Tuesday, September 26, 2023

מאוד הזהר מ'הצבועים- be aware of the Secular Chareidim! Many have been outed already- The Orthodox clad, Atheists, have yet to be outed

 In general, The Secular Chareidim used to migrate to the Five Towns, but stayed in the closet.

Then some started migrating to Monsey and Lakewood etc, and coming out of the closet.

Lately many have migrated to Toms River, New Jersey. 

Be aware of the above.

The Orthodox Atheists, are still in the closet, they must be outed as well.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Timely article on the current DAF

 Sept. 10, 2023

Today's Daf, Shidduch Crisis and Moshiach

Today, like every day, tens of thousands will pore over their Gemara or listen to shiurim on the daily Daf. Today however, they will see a key to change which would better so many lives, in this world and the next. Many will see it, but unfortunately not very many will act on it. This Gemara is no secret, and has been seen by young and old for centuries, but in recent years it seems to have been overlooked.

רב הונא לטעמיה דאמר: בן עשרים שנה ולא נשא אשה כל ימיו בעבירה. בעבירה סלקא דעתך?! אלא

אימא: כל ימיו בהרהור עבירה. אמר רבא, וכן תנא דבי רבי ישמעאל: עד עשרים שנה יושב הקדוש ברוך הוא ומצפה לאדם מתי ישא אשה, כיון שהגיע עשרים ולא נשא, אומר: תיפח עצמותיו

Rav Huna taught that one who is not married by the time he is 20, will live his entire life with sinful thoughts. Rava, as well as Rebbi Yishmael, taught that Hashem Himself waits for one to get married. When he reaches 20 and hasn’t attempted to get married, Hashem says “May his bones swell” (A curse reserved only for those who postpone marriage or for those who deny ).תחיית המתים

This Gemara seems to be overlooked because the Gemara before discusses one who is preoccupied learning Torah and wouldn’t be able to continue his studies after marriage. He therefore is exempt (according to some interpretations) from the age limit of 20. One may think this exempts all Yeshiva students, but the truth is that this exemption only applies to someone who need not be concerned with illicit thoughts. It is for someone on a level higher than almost any of our day bachurim. The average, and even the best of our boys cannot vouch on themselves that they have total control over their Yetzer hora.

This exemption also doesn’t apply to anyone who is going to Kollel or whose wife, parents, or in-laws will support them after marriage. (According to R’ Moshe Feinstein, it doesn’t apply unless one won’t be able to learn Torah even during his set time to learn because of the stresses of work. If however he could set aside some time to learn properly, he wouldn’t be exempt from getting married at this age.)

For all practical purposes, for almost all young men, the correct age for marriage is before they reach 20. This Halacha is codified by the Rambam, Tur, Shulchan Aruch, and accepted by all halachic authorities of all times. This includes the Chafetz Chaim, Aruch Hashulchan, Chazon Ish, R’ Moshe Feinstein and so on.

The connection to the shidduch crisis is quite obvious. If boys were to get married younger the age gap wouldn’t be there. Even if this would cause more boys than girls according to statistics, we should much rather have a “crisis” caused by Hashem and not one which we made ourselves. In the former we can rely on Him, but in the later He relies on us to mend our ways.

But where does Moshiach come in? The Gemara (Niddah 13b) says that one who marries a young girl who is not old enough to bear children delays the coming of Moshiach. This is because Moshiach will only come when all the Neshamos that need to come to this world have already been born. By delaying marriage we are delaying generations from being born which in turn delays the coming of Moshiach.

As the Yom Hadin approaches, perhaps as a people we could aim to get closer to the age Hashem required us to get married. Many projects have been aimed at lowering the age of our boys, but none of them seemed to garner enough steam. Perhaps the only way to achieve this goal is not by throwing money at the problem, or convincing people to do it for the sake of fixing a crisis. We need to simply realize how detrimental it is for young men to not be in a marriage at this age. They will inevitably deteriorate spiritually and suffer with sinful thoughts for the rest of their life.

The Mahrsha comments on today's Gemara that one who isn’t married by 20 gets the not-so honorable title of .רשעThe Medrash in Koheles says that those that delay marriage are worthy of .מיתה בידי שמים

This is a serious issue, and before the Yom Hadin it is worth examining.

נחפשה דרכינו ונחקרה ונשובה עד ה'

Empirio Shatnez De Ja Vu


י"ז מנחם אב תשפ"ג

Shatnez Notice


Emporio Clothing is a Jewish-owned Men's clothing store with branches in Jewish neighborhoods in the Tri-state area.

Unfortunately, we are here to report yet another incident of shatnez in one of the suits manufactured by Emporio Clothing. After a qualified shatnez laboratory thoroughly tested the suit, it was deemed shatnez. Below is the picture of the brand label Vertu and the scrap reinforcement of wool and linen discovered in the suit.

As with any store, one cannot rely on Emporio's salespeople who may claim that its garments are shatnez free, i.e., shatnez testing at a qualified shatnez laboratory is required on ALL suits purchased at Emporio.

Please publicize.

ועד למשמרת שעטנז

Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez

Lakewood, New Jersey 08701



United States of America

Friday, September 01, 2023

Nursing Home Had 30 Percent of Its Residents Die within Days of COVID Vaccination

 On December 28 and 29, 2020, the Apple Valley Health Care Center in Apple Valley, MN vaccinated its entire senior population against COVID. Everyone was delighted that the nursing home residents were now 100% protected by the safe and effective vaccine. Within the next five days, every nursing home employee who was on Christmas vacation was called back to work early, to help deal with all the dead bodies.

This horrific tale has been covered up for the past three years now—and it’s not the only nursing home where this “weird coincidence” happened.

If there is one area where the vaccine fanatics should have been able to pat themselves on the back over this whole debacle, it should have been all the lives that the safe and effective vaccines saved in the nursing homes. After all, nursing homes were the main locations where people died of COVID over the previous year.

The nursing homes were so dangerous that Joe Biden’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, B. Levine, took his own mother out of a Pennsylvania nursing home to keep her safe. Even independent journalist Alex Berenson believes that the COVID shots offered some limited, although short-lived, protection to people in the 75+ crowd.

This would be a really easy study for anyone to conduct. Just look at the number of COVID deaths in a nursing home in 2020 and compare the number of deaths in that same nursing home in 2021 after every resident was given the shot. It would be that simple. Easy-peasy. Kiss the girl, pop the champagne and take a victory lap. The shots saved grandma and grandpa!

 No nursing home in the country is willing to publicly release this data, however. If the CDC has the data, they’re not talking. Don’t you find that odd?

A whistleblower at the Apple Valley Health Care Center in Minnesota released that exact data to Steve Kirsch a few days ago. For those who don’t know Kirsch is a software developer and philanthropist who was injured when he got the COVID vaccine, and he’s been on a crusade against these dangerous and ineffective shots and corrupt healthcare officials ever since. Whistleblowers from healthcare facilities turn internal documents over to him because no one in the bought-and-paid-for press will cover this stuff. This is the first nursing home data that anyone has given to him in the past three years, and it’s been corroborated as authentic.

In 2020, before the vaccines existed, the Apple Valley Health Care Center had 27 reported cases of COVID among its 140 residents, and none of them died. Zero deaths in the nursing home with no vaccines. That’s impressive any way you slice it. They kept every patient with COVID alive, and they deserve credit for that at least.

BUT… once the COVID shots were administered, they had too many dead bodies to cope with after the first five days. Within three weeks of the injection days on December 28 and 29, there were 40 deaths out of 140 residents. A stunning 30% of the elderly patients just died all of a sudden.

In 2020, there were 27 COVID cases and zero deaths all year long. In 2021, they suddenly had 90 cases of COVID in that three-week span, and 28 of them died from COVID after being vaccinated. They had an explosion of COVID cases and one-third of them died after the vaccines were given to all of them. And this was a facility that obviously knew how to care for elderly COVID patients and keep them alive.

After the shots were administered, the number of COVID cases tripled and dozens died. The additional 12 simply died from “suddenly” after receiving the shots. The data is now clear across all age cohorts.

The COVID shots make it more likely for you to catch COVID, no matter how young or how old you are. The shots also drastically increase your chances of dying from COVID. That’s not safe and effective.

Steve Kirsch has called the Apple Valley Health Care Center multiple times to try to talk to someone about what happened. They keep hanging up on him. No wonder. Nobody wants to talk about this.