הוא עליהן שלש פורעניות כנגד שלש עבירות שבידם. שנאמר לכן בגללכם ציון שדה תחרש וירושלים עיין תהיה והר הבית לבמות יער. 

ואין הקדוש ברוך הוא משרה שכינתו על ישראל עד שיכלו שופטים ושוטרים רעים מישראל

שנאמר ואשיבה ידי עליך ואצרף כבר סגיך, ואסירה כל בדיליך ואשיבה שפטיך כבראשונה ויעציך כבתחלה וגו'.

Friday, November 10, 2023

After a Bankruptcy, it's common to change the name, Why did KCL change their name, still without any basic kashrus reliability

 In other words, every agency, organization, and individual out there giving hashgacha should be doing a proper job.

Unfortunately, many are not, even to the point that one cannot eat at establishments that they certify or eat the products that they certify unless the kashrus system is independently verified.

Ubiquitous under-performance, even in bastions of holiness, does not make it more acceptable to do a sub-standard job, but it allows us to be more kind in considering that a deficient agency, organization, or individual is not a standout, but one of many.

The reasons vary: lack of expertise in kashrus systems, lack of management skills, lack of budget, lack of the community’s willingness to properly fund a top-notch, or even Halachically acceptable, kashrus program, misplaced compassion towards unqualified staff, turf wars, negligence, and sometimes even avarice and lack of yir’as Shamayim.

But the consequences are the same: a community unknowingly eats that which is Halachically prohibited, and the knowing of the community are left with no good options and are frowned upon by the unknowing.

May Hashem protect all His children and grant us all to eat properly kosher food.

The following article appeared in the past in KASHRUS Magazine (reprinted with some clarification.)

Catering Standards Questioned? Invited to an affair under the supervision of a Lakewood's yeshiva [ KCL] established  “Hashgocha” , but which was being held in a non-kosher facility, we went into the kitchen to look around and to compare notes with the Mashgiach. we were not prepared for what we found.
[ for copy of article- (subject line KCL article)]

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

The Brisker Rov zt’l famously stated;

One of the main functions of a Rabbi is to advocate for and support the "weakest" members of his community, “to give a voice to the voiceless”.

He said; Gehenim is big enough to hold the whole varsha.