How and why to forgive


Tamuz 10 5784

Prior to the 8 steps, know:

If you were hurt or harmed by someone and you feel pain or anger, it is 100% validated. Pain is real. If you feel it, you have a good reason for that.  You may think about it and allow yourself to feel the pain for a short while. However, feeding into and holding on to it will cause you more pain and harm in the long run.

The following 8 steps will help you release the pain, so you can be healthy and happy despite the incident that occurred. You will feel lighter once you release the negativity.


I urge every member in Klal Yisrael to read the following and follow the steps carefully and fully. 

By following through fully, may you be zoche to all the brachos you need in your life, and greet Mashiach speedily.


8 Step Forgiveness Method:

By the time you are done with these 8 steps (about 5-10 minutes) you should be able to release any hurt, pain, & grudges, and forgive the person who caused it.


1. Know that Hashem was 100% behind the incident (not the person) for your ultimate benefit.


2. We are all a gilgul, a soul who was here before that came back to either forgive someone or ask for forgiveness. Neither soul can get into Gan Eden if one didn't forgive the other.


3. Hurt, pain and embarrassment are a kaparah, atonement for sin. In the moment we get hurt, we are fully clean of sin and can pray and get answered for any yeshuah we ask for.


4. Love comes from giving.  Try giving to the other person by either praying for them or sending them cards and gifts. The hate will fade away. Why do we love our family? Because we give to them.  If your child hurt you, would you hold onto that hurt? 


5. Hurt comes from the ego getting hurt. Ego is a reflection of a false sense of inflated self. You will realize the haughty part of you doesn't allow you to release the hurt. Only a humble person can release a grudge, so work on developing humility.


6. We are all humans who make mistakes.   If the person who hurt you didn't mean to hurt you, or is usually kind, then remember that we all have hurt someone in our life by accident. Don't we want them to forgive us?


7. It is possible that the person who hurt you suffers from low self-esteem and a lack of self-love or jealousy. Do not personalize things. Rather be aware that it may very well be the person’s own issue and not yours. Develop self-esteem and self-love, and you will be able to easily let things slide off you.


8. If all the above didn't help yet, ask yourself: Would I want to spend my entire Olam Habah in the world to come with people who are still holding grudges? Or would I want to be with those special humans who forgave others quickly? Who went above the letter of the law?


To immediately get rid of the negative feeling, ask yourself: What is the lesson and benefit to this incident or pain? Once you comprehend the lesson, the negative feeling will quickly leave.


" Forgiveness is not surrender. It is VICTORY!


CRC Hisachdus alerts

 CRC Hisachdus

Date: Chodesh Tammuz 5784 (Jewish month of Tammuz, year 5784)

Main Title: To the questions of the rabbis and the righteous from the CRC Bais Din. The following guidelines are provided for inspection of the produce.

Corn on the cob - קארן אויפן שטאנג

To inspect corn on the cob, one must open the husks and check for insects. If found to be infested, they should be removed by thorough washing. Only corn that has been inspected and found to be clean should be consumed.

Snow Peas, Sugar Snap Peas, Green Peas - שינייע פיס/שוגער שנאפע פיס/גרינע פיס

Snow peas, sugar snap peas, and green peas must be opened and inspected for insects. Any peas with signs of infestation should not be eaten.

Blueberries - בלובעריז

To check blueberries, place them in water to which soap has been added. Rinse thoroughly, and inspect each one under a good light. Any blueberries with signs of infestation should be discarded.

Peppers - פעפערקאַ

When inspecting peppers, cut them open and check the inside for insects. If there are signs of infestation, they should not be used.


CRC Hisachdus

Contact Information:

  • Telephone: 718.384.6765
  • Fax: 718.374.6510

NJ Supreme Court re: terminating a Yeshiva teacher


Supreme Court of New Jersey Opinions

Hyman v. Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey

Docket: A-11-23

Opinion Date: July 24, 2024

Areas of Law: Constitutional Law

In this case, a Judaic Studies teacher employed by an Orthodox Jewish school was terminated following allegations of inappropriate conduct. The school conducted an investigation and consulted with religious authorities before deciding to terminate the teacher's employment. The school then communicated this decision to the school community, stating that the teacher's conduct was deemed unacceptable and inconsistent with the school's standards.

The teacher filed a lawsuit asserting several claims, including defamation. The trial court dismissed all claims, citing the ministerial exception, which bars courts from intervening in employment disputes involving religious institutions and their ministers. The Appellate Division affirmed the dismissal, holding that the ministerial exception applied because the teacher was considered a minister and the defamation claims were related to the school's employment decision.

The Supreme Court of New Jersey reviewed the case and reaffirmed the standard set forth in McKelvey v. Pierce, which requires courts to analyze each element of a claim to determine if adjudication would interfere with a religious institution's prerogatives. The Court concluded that adjudicating the defamation claims would require an inquiry into religious law and the school's decision-making process, thus violating the First Amendment. The Court held that the ministerial exception barred the defamation claims and affirmed the Appellate Division's judgment.

The Court was equally divided on whether additional discovery was necessary, but ultimately decided that further discovery would not change the constitutional analysis. Therefore, the dismissal of the defamation claims was upheld.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Sakanah of foods in Halacha

Public Notice

Rabbi Yudel Shain served as the appointed Mashgiach in the Bais Medrash Govoha's kitchen for several years. Various questions arose that needed the Mashgiach's attention. With the approval of Reb Shnuer, Rabbi Shain consulted with Reb Moshe Feinstein and other authorities as necessary.

One of the issues addressed was the practice of leaving peeled eggs, garlic, and similar items overnight. Reb Moshe ruled that even if it results in a significant loss for the Yeshiva, there is no leniency to permit this unless salt, oil, sugar, or other food items are added. He did not mention any leniency for chopped items. For commercial and industrial purposes, there is an Igros Moshe ruling that allows it. The overnight period is defined as the time until Alos Hashachar (dawn).

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A federal or State law that School bus drivers get paid by the HOUR, not by the run- thereby preventing accidents, wild driving, etc

On a Dash-Cam- Jays Bus # 330 goes right through solid Red Light 

 Observed going East bound on 14th Street, crossing Forest Avenue.

In the past six months alone 

I, Yehuda Shain have emailed  to the LSTA, Lakewood police, school bus coordinator, etc serious safety violations

With bus numbers, times, etc. They did nothing to correct any of the issues.

They must pay drivers by the hour not by the run. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Extra Virgin Olive oil- The Heimish Hashgochas will certify olive oil without any Mashgiach present at productions

 Extra virgin olive oil is getting very expensive. And it might not even be real

Olive oil has been a staple of the Mediterranean diet and culture for millennia. Before it ever made it to the table, it was used for medicinal and religious practices, earning the moniker “liquid gold” in Homer’s “Iliad.”

Throughout the centuries the olive branch has come to symbolize peace and prosperity, and pungent extra virgin and virgin olive oils are high-value global exports. Valued at $22.3 billion in 2022, the olive oil market is expected to increase exponentially over the next decade.

But behind the most popular extra virgin olive oils in the world - produced in Italy, Spain and Greece - are equally lucrative criminal enterprises cashing in on the gold rush by selling fake liquid gold that uses sunflower, canola or even lamp oil to create a product that can retail for up to $30 a liter in the United States.

In late November, authorities in Spain and Italy working with the EU’s Europol law enforcement agency said they arrested 11 people tied to one such criminal gang, sequestering 12 barrels containing some 260,000 liters of adulterated, or non-virgin or extra-virgin olive oil.

They also seized an additional 5,200 liters of market-ready quality oil that had been ready for export. The authorities said it was “unfit for consumption,” despite false labeling that claimed the oil was 100% Italian or Spanish.

Authorities also found 91,000 euros (almost $100,000) in cash, four high-end vehicles, falsified labels, and paperwork that stated the oil was Spanish and Italian-grown when sample tests revealed it was more likely made by mixing olive oil byproducts with other types of oil.

Demand for olive oil and recent struggling harvests have led to sharp increases in the price of olive oil. - Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Getty Images

Rising demand

“A mix of various factors, such as the general inflation of prices, reduced olive oil production and increasing demand, have created the perfect breeding ground for fraudulent producers,” according to a Europol statement.

“Unfortunately, the faking of extra virgin olive oil is a common practice, which is why the fight against it is a law enforcement priority — especially in production countries,” the law enforcement agency added.

Infusing high quality olive oil with lesser products has become a common practice as rising demand for Mediterranean oil exports is countered by lower production rates driven by increasingly harsh weather extremes, says Coldiretti, Italy’s main farming organization.

Fraudsters have also increasingly been using chlorophyll or beta carotene to color the oil its characteristic green or buttery yellow hues.

In 2023, Mediterranean oil production was down by 41%, Coldiretti said. An extremely wet spring meant olive trees flowered less and record-setting heat in summer shriveled the olives that did grow.

That’s left producers unable to meet marketplace demand.

The so-called “agri mafia” in the Mediterranean oil producing regions has been moving in to fill the gaps in supply, developing its fake extra virgin olive oil operations.

“Mixing consumer-grade olive oil with lower grade alternatives allowed the criminals to offer competitive prices while entering legal supply chains,” Europol says.

“This illegal practice can not only cause a public health risk, but also undermine consumer trust and thus have further economic repercussions,” the statement warned.

According to the North American Olive Oil Association, it’s highly unlikely bogus olive oil products would go on sale in the US, with research by the Food and Drug Administration finding no adulteration in samples tested.

“In reality, US consumers should have a high level of confidence in the quality and authenticity of the olive oil they buy,” said Joseph R. Profaci, the NAOOA’s executive director.

Profaci said the NAOOA was undertaking its most comprehensive, rigorous olive oil testing study to date to ensure adulterated products weren’t infiltrating US markets.

“While our routine testing hasn’t indicated any rise in intentionally mislabeled or adulterated olive oil in 2023, the current high prices and tight supplies may create an additional incentive for wrongdoing. We hope this study will deter such conduct, and at the same time, give olive oil consumers the assurances that they deserve.”


Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Why, Ashkenazim may not vacation in Sfardi hotels in Europe, etc.

בני עדות אשכנז אינם יכולים הלכתית לאכול במסעדות, בקייטרינג, בבית מלון ועוד, בכשרות רבנית ספרד וההיפך.

בימים אלו רבים סוגרים חבילות נופש לקראת בין הזמנים, ושואלים היכן אפשר לנסוע על מי אפשר לסמוך בעניני כשרות,

מומחה הכשרות הנודע הרב יוחנן רייכמן מסביר מדוע בני עדות אשכנז לא יכולים לאכול במסעדות בקייטרינג בבית מלון ועוד, בכשרות בני עדות ספרד וההיפך.

א. הספרדים אוכלים חלק אחורי של הפרה (כמו שייטל, פילה, סינטה,) כאשר האשכנזים נוהגים בו איסור,
גם אם תרצו לאכול שם חלקי בשר שבני אשכנז נוהגים לאכול כלומר החלק הקידמי עד צלע 12, אבל כל הכלים במטבח - תנורים גסטרונומים, סירים מחבתות סכינים וכו׳ כולם בלועים באיסור.

ב. לדעת מרן הבית יוסף בצק מבושל או מטוגן כמו סופגניות, או ספינג׳ או אטריות, פטורים מהפרשת חלה, האשכנזים מחמירים ומפרישים חלה בלי ברכה,
אם כן השמן והכלים לכאורה בלועים מטבל, וכל מה שטוגן בשמן זה אחר כך כגון צ׳יפס או חצילים או שניצלים ועוד, הם אסורים באכילה, כמו״כ אם חיממו בצקים אלו בתנור כל הכלים נאסרים, וטבל לא בטל.

ג. לדעת מרן הבית יוסף מותר לבשל מוצר פרווה למשל אטריות בסיר בשרי בן יומו ולאכול את האטריות עם חלב כאשר לדעת האשכנזים אסור.
לדוגמא בבית מלון בצפון הקונדיטוריה חלבית ואופים שם בורקסים פרווה לארוחה בשרית, שנאכל עם רוטב בשרי.

ד. לדעת מרן הבית יוסף כלי שבא במגע עם אוכל שאינו ראוי לאכילה רק אחרי בישול וכו׳ כמו מגרדת או קולפן שמיועד רק לתפו״א, פטור מטבילה, והאשכנזים מחמירים לטבול בלי ברכה, ואוכלים בכלים שאינם טבולים.

ה. לחמניות מזונות, לדעת מרן הבית יוסף מספיק הרגשת המתיקות, ולדעת הרמ״א צריך רוב מי פירות, אחרת ברכתו המוציא, וכן להיפך אם יש רוב מי פירות אבל לא מרגישים מתיקות לדעת הספרדים ברכתו המוציא ולדעת האשכנזים ברכתו מזונות.

ו. כלים מיוחדים לצליית כבד, לדעת מרן הבית יוסף כלים שנוגעים בכבד בזמן צלייתו לא נאסרים, ולדעת הרמ״א הן נטרפים וצריכים הגעלה, ייתכן שבכשרות ספרדית מבשלים בכלים שעשו בזה כבד והמאכלים אסורים לבני אשכנז.

ז. בישול אחר אפיה בשבת: לדעת מרן הבית יוסף מותר, לדוגמא, פשטידה שאפו אותה בתנור ביום שישי, מותר לחמם אותה בתוך תבשיל רותח (חמין) בשבת, ולדעת האשכנזים נוהגים להחמיר בכל זה כדעת הרמ"א.
וכן לדעת מרן מותר להוסיף מלח בישול לתבשיל שמונח על הפלטה בשבת כי המלח עובר תהליך אפיה מלא, ולדעת האשכנזים אסור.

א. האשכנזים מקילים בבישול גוי שמספיק הדלקת האש ע״י יהודי, כאשר לדעת מרן היהודי חייב גם להניח האוכל על האש, וכן מתירים קילוף שווארמה ע״י גוי כאשר לדעת הספרדים אסור, וברוב עסקי המזון ובפרט בחו״ל נוהגים כדעת הרמ״א בנוגע לבישול.

ב. בשר חלק לדעת הרמ״א אינו כשר לספרדים, למשל שחיטת הרב לנדא עם תוית ״גלאט״ לא טוב לספרדים.

ג. לדעת מרן אסור לאכול דג עם חלב כמו פיצה עם טונה או עם אנשובי וכן יש מוצרי חלב עם ג׳לטין דגים, ולאשכנזים מותר.

ד. לדעת מרן צריך לחתוך כבד לפני הצליה שתי וערב והאשכנזים לא נוהגים כך.
ועוד ועוד,

בבקשה עשו חושבים לפני שהנכם מצטרפים ומתפתים לצאת לנופש בכשרות שלא מתאימה למסורת שלכם.

*למידע ולהתייעצות:*
*טלפון:* 052-7112543
*וואטסאפ:* 054-7694615

*להצטרפות לקבוצת ״כשרות״ - מידעים ועדכונים*