Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Tsunami is rolling in to the frum communities in all of our areas R"L- Reb Ahron Kotler's Revolution



Meat Board Fresser said...

Can someone find out from the Detroit rabbi which vendor has the Super Sized boards? Been looking all over for episs azoy to impress my Agudah buddies!

Monsey Ich hob nisht eich gekent said...

Any menuvolkeit because they can't wait an extra second for their Essen? Heimishe Ferds shopping in Monsey supermarkets are in a za hurry that when veibelach & meydelach are in the aisle in front of their objects of desire, they shtup & physically jostle them a bee to chap oiss those items on the shelves! I wouldn't "ask" the rhetorical kashya if the rabbonim need to appoint Mashgichim or Shotrim, because they clearly do!

Anonymous said...

This zaddik guy loves to go shopping and check out in which aisles the shtuping and dressing goes on.
He must live in queens somewhere

Kay Gee said...

The supermarket shopper may or may not be visiting Monsey from Qveens. But what is zicher is that a certain OU Mashgiach in Queens is sniveling at the comment, trying to mock it, just like he tries to undermine everything else on Yudelstake out of his burning sinah for R’ Yudel and his fanatical drive to cover up for any & every avlah!

Chapp Arein said...

The Detroiter Darshan asked Pinny to remove his anti-Agudah materialistic style speech from his Matzav site


But someone privately saved it here to prevent it from being totally covered up

Meat Board Mayvin said...

The Agudah Fressers are calling him the Michiganer Darshan instead of the Detroiter Darshan. I understand that he also attacked Brisk in zein drusheh because he’s very upset that for the first time in Brisker history there is episs some kind of priority being given to those with gelt

Cohen said...

Superb soaring overdue tour de force.Some may be getting a tad healthy indigestion
Still available