Monday, September 21, 2020

Hadasim-checked personally by Yudel Shain- HADASIM CENTER (MERCAZ) 1140 Forest Ave, opposite Forest Ave Bais Medrash

25 + years known for the nicest "Hadasim" 
בריסקער הדסים BRISKER- checked & packaged personally by Yehuda  Shain -1140 Forest Ave., Corner Carey St.

Grown, cut, by shomrai Torah U'mitzvois

No Yeshiva Shuk this year
In yeshiva sukah "SHUK' after yom kipur iy"h

Wednesday, September 09, 2020


Rabbi Yehuda Shain

1140 Forest Avenue

Lakewood, New Jersey 08701-2666



Yehuda Shain has lived with his family in Lakewood, New Jersey since the mid 70’s. He has been involved over the years in Real Estate as a licensed New Jersey Real Estate  Broker.  


He has been involved with many Local, National and International institutions.

Administrator of Kosher Consumers Union, Inc (a 501(c) 3 Organization

Administrator of Double U kosher

We give Hashgochas to private events, Pesach programs, Organization affairs, etc.


2000- Developer of the “Remote Bishul-Yisroel” machine, currently in use across the Globe.


1999                ISO Auditor by SGS. (ISO = The International Standards Organizations grant quality standard                        

                  certification to Companies that meet their quality standards including food manufacturing               

                  facilities. ISO certification while being a long and complicated process it is the goal of most

                        high quality manufacturers.


1999                 HACCP Inspector- certified by Pennsylvania State University. HAACP are the guidelines for

                         Critical Control Points (for food safety) in food manufacturing / processing facilities.


1998                 The Educated Kosher Consumer- by Kosher Consumers Union (a bi-weekly column).


1998-2000            Consultant to Bergen County, NJ Regional Medical Center (engineering dept.)

1998-2000            Consultant to Roosevelt Medical Center (engineering dept.)


1992-1994            Real Estate Condemnation Commissioner –New Jersey Superior Court.


1992-1994           American New Jersey Water Company’s “Consumer Rep”.

1990-               Certified New Jersey Tax Assessor-New Jersey Division of Taxation.

1988-               New Jersey State Dept. of Banking – Mortgage Banker.
1988-              Approved Broker for HUD and VA.

1981                BA- Talmudical Academy of New Jersey.

1981-              Graduated Gemological Institute of America.

1980-Current    International Consultant to the kosher food industry.

1980-               NJ State – Emergency Medical Technician


1977                           State of New Jersey “Building Inspector” R.C.S.  Provides much needed & useful knowledge

in the general field of inspections of facilities.


1977-'79         Manager Arlin Construction Co.
1977-              Current  Licensed Real Estate Broker New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania .

1976-1978       Beth Medrash Govoha Rabbinical College-Manager.


1976               Graduated Hydronics Institute-Designing heating systems. Provides much usable knowledge

                 for understanding the various types of heating equipment in food manufacturing facilities.  

Who is the real ADL? Anti-semite back stabbers- The ADL acts under the "color of law" (check the meaning)

The statement pointed out that the ADL has partnered with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which the Loomer campaign called “a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.”
“Not only has the ADL lost all moral authority to call out anti-Semitism or critics of Israel, but the ADL has made friends with some of the most virulent and dangerous anti-Semites in the world,” the statement said.
The ADL is a fake.

ADL's "Sly Fox" Says "Trump is bad for America and bad for the Jews"

Just when you think that dumb Jews go low in pandering and apologising to vicious ant-Semites, we found one that can go even lower.
 Abraham "kapo" Foxman , who tuchis lekks, enemies of the Jewish people, and who supposedly retired from the ADL and  left a self-hating Jew as his replacement as national director, wrote the nauseating column below in The Times of Israel. 
Remember: It was Jews like Foxman that headed the Judenrat that helped Nazis lead their fellow brothers and sisters into the flaming ovens of auschwitz. It was Jews like "Fake Fox" that endorsed the genocidal Stalin until his death.. 
We don't have enough anti-semites to disparage and hurt us, we need a fellow prominent Jew to stab us in the heart... Instead of thanking the best friend the Jews ever had in the White House, this "Fake Fox" blames Trump for the hate in the USA, totally ignoring the hateful rhetoric of AOC, Ilhan Omar and Tlaib.  
Read his exaggerated lies and weep:
Nothing pains me more than to speak up with anguish in the face of this presidential election. But silence is not an option. American Jewry confronts a fateful choice. Another four years of Donald Trump will be nothing less than a body blow for our country and our community.

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Why Is Agudath Israel Defending The Democrats? By Yaakov Dovid Homnick - 30 Av 5780 – August 20, 2020

Reb Avigdor Miller (Ish Emmes), said it's Ossur to vote Democrat.
They are against everything in the Torah.
They are the cursed Liberals, etc.

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

From Dos iz Neias

Ira Einhorn of Lakewood charged for Sexual Assault of a Minor,

Ira Neal Einhorn, 53, of Lakewood has been charged and arrested for aggravated sexual assault of a minor, endangering the welfare of a child, aggravated criminal sexual context and sexual assault of a child between the age of 13 and 16.   

Einhorn was remanded to the Ocean County Jail on Friday, August 28th where he remains as of this writing.  

No further details have been released by the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office or Lakewood Police Department.
It's Chodesh Elul, a time to make a "chesh'ben ha'nefesh," unfortunately this lady made that cheshben and reportedly killed herself. What happened? What did she do that was so wrong? The answer my friends is far worse than the question... 
She was groomed as a little girl by a teacher for his sexual pleasure ....
I chose this story because unfortunately in our very own communities, sexual predators lurk in our parks, shuls and moisdois ha"torah ...waiting to pounce on innocent children, destroying their lives.
Do you know how many teenagers from heimishe homes committed suicide in the last five years? Ask someone who works for Chevreh Kadisha.. .... 
How many are going off the derech because they were molested?
So what are we doing about it? The answer is ..."nothing" ....We will call out "tznees" "long shaitels" "zionists" "chillul shabbos" ...offenders ...but coddle the predators ...
Not too long ago a chashiver rebbe in Lakewood who was also a rav in a shul, called a spade a spade ,and made a statement that the "yeshivos in Lakewood are coddling sexual predators" and named a rebbe .... 
What do you think happened?  Was the perpetrator thrown out of his position? Was he shamed?
Guess what happened? The child was accused of making this up and was thrown out of the yeshiva, the Rebbe that that revealed all this was thrown out of his position, he was harassed to the point that he had to move away from Lakewood and lost his parnassa... all because he spoke "loshon hara" on the sexual predator..
The predator? Given respect and allowed to continue to destroy lives...
It's chodesh Elul, instead of removing this scum from our midst, let's instead fight about masks, let's debate whether "minyan be"tzeeber" trumps health concerns.... let's fight how many people can come to shul on Rosh Hashana... Let's fight the Mayor, the Governor about the legitimacy of the Health Regulations...
 Let's continue to make massive campaigns with two page ads in all the Jewish publications about "Not Taking in Shul" Let's shame the "talkers" ...... Let's continue to push the "Loshon Hara" agenda ... let's make sure that we teach 5 year old toddlers not to speak "Loshon Hara" so that we never find out who is taking advantage of them.... 

Product of USA?

The latest attempt to force the USDA to reinstate country of origin labeling (COOL) rules fell short. A federal judge in New Mexico granted motions on Aug. 27 by defendants Tyson Foods Inc., Cargill Meat Solutions, JBS USA, and National Beef Packing Co., to dismiss the two consolidated cases involving the long-fought COOL issue.
USDA enacted COOL rules in 2013 that required meat to be labeled with where an animal was born, raised, and slaughtered. Canada and Mexico claimed they were harmed economically by the COOL labeling scheme and challenged the USDA rule before the World Trade Organization (WTO) and won. The WTO’s ruling permitted Canada and Mexico to impose billions in punitive tariffs unless the United States repealed the COOL rule.
By late 2015, Congress folded by eliminating COOL, and the USDA watered down its labeling requirements to Canada’s and Mexico’s liking. Critics say meat sold under “Product of USA” labels routinely includes foreign product. That’s because the “Product of the USA” label can be used if the product is processed in the United States even if it is of foreign origin.
The consolidated cases that the judge tossed united cattle producers and consumers in claiming “Product of USA” labeling amounts to fraudulent and misleading practice because cattle raised in a foreign country and imported for slaughter and processing can qualify for the label, fooling consumers.
The judge, however, did not see it that way and found the governing statute for labeling leaves the matter within the USDA’s jurisdiction.  And, the judge ruled the USDA is within its authority of regulated country-of-origin labeling and it was not necessary to determine if that labeling might be misleading.
The plaintiffs are reviewing their prospects for appeal. The USDA is also planning on rulemaking that might result in a tougher standard for use of a “Product of USA” labeling standard.
Also, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is  currently accepting comments  through Sept.14 on  its proposed  “Made in USA Labeling Rule.” 
The FTC wants to strengthen  “Made in USA” labeling requirements to reserve the USA label only for products in which, among other things, all significant processing that goes into the product occurs in the United States, and all or virtually all ingredients of the product are made and sourced in the United States.
The FTC is specifically seeking public comments on whether there are any current statutes, rules, or policies that may conflict with the the commission’s proposal.
It appears to set up a conflict between the USDA and the FTC.  The FTC wants to ensure that only products actually made in the USA bear a “Made in the USA” label, while the USDA policy that says a foreign beef product that enters the USA and is subject to only minor processing, such as being taken out of a big box and packaged in smaller boxes, can bear a “Product of USA” label.