Rabbis Castigate State Spox for “Blatant Double Standard”November 14, 2022

Coalition for Jewish Values, representing over 2,000 rabbis in American public policy, today criticized U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price for a “blatant double standard” on support for terrorism. This came after Price claimed that Israeli Knesset member Itamar Ben-Gvir “celebrat[ed] the legacy of a terrorist organization” by attending a commemoration of the 32nd anniversary of the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane.
“Attending a memorial for a murder victim is hardly ‘celebrating’ terror,” said CJV Rabbinic Circle Chair Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer. “especially as Ben-Gvir carefully said that he did not agree with the deceased’s positions. But more significantly, if the United States Department of State were genuinely concerned with support for terrorism, it would not be enhancing its relationship with the Palestinian Authority, much less providing funding that ends up indirectly financing its infamous ‘Pay to Slay’ program.”
The Palestinian Authority (PA) makes large, ongoing payments via a “Martyrs Fund” to the families of those killed, injured or imprisoned in the course of committing a terror attack in Israel. In 2018 Congress passed and President Trump signed the Taylor Force Act, named after a United States Army veteran who was brutally stabbed and killed during a visit to Israel in 2016, to condition further aid to PA territory, including the Gaza Strip, on “steps by the Palestinian Authority to end violence and terrorism against Israeli citizens.” Reports indicate that the Biden Administration has bypassed this common-sense restriction, providing funding to the PA while the latter continues to incite and reward terrorism.
1 comment:
Typical Obama-Biden hypocrisy vos tze shtinkt vee the sinas Yisroel that it is. Kahane himself Hy"d was murdered by a terrorist but it doesn't count according to them because they hate his philosophy. Former Ambassador David Friedman is interviewed in this week's Ami Magazine on the topic of how Obama-Biden have even weaponized the FBI against Israel now.
There was grada a machloikes gedolim if yeshivaleit should've shut their Gemaras to attend Kahane's levaya because fort he was killed for being a Yid. That's why some bnei Torah were there.
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