Sunday, August 11, 2024

Rav Breuer, Z"L on Kashrus


Background; Rav Dr. (Levy) Yosef Breuer, Z” L  when announcing his opening of the highly respected KAJ Kashrus, he stated, “I am opening a kashrus Organization that will adhere to “basic kashrus standards with no chumras and no hidurim.” 
He said, “Eventually, you might be left with chumras & hidurim but no basic kashrus”. 

Bnai-Torah / Yeshiva Leit is looking for quality products with a reliable kashrus standard with no chumras & hidurim.


Anonymous said...

Today we are all looking for the RABBI.
Yes, the rabbi.
We are looking to eat that grubeh maychal that has the RABBI’S ok.
As in: my rabbi said it’s ok.
Or: my friends told me that his RABBI says it’s ok.
Or if the store Carrys it then some RABBI must of oked it otherwise it would not be in the store.
I’m told on site you always have to add: vehamavin yavin. Ok here it is..

Anonymous said...

His name was Rav (Levi) Yosef Breuer, not Isaac