Wednesday, March 22, 2023

David Stern was the instructor for some in Lakewood that obtained their gun permits.

  Heroic victim David Stern releases video detailing the events that unfolded during this week’s shooting terror attack in Huwara. 

*English translation:* _On Sunday I was driving with my wife through Huwara on the way to Jerusalem. I got to a traffic circle, and I saw an Arab crossing the street and stopped to allow him to cross. As he was crossing, I noticed that he was making a suspicious movement with his hand, so I immediately reached for my gun._

_The terrorist then turned to face us and we opened fire at each other simultaneously. He shot at us, and I shot at him. After I shot about 10 bullets I saw the wounded terrorist flee and drove a few hundred meters down the road and stopped.

_I began to apply a tourniquet and bandages to my gunshot wounds. After a few minutes, an ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital._

_First off, I want to say thank you to G-d and all the Jewish people for the prayers. I really feel the love of everyone, thank you! I also want to say that the IDF must reinstate the checkpoints. It is impossible to continue living like this. We miraculously survived the terror attack, but what may happen in the future?_


Monday, March 20, 2023

מזל טוב, בית דין של בית הוועד ד,לייקוואוד-The attached letter was written Re: the Bais Havaad's Bais-Din, but it's apropo for all other Bais Dins.


The Lakewood Bais Din of the Bais Havaad was honored by taking R' Shalom Kamenetsky on as a Dayan, as he is a future member of the מועצת, ר"ל.

He was מתיר אישה להינשא בלי גט, even though Reb Dovid Feinstein, Z"L, said that she is still an אשת איש it was אסור.

This new Dayan to date has yet to instruct the couple to separate.

He has many other attributes.

This Bais Din has also made what is AKA גט מעושה

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Update-2: Shul Kidushim, being instituted in numerous Shuls- All parve, including parve cholent, parve kishke

 Forward-looking Shul Rabbonim is cutting to the chase many of the issues of Shul kiddushim.

Some Shuls have instituted that the shul has three levels of kidushim, and the Shul will provide the food from acceptable sources for the different levels.

Many tried to outdo one another in the high-end spreads, including the meat boards in these Shabbos Kidushim.

The Shul also provides the Schnapps, all with Hashgochas—no high-end stuff.

Next, they should limit the kiddush clubs, the liquor variety, etc.


Monday, March 06, 2023

Friday, March 03, 2023

Some Kashrus information- FYI

 All New York Kedem wines are from grapes with seeds.

Minchas Chinuch/Tartikuv is likely the most aggressive in the Heimish Hashgochas to obtain hashgochas.

Some Meat Boards may be only kosher "Manalapan style".

OU allows filtering apple juice with Gelatin based filtration.