Monday, August 31, 2020

Brocolli "insect free"?

Is It Safe to Eat Aphid Bugs in Broccoli? Read Before Feeding ...'t-make-my-mistake-of...
Regarding broccoli, the FDA allows an “average of 60 or more aphids and/or thrips and/or mites per 100 grams.” That’s the equivalent of 204 bugs in a 12-ounce bag of broccoli. That’s crazy! Ok, the FDA says aphids and thrips are ok to ‘kick it’ in our broccoli, but what are they? The bug in my broccoli was an aphid.
Broccoli "insect free"? Yes, Go to your supermarket and purchase nice heads of fresh broccoli. Cut off & discard the florets, wash the cut up stalks lengthwise.
         You have fresh broccoli, all of the vitamins are in the stalks. (the insect protein are in the florets)

Blanched frozen Broccoli can't be checked.

Due to Covid, mashgichim can't go to check broccoli at the source, so the Hashgochas take samples of the Frozen product to check 馃槄 and they find nothing!Regarding broccoli, the FDA allows an “average of 60 or more aphids and/or thrips and/or mites per 100 grams.” That’s the equivalent of 204 bugs in a 12-ounce bag of broccoli. That’s crazy! Ok, the FDA says aphids and thrips are ok to ‘kick it’ in our broccoli, but what are they? The bug in my broccoli was an aphid.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Pros & Cons of "MUST go" to Seminary in Israel- BTW- The boys & their family doesn't care which "sem", nor if she went at all.

Bochurim, should not go to learn for a year or so in Eretz Yisroel, but should get married earlier.

There has been lately many that strongly oppose the ingrained concept that "must go to Seminary in Israel" in order to marry the right Ben-Torah.

The Pros are not so self evident.

The Cons;
Don't go to Seminary, get a job or training and get married earlier.

The huge expense that most can't afford.

That $20,000.00 plus [saved] can help the new young couple.

Training for a parnosah delayed by at least a year.

They don't receive the tools needed to prepare for a Torah marriage, etc.
Delaying marriage by at least a year.

A girl should be under the supervision of their parents (enough said!)

Pan-handling for a place for Shabbos, etc. at families that can't afford the basics.

We have heard of the tragic experiences in some Israel seminaries.

If we are talking about hashkofah, yahdus, etc in order to go into chinuch? Gateshead is more geared to that element.

Conclusion- It's advisable- not go to seminaries or yeshivas in Eretz Yisroel

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Yoshon / Chodosh Season is here

Oats have a cut off date of July 24, 2020. At this point all oat products need to be checked before purchasing except for General Mills and Post cereals that are Yoshon through September 1. 

Wheat has a cut off of August 6, 2020 with a purchase date of August 19, 2020. After that date, products need to be checked. 

Barley has a cut off date of August 9, 2020 with a purchase date of August 20th. After that date, products need to be checked. 

The Durum wheat harvest is behind normal schedule and is proceeding very slowly. There is NO chodosh durum wheat on the market at this time and products made with Durum wheat such as Pasta, DO NOT need to be checked yet. 

Please note that the production of the guide is delayed until we have a cut off date for durum wheat. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Shindler's List- Behind the scenes at 5 Town Kashrus


There are a number towns that form the 5 Towns and Far Rockaway areas. It used to be a place where others went for the summer vacation, up un-till some 60 years ago. 

Then everything changed people either went to the Catskills or to many different vacation areas. Many Frum people moved to the Rockaways and the 5 Towns areas over the past few years. Of course, people need kosher food and people have various appetites and diets to fulfill, therefore all different types of establishments must be opened. Now the issue comes as to what standard in kashrus do we have to setup. It’s usually based on the type of clientele, modern orthodox, black hatters, etc. and everything in between. Very often, what happens is that a fellow from Monsey, Boro park, etc. opens a branch in the Rockaway 5 Towns area and he brings his current hashgocha with him. A group opened a hashgocha agency in the rockaways are geared to the black hatters as that was their market at the time.

A number of Young Israel type of Rabbis decided that we have some 25 plus synagogues in the area, so we need a kashrus Organization that caters to our type of clientele. They worked hard to bring the Rockaways vaad under their wing as well it was operating on some form of Auto-pilot. And as the Administrator of the 5 Town vaad stated numerous times “the Vaad’s kashrus standards are not what I would like it to be, as my hands are tied by the local Rabbonim”. The Rockaways vaad had officially a black hatter kashrus standard, once the 5 Town vaad merged the Rockaway vaad into their own, those standards went by the wayside. 

The question is what should be the kashrus standard in the rockaways and the 5 Towns?  There is the “list” maintained by the “K’hal Nesiv Hatorah” which was put together by the Vaad’s Administrator because “Nesiv” does not have anyone versed and experienced in foodservice kashrus. Is the “Nesiv” list sufficient for the black-hatters of the Rockaways and the 5 Towns? Others felt that the “list” does not satisfy their higher kashrus standards and started the Mehadrin of the Five Towns Hashgocha, they currently certify 3 establishments. At this time, the Mehadrin hashgocha is maintaining the same standards and the same Mashgichim as was previously when the Vaad had the Hashgochas on the 3 establishments, so there is no changes in the kashrus standards that took place at all.

What are the current kashrus standards in the 5 Towns / Rockaways? The Vaad says they are straight OU all the way. Originally the Rockaway Hashgocha standard was somewhat better, e.g. pas Yisroel, cholov Yisroel, etc. The “List” is basically the Kehilla Hashgocha standards. Mehadrin is planning to upgrade to a black-hatters standard, is the community ready for that kashrus standard? Time will tell.

Is the Vaad living up to the OU kashrus standards? Is the “list” living up to Kehilla standards? Is Kehilla standards what the black-hatters are satisfied with? There are numerous kashrus issues in the Vaad’s Hashgocha and in the establishments on the “List”. Among those kashrus concerns are; Bishul-akum, Bossur-she’nisalem, infestation, unreliable sources of meat and poultry, acceptable pre-checked fruits & vegetables, their in-house Bedikas toloyim, the Vaad does not back their mashgichim, the Vaad allows Mashgichim to get paid peanuts, and to be abused by management, etc., the methods for checking and cleaning from infestation are nice in theory only, but lacking much in fact, they sell un-broiled liver-a violation of OU policy.

We will not divulge at this time the sources of our information, for obvious reasons. The Vaad kashrus standards are lacking greatly in living up to OU kashrus standards. The “List” is lacking greatly in having a true standard for members of K’hal Nesiv Hatorah congregants. Mehadrin kashrus is lacking much in administration, etc.

The “list” is very misleading and fooling the ones that follow the list and think they have some standard of kashrus that they may feel comfortable to rely on. It may not be the fault of the Rabbi and his associate that the list is lacking much in a level of comfort to be relied upon, but it’s nonetheless still their problem. Schindler’s list was very reliable. The Vaad on the other hand (also the provider of the unreliable “list”) is defrauding the kosher consumers in the 5 Towns as to the kashrus standards the kosher consumer is getting. The Mehadrin Hashgocha should get their act together.

Now we will comment on some of the items on the “Nesiv’s” Mehudar “list”.

1-    A mashgiach that goes out for errands and to daven at specific times is a serious issue.

2-    Re: convection oven by-pass, should shut the fan but not the fire.

3-    No Admiration brand products, etc. Admiration has a new name and many of your acceptable “heimish Hashgocha make their products there, so who are you fooling?

4-    Margarine from Heimish only, the OU does a better kashering that many of the Heimish.

5-    The “list” has items listed that “only heimish brands” many of them are made in non-kosher kashering required. The OU has from facilities that are “all-kosher” no-kashering required.

6-    Re: canned Tuna fish requirements; Star-K tuna, we are in possession of Star-k Tuna cans Bishul Yisroel, mashgiach Temidi that contained “clam” and were cooked on Shabbos, and no mashgiach at all.

7-    What is fish worm issues “to be discussed”?

8-    Eggs checked for blood spots, by Shomer Shabbos or non-Jewish workers? many come from farms that have roosters.

9-    The Bodek and pardes strawberries were found numerous times to be infested.

10- Blueberries have mites and scale insects and washing does not work.

11- Meat and poultry sources; the list has “Rosenblatt under KCL”, the KCL hasn’t been on Rosenblatt since 2013 (almost 10 years). We would not have had it on the “list”, even when they did certify.

12- Some of the “list” approved sources were rejected by Hebrew National’s Hashgocha as it ‘doesn’t meet their Hebrew National’s kashrus standards”.

Do we have to say more? 

Should We be working on some practical ideas on making it happen realistically?

Waiting for feedback to

That’s why there is so much “timtum Ha’lev” in the 5 Towns, R”L

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

5 Town Kashrus scandal- violating OU policy-NO RAW LIVER TO RETAIL MARKET PERMITTED

Kosher Scandal- 5 Town Vaad- 

                        OU notice


I would like to reiterate that the OU policy regarding all types of meat and poultry, including livers and hearts, is that these are not certified by the OU unless they have been kashered in accordance with halacha.

If you have a commercial customer who has approved facilities for kashering livers, and has a mashgiach who is knowledgeable and proficient in the method of kashering, approval may be given by contacting myself on 347-419-0982.

Absolutely no exceptions will be made for vendors selling hearts, livers, or any other types of meat to retail customers.

Meat or poultry, which has not been kashered, bearing the OU symbol, will be considered trademark infringement.

Rabbi Moshe Klarberg
Senior Rabbinic Coordinator
Orthodox Union
11 Broadway,
New York, NY, 10004

Cell: 347-419-0982

Monday, August 10, 2020

The Agunah crisis-What's the answer? 5 Town Jewish area

If you had at the Wedding any of the below signed 53 Rabbis as one of the "witnesses", the marriage can be annulled as none of them are kosher for a witness at a Jewish marriage ceremony, or for a Minyan, etc. 

Outbreak of COVID Cases in 5 Towns, due to.....

Outbreak of COVID Cases in 5 Towns,

Due to a Boycott by the Vaad & 53 Rabbonim of the 5 Towns

The Commissioner of Health of Nassau County just called me and asked for our assistance regarding 8 cases of newly diagnosed COVID-19 in our community in campers returning from Camp Shoresh in Pennsylvania. In addition, many other campers there had symptoms and were not tested for COVID-19. The PA DOH is already involved as well.
Based on significant concerns that the Governor and the NY State DOH have regarding this exposure, they have asked, and I fully agree, that all campers returning from that camp self quarantine immediately. All family members exposed to those campers likewise should be quarantined pending further evaluation. As I mentioned, the Governor himself is aware and has expressed great concern about this exposure and the potential this might have regarding delaying school openings.
It is critical that we do everything possible to abort this potential outbreak before it spreads further and potentially impacts school opening. These campers and all exposed family members should not be attending shul or any community events, and should be quarantined in their houses. Medical advice and COVID-19 testing should be sought as appropriate.
Please spread this information to your congregations.Thank you, may Hashem help us stem this potential serious outbreak.
Good Shabbos,
Aaron Glatt

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Yah'hadus in Monsey?

Some history is in order; When I lived in Monsey some 50 plus years ago there were no restaurants, caterers, eateries to speak about. If there was a Bar Mitzvah, it was in Bais Medrash Elyon and the Appledorfer’s made the kidush and the cholent, etc. 

Now, the scenery has changed without anyone controlling the reins of kashrus. Therefore, in Monsey and the surrounding communities are very susceptible to weakness in kashrus, shatnez among other issues of Yah’hadus for some yet unexplained reason(s). Is it that the residents or Rabbonim are not demanding anything?

We had the Shevach/Finkel episode, the KYO restaurant, King David, China Town, Monsey Shatnez tester, etc. among some smaller non-publicized episodes.

It was proven to a group of 7-8 Monsey Rabbonim at countless meetings and demonstrating to them many sets of clothing that had “non-shatnez labels affixed to them by the Monsey tester, yet contained shatnez. Other garments that had non-shatnez labels were not even opened up for testing, a total sham.

The kosher certifiers in the Monsey and surrounding areas over the past few years were generally nothing to write home about, definitely nothing to be proud of either. As long as the kosher Certifier had a title Rabbi, Dayan, etc. it was accepted, even though it just barely good-enough, sometimes not even that much.

The uneducated kosher consumers have been used to look for certain “buzz-words”, Heimish, Chasidishe, etc. In the real world of kosher, those buzz-words don’t really work.

At most one should be able to at least rely on the Owner/Management of the establishment for the kashrus standard and system when there is these type of kosher certifiers. Sadly, that is very often not the case.

Numerous times it’s the fault of some local Rabbonim/Askonim that get in the way of addressing serious issues head-on. The lack of proper Shatnez testing in Monsey area is the fault of Forshay area Rabbonim. 

The weak kashrus and the scandals in the Monsey area is also attributable very much to the Forshay Rabbonim.

We recently had the Monsey Eiruv blow-up, with valid accusations regarding the weakness of kashrus, yet as soon as the real issues of the Franklins became resolved, the kashrus issues became null and void, yet more they publicized that the failed Hashgocha will work with the dysfunctional Mivakshei-Kashrus, which they are  no more than a “Wan ’ne-be” Organization to upgrade of kashrus standards through unqualified clueless mashgichim with the best of intentions.

As the saying goes “the road to … is paved with the best of intentions”.

Where were all of the Rabbonim and Mivakshei-Kashrus for the 10 plus years? They did a Choni Hamaagel sleep, now they all turned over to the other side and went back to sleep once they got their desired green-backs, and they are calling it “ we made Shalom”, “what a sham and defrauding of the kosher consumer”.

In kashrus, one must realize that there are two main areas of concern; the system in place, and the kashrus standards. When one has a strong tight system but a lower standard, we still have basic kashrus, on the other hand if one claims to have very high standards, but no reliable system in place, we do not have any kashrus at all.

There were over the years various Hashgochas appearing on the Scene in the Monsey area which did not give any level of comfort to the ones that are looking for even basic kashrus standard. To add to that, when we tried recently to publish a full-page advertisement in the “Community Connections” that addressed many kashrus issues including some unreliable kashrus items in Monsey, the Community Connections refused to publish the advertisement.

There is a Rabbi Binyamin Taub living in Monsey area, giving some hashgochas to food service establishments. He has been in the kashrus field for many years, he’s very knowledgeable, very organized, etc. perhaps as a first step, ask the vendors to utilize his hashgocha. The Rabbonim can and should check him out, afterwards they should advise their congregants and constituents to only purchase items from a vendor that has the acceptable hashgocha.

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

DE JA VU- 5 Town Vaad corruption


AN OPEN LETTER to the 5 TOWNS COMMUNITY Re: Gourmet Glatt episode in 2006

I am saddened and appalled at the way our 5 towns Vaad has handled the Gourmet Glatt issue. I have the utmost respect for the rabbis of the Vaad; however, I cannot stand by idly while an injustice is being done. I have spoken to a number of rabbis on the Vaad and have been told that Mr. Bolender was not at the meeting where the Vaad decided his fate (gave the psak that he must sell the store).

How is it possible that NOT ONE Rabbi on the Vaad (that signed the letter and attended the meetings) asked or insisted that Mr. Bolender have the opportunity to relay his side of the story???????? 

Did the thought of putting this individual (and others supported by this store) out of business without giving him the chance to speak in front of those who are deciding his fate not cross their minds??????? How can a psak like this be enforced or even given? 

I know the Vaad states in their letter "It should be self-evident that such a decision was not taken lightly." However, I am not sure it can get any lighter than not hearing the other side of the story. I would venture to say that if one of the rabbis on the Vaad were being accused of something they would think it is only fair and just that they get an opportunity to be heard. Why was it not done here? This is not a joke; it is the livelihood of 5 families at stake as well as an individual's reputation.

The Vaad's letter also calls the acquisition of a second hashgocha an affront to the unity of the community and states a claim that "When there is one universally recognized and accepted hashgocha in a community, the kashruth standards are clear to all. When one local store takes on multiple hashgocha on their premises, then there is a threat to the uniform standards we have all worked so hard to achieve." 

Yet the Vaad has a double standard, they allow their own philosophy and statements to be contradicted by a local Rav in the community who has certain "recommended stores". According to the Vaad is this not an affront to the unity of the community? Should we as a community ban him and his shul? Why is the Vaad not writing letters about him? The Vaad seems to be more concerned with the monopoly they have over all the 5 towns stores rather than the most important issue- Halacha.

If the Vaad for whatever reason feels they can't or don't want to supervise this store they don't have to. 
But why does it bother them so much if another expert in the area of kashrus, a competent halachic authority, a talmid chachom and an individual who has a chezkas kashrus is willing to take that responsibility on his shoulders? Halacha certainly allows this. Why are they making sure this store goes out of business? This is pure “rish’us” (evil) and does not allow me to believe this is being done lishma (for the sake of heaven). I don't recall seeing in the Shulchan Aruch (Jewish Code of Law- written by R' Yosef Karo) that all stores in the 5 towns must only be supervised by the 5 towns Vaad.

The Vaad has certainly done an excellent PR job of convincing the community that they must have one standard in kashrus, however as stated previously they themselves allow a local Rav to set a second standard. Also, the Vaad relies on various different kashrus organizations themselves (OU, Kof k etc.). Are they writing letters and calling for all these organizations to consolidate as well? I am calling upon our community to stand up for what is right and follow Halacha.

Halacha tells us that we can shop at Gourmet Glatt under Rav Kravitz's hashgocha. I hope and pray to Hashem that we all come together as one for the sake of Heaven and for the sake of our wonderful community. It will be intriguing to see whether our holy community follows the Shulchan Aruch of Rav Yosef Karo or that of Rav Yosef Eisen. A concerned member of the community

Sunday, August 02, 2020

5 Town Vaad kashrus PODCASTS (post new mehadrin Hashgocha)

专诪讘"诐 讚注讜转 驻"讜 讛' 讞'                               

讗讘诇 讘讚讘专讬 砖诪讬诐 讗诐 诇讗 讞讝专 讘讜 讘住转专 诪讻诇讬诪讬谉 讗讜转讜 讘专讘讬诐 讜诪驻专住诪讬诐 讞讟讗讜 讜诪讞专驻讬诐 讗讜转讜 讘驻谞讬讜 讜诪讘讝讬谉 讗讜转讜 注讚 砖讬讞讝讜专 诇诪讜讟讘 讜讻讜'

注讬谉 讻住祝 诪砖谞讛 (讛诪拽讜专) "驻砖讜讟

讞驻抓 讞讬讬诐 讛诇讻讜转 诇"讛  讻诇诇 讚'  住' 讝' ......诇讻谉 诪讜转专 诇讛讻诇讬诪讜 讜诇住驻专 讘讙谞讜转讜 讘讬谉 讘驻谞讬讜.....爪专讬讱 诇砖驻讟讜 诇爪讚 讛讞讜讘...讜诇砖驻讜讱 讘讜讝 注诇讬讜.. 诪讜转专 诇驻专住诪讜 讜诇讙诇讜转 讞讟讗讬讜 讘砖注专 讘转 专讘讬诐 讜讻讜'

讜注' 注讜讚 讞驻抓 讞讬讬诐 讛诇讻讜转 诇"讛  讻诇诇 讚'  住' 讬'  "诇讞讝讛讬专 讘谞讬讜 讜转诇诪讬讚讬讜" 讜讻讜'

讜注讬谉 注讜讚 讘讻转讘讬 讞驻抓 讞讬讬诐 – 诪讻转讘 诪"讜- 注"讻 讛谞谞讬 诪讜讚注 讘砖注专 讘转 专讘讬诐

砖讘诪拽讜诐 讛专讬住转 讛讚转 讜讞专讘谉 讛讚转-谞注砖讛 讻诇 讝讛 讻讛诇讻讛 "诪爪讜讛 专讘讛 讜讞讜讘讛 讙讚讜诇讛 诇注砖讜转 讻诇 诪讛 砖讘讬讻讜诇转 诇讙讚讜专 讙讚专 讜诇注诪讜讚 讘驻专抓 , 讜讗讬谉 讘讝讛 诪砖讜诐 讞砖砖 讗讬住讜专.

 讜诪讜住讬祝 讛讞"讞 "讜驻诇讬讗讛 诇讬 注诇 讻诇 讙讚讜诇讬 讬砖专讗诇, 讛诪讞砖讬诐 讘讝讛 讜讗讬谞诐 讬讜爪讗讬诐 讘诪讞讗讛 讙诇讜讬讛, 讜讻讜'"

转讚注 砖讝讛 诇讗 讘讗 诪诪讘拽砖讬 讗诪转 讜转讜专讛 讜讻讜' 专拽 专拽 诪讛 住"讗 讜讚讜专砖讬 砖拽专 讜讗讬谞诐 诪讗诪讬谞讬诐 讘转讜专讛 诪住讬谞讬 专"诇.

See also the Shmuz of Reb Chaim Shmulevitz, Z"L on the above.

There is an offer on the table of $2,400.00 to any Tzedokah of his choice, if the current
Administrator of the Vaad of 5 Towns can demonstrate in public his ability to find all of the insects on a "shmata" that is used for insect checking.
We are all aware that he can talk about insects, etc. talk is cheap.