Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gershon - the Toen ,Borer, etc.

Are ALL "Toi'anim" categorized  "sharks" who are emotionless, detached, and just focused on the weakness of the opposition, blood leachers. 

Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva, Admorim, etc. are considering a total ban, (Cherem?) on anyone that uses Gershon  as their Rep., also on any Bais-Din that allows/encourages him to appear before them.

Any one that is familiar personally with his corrupt practices, etc. please send details to us at
If you prefer?, do not to put your name.

It's needed ASAP.  

Thursday, November 21, 2019

UPDATE: Bingo wholesale- Reb Usher Ekstein hashgocha NO-MORE.

[How much business  "Season's lose when Weismandel left? "NONE!" ]

How much business will Bingo lose if they don't have Ekstein? "none".
How much business will Bingo or Seasons, etc. lose if they don't have KCL?, "None"

Which kashrus violations made him remove his hashgocha?
FYI-In General, Heimish Hashgochas rarely remove their hashgocha for kashrus violations.
Was it because he didn't get paid (enough)?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Israeli election solution

The Chareidim would be extemly sucessful in AI, Israel is in the fore front but does have the numbers.
Give up on the Military service for the chareidim, put them into AI-all problems solved.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Going to Bais Din- some of the pitfalls, what are your options?

A Bais-Din that encourages "Toi'anim".

A Bais Din that Does not allow "Toi'anim", but do allow lawyers members of the bar.

A Bais that charges by the hour or part thereof.

A bais Din that charges a flat fee, or does not charge at all.

A Bais Din that has a review process, where it sent to another outside, i.e. Eretz Yisroel  Bais Din for review (We are not refereeing to a "Ni'talis Yu'dayim" Botei-Dinim"- where one hand washes the other).

A Bais Din that does not allow for review and will not agree to a "Ba'meh-dan'tuni".
In the USA, a Toen needs no credentials, just a shingle and "chutzpah", doesn't even have to know the code of Jewish law. Their motto is "if you can't convince them, just confuse them with …"

Most all American insist on using a Toen,  because they bring the cases to the Botei Dinim, they draw out the hours, the unneeded multiple sessions.

And no Appeal process by another Bais Din nor a peer review.

These days you have to be wealthy to go to a Din Torah.

There are some reputable, qualified Botei Dinim that charge a minimum, e.g. $500.00 for a choshen Mishpat case, no "toe'anim", peer review by an Israeli Bais din or they'll give you "ba'meh-Dan'tuni".

viable options;

Shaar Hamishpat, Monsey, NY
Bais Din of America, NY, NY.

Be aware that all of the Toen driven Bais Dins will say that these Botei Din are not an acceptable Bais Din. (all in the spirit of ingrained corruption). Therefore when writing any contract, specify that the arbitration must be only by one of the above listed Botei-Dinim.

Non-kosher [all] human hair wigs-Per Harav Moshe Shternbuch, Shlita-This wig/Sheitel HASHGOCHA is a complete FRAUD! [fake, fony]

SARY WIGS-                   " 
AYALA WIGS-                 "
Hashgocha on their wigs are a fraud-Return & get your money back!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

FDA acceptable insects in Orange Juice

Citrus Fruit Juices, Canned
(AOAC 970.75)
Average mold count is 10% or more
Insects and insect eggs
(AOAC 970.72)
5 or more Drosophila (fruit-fly) and other fly eggs per 250 ml (8 Oz) or 1 or more maggots per 250 ml (= 8 Oz. +-)
DEFECT SOURCE:  Mold - processing contamination, Fly eggs and/or maggots - post harvest insect infestation 
Significance: Aesthetic

Kosher certifiers opine that EVOO olive oil does not need any Hashgocha. Olive oil is the most afulterated food item

US Olive Growers Join World’s Largest Olive Oil Producer in Petitioning FDA to Adopt First-Ever Industry Standards

American Olive Oil Producers Association and Deoleo urge stricter quality, ethical labeling practices’s-Largest-Olive-Oil

Friday, November 01, 2019

Wedding alert: My private mashgiach's guidelines

My private Mashgiach's guidelines call for among other items, "all prep and cooking must be done on the day of the affair and the mashgiach is present".

The caterer notifies the Baal Simcha, "you want all fresh food?, there is an additional $3.50 charge per person".

Enjoy your re-heated freezer wedding, bar-mitzvah food.