Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A copy of an Anonymous to yudelstake.

Anonymous said...

R' Yudel. You are very concerned about kashrus, tickets, forgeries, bugs, etc. These are all important topics. I have not seen you address a very serious issue that is plaguing Klal Yisroel and sending our youth off the derech. 

There are molesters running about our communities. It is more rampant than you will ever believe. Pressing the Gedolim for better solutions would be very appropriate. How should the perpetrators or Yeshivahs in which abuse occurred compensate their victims and alleviate the cost of therapy? This is a serious issue. 

I would be willing to bet that better than 50% of OTD boys are there because of abuse. The kashrus of our children is at stake. Please take up this cause as well.
 May 05, 11:42:00 PM

Anonymous said...
This is anonymous who wrote the original post. As an abuse victim who has not left the fold I have met other abuse victims.I am distrustful of rabbonim in general as time and again their reaction has been to silence the victims in favor of protecting the perpetrators and their families. How many times has a colleague been shuffled to another yeshiva after allegations were made? I am not saying that all molesters are rabbonim. My molester just happened to be a rebbe. 

I found out that he was in another yeshiva before moving to my yeshiva. I am 25 years past my abuse and I am first dealing with the ramifications of the abuse and the effect it has on my family. There is a trickle down effect. So far, I am stuck with the bill for my therapy in the many thousands of dollars. As far as others who I know are victims of molestation, the record is as follows. 

One is a cynic, one went OTD and returned albeit a different person than his family, two who are no longer shomer shabbos. Ages are 42, 36, 18, 16. I look normal on the outside. Inside is a different story. Go to a organization like Areivim or any other teen program where drugs amongst formerly frum children is the norm. What pain are they trying to dull? These kids are screaming inside with no relief except for being drunk or high. The oilam is oblivious to this because victims don't talk about their abuse for many reasons. Shame, shidduch, family shame, toughing it out, not wanting to revisit a painful era in their lives, just to name a few. Many lives are devastated by this crime. 

The effect is passed through the generations by parental behavior. How many times can a victim klap al-chet for maase toeva? Even though it wasn't any fault of the victim, the guilt remains and eats away at them forever. Al todin ess chavericho ad shetagia l'mkomo. I have walked in those shoes and can never look at a OTD bachur with derision because I don't know about any of his nisyonos. 

So, Reb Wolf, as someone who has been there I would bet my lunch that 50% of OTD is linked to some form of abuse. I am one of the "lucky" ones who did not go OTD or come to such pain where suicide or mutilation is a practice or thought. This is a plague and it is wide spread. The gedolim need to come up with ways to flush out the molesters and make sure they are monitored so that they do not have a chance to molest again. The victims need help in order to be able to get therapy. 

Most cannot afford ongoing treatment. There needs to be culpability and accountability for the sake of the korbanos that are left in their wake. We are on a slippery slope and the downward slide needs to be stopped or catastrophic damage will be caused to Klal Yisroel which will pale in comparison to the issues of kashrus today. There are other important issues as well. However if molestation of our children is not stopped then there will be no one left who will ever be concerned with Kashrus. The well is poisoned already. We need to prevent any further damage.
 May 06, 11:24:00 PM

Israeli Melamed pedophile, victims parents go to Court

 TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2022

Mother of the Chareidie Pedofile in Bayit Vegan Speaks Up .. Wants the media to name him and publish his photo

The "Chazor" is blurred out 
Loose Translation of letter below by DIN

By Yael Elon 

Truth for our children !!! 

להיות נבל ברשות התורה

"A Pervert with permission from the Torah !!!"

Hello, my name is Yael, and I am the mother of one of the children who was harmed by an educator in the shocking incident that took place in a kindergarten at Bayit V'gan.

Many have inquired why I haven't spoken out since the news spread  about the case in the kindergarten where my son studied…

I will speak up now as once again  I found a Facebook post full of fake news disrespecting the parents who are fighting continuously against this pedofile, from when this happened on the cursed tragic date: April 8, 2022…

Negotiating with Government re: education in our schools

All Jewish parents should register their children "en-masse" in the public schools.

The State will have to put up buildings, facilities hire staff, etc. (which will all be taken over by the frum).



Entering into negotiations about Chinuch of our children with any governmental body or anyone else for that matter, is like entering into negotiations about how to write Tefillin. Absolutely ridiculous and absolutely forbidden.

We do not have an “Education System”, we have a Mitzvah of Learning With Our Children. And it is interesting to note that in the second Parsha in Krias Shema, the Torah sandwiches Learning with our children in between the Mitzvah of Tefillin and the Mitzvah of Mezuzah, to show us that just as writing Tefillin and Mezuzos is a Holy Undertaking, so too is “writing” the Torah on the hearts of our children.

We are commanded to be good citizens and loyal to our governments. But, when the Government begins to Pasken Religious questions we are totally deaf. Our attitude can be summed up in two words, “Drop Dead”. We do not have anything to discuss with them we do NOT negotiate! We do not come to the table on issues of religion. For those who feel my language is too harsh, there is an alternative given in Chazal. They taught us that when dealing with King Nevuchadnetzar, Jews told him, “If you want to discuss taxes, you are king, if however, you want to discuss religion, you are equal to a dog”! So, if you like that expression better you can use it.

The real issue is that the frum organizations and schools don’t want to give up the Government monies that they take for the schools, and for THAT they are jeopardizing the entire Chinuch system. And at a time when BH Yidden have more than enough money to support our schools.

Agudas Yisroel of America for the last thirty years has been a totally worthless organization. An organization seeking a reason to exist. Now they have inserted themselves into this discussion as Peacemakers. They are the problem! They take millions for their useless organization from the same government bodies that they are supposedly standing up to. And they are working hand in hand with our worst enemies since Naziism. At the same time spreading lies among the frum Olom that they are saving our children. They do not follow the dictates of the Torah in how to deal with governments when religion is imperiled, thereby causing the problem to blossom and become truly life threatening.

We must be prepared for Mesiras Nefesh Mamosh. No one is coming to save us!

ואין לנו להשען אלא על אבינו שבשמים

יוסף זלמן בלאך

עש"ק אם בחקותי תלכו ה' תשפ"ב

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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Rita's Ices-Alert! Others are questioning if the owners are even "religious" .

 Most of the local Rita's Ices are owned by a group of Jewish owner.

Al least one of the stores is under a conservative Pulpit Rabbi. 

Some operate on Shabbos, with some created Heter called "Nusach America". 

Some of the Rita's have lost their Hashgocha, why the others did not yet? We don't know.

There is a  now another "Nusach America", JINO (Jewish in name only)

Alert: Jays School buses close their flashers and drive off while children are still crossing the street

JAY's Bus # 202 shut off his red flashers and drove off while children were still crossing Forest Avenue.

JAY's Bus # 245 shut off his red flashers and drove off while children were still crossing Forest Avenue.  Numerous times- His CDL should be revoked, The bus should be pulled from service for 30 days!

Stolin-Karlin bus shut off his red flashers and drove off while children were still crossing Forest Avenue.

Jay's bus # 252- went right through a Red-Light on Forest and Ninth St. with children on the bus.

# 212 Bus closed his doors and lights and drove off before the children reached the sidewalk safely.

OU-Mashgiach needed Bakery/Cafe Near Passaic, NJ.




The Orthodox Union is Hiring
Mashgiach needed Bakery/Cafe
Near Passaic, NJ.

Five days a week 3:00 PM - 11 PM.

Checking of vegetables/herbs
part of responsibilities.

Good pay.

Please Submit Resumes:


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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

ברכתו שהכל , because of the "protein"- new store in Lakewood-Opening Wednesday Tommorow

When going fishing, put some fresh insects on to the hook, you'll catch some good fish.


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Why you should always check your register receipts?

 It has sadly been common practice at certain stores to overcharge customers at the register, the errors are always in the stores favor.

Some customers commonly say, "put it on my bill". Some astute customers always write down their total in a book. Too often there are additional unexplained charges.

We question whether one may purchase items that require  a נאמנות in such stores? i.e. meat, poultry, deli, fish, prepared food, items that require בדיקת תולעים.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Update-Re: Mesorah on chickens, per Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z"L-יאכלו ענוים וישבעו

 איך דנים לכף זכות כשהשקר זועק מול העיניים?

There is a recent tumult re: the Mesorah of certain chickens being used at a Mehadrin Shechita.

One that had Shimush by Rav Wosner and received from Rav Wosner the guidelines of Mesorah by birds went to the Bais Hashechita to see for himself.

His conclusion is, all of the chickens being shechted there are all chickens with the required Mesorah.

The publicity that was made re: questionable Mesorah was by a disgruntled individual, R"L. 

It was all one big bilbul, with distorted facts AKA LIES.

Birdsboro poultry is a Mehudar poultry for מדקדקים בכשרות.

יאכלו ענוים וישבעו

אשר נשיא יחטא, ע' רש"י שם

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Rabbinic Group "Coalition of Jewish Values" Rejects Distortion of Jewish View on Fetal Life

 Rabbinic Group Rejects Distortion of Jewish View on Fetal Life

May 3, 2022

Following declarations from partisan Jewish individuals and organizations claiming that restrictions on abortion represent a “specific Christian belief” that would limit the ability of Jews to “practice their religion,” the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), issued the following statement:

As stated in the CJV white paper on abortion, “The Jewish Bible identifies human life as a soul placed (breathed) within a body by G-d Himself, with inestimable sanctity and value.” That is the authentic Jewish view, as determined by Rabbinic texts and legal codes stretching back to Sinai. We support Heartbeat Laws and other efforts to distinguish between tragic cases of abortion due to medical necessity, as compared to disregard for fetal life as simply the mother’s “choice.”
Reversing Roe v. Wade would not ban abortion, as alarmists insist—on the contrary, it would restore this policy decision to the hands of the democratic governments of the individual states. We hope that more states will be able to enact reasonable restrictions, and restore America to a posture of valuing all human life.

Coalition for Jewish Values, represents over 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis as the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America. A 501(c)3 non-profit, CJV advocates for classical Jewish ideas and standards in matters of American public policy.